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Why has religion retained its appeal?

Message added by Vaati

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I think he's just run out of arguments, that's why he made the "atheism sounds like theism" statement a few posts back. Rather than answer any of the questions that were posed to him in response to his various wishy-washy claims, he's now just got his fingers in his ears and trying to churn out wise-sounding phrases


If that’s their attempt at wise sounding phrases I dread to think what stupid phrases sound like! That ‘atheism is almost the same word as theism’ comment nearly made me spit out my tea!

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I have not run out of arguments. Just busy with other things, see ya later.


---------- Post added 10-08-2018 at 17:27 ----------


Hmm, there must have been some personal attacks that were removed, rather than comments about post content.


Anyway, I'd still love to hear what makes atheism a religion, Dutch


It is all about believing. Do you believe god exists or think that is all rubbish. We already made it clear that there are people who have never ever thought about it but I can tell you that these people are most likely to fall for the trap of those fishing for new members to join their religious club. These unreligious have not developed the strength or knowledge necessary to see the pitfalls and dangers of a religious believe system. This may be why religious appeal is strong at the moment, many people feel there is more to life than money greed politics stress depression and are looking for love understanding community happiness.


When someone does have knowledge of religion there comes an attachment to it,. This can become a negative attachment or a positive one. My earlier statement was focussed on those atheist who have knowledge of religion and then reject religion without understanding why that religion is there or how it originated. Not believing is very good, but many people don’t believe in religion because they don’t understand what religion is.

God is just like a shadow. When it stays dark you don’t see the shadow, its not there. When believe comes that shadow is visible many people start saying they believe the shadow is real and others say the shadow is not real.

When you bring in the light completely that shadow disappears and the of argument stops all theisms are gone.

I don’t believe in god, technically to the word I am an atheist but don’t consider myself an atheist. Because my struggle with the question of god has finished through knowing, seeing what was meant by those using that g word. I don’t consider myself a theist either, I know god does not exist, this is not a believe but insight seen when reconnecting becoming aware of my consciousness again.

Many people who think and believe they are atheist do this without understanding the universal question that religions asks, who am I?.

Stress depression suicide and other problems are growing in our society, religion is not going to fix it, science is not going to fix it.

Freedom is needed and this freedom only comes when the atheist fully understands the original meaning of religion without becoming a theist.

Edited by dutch
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It is all about believing. Do you believe god exists or think that is all rubbish. We already made it clear that there are people who have never ever thought about it but I can tell you that these people are most likely to fall for the trap of those fishing for new members to join their religious club. These unreligious have not developed the strength or knowledge necessary to see the pitfalls and dangers of a religious believe system. This may be why religious appeal is strong at the moment, many people feel there is more to life than money greed politics stress depression and are looking for love understanding community happiness.


When someone does have knowledge of religion there comes an attachment to it,. This can become a negative attachment or a positive one. My earlier statement was focussed on those atheist who have knowledge of religion and then reject religion without understanding why that religion is there or how it originated. Not believing is very good, but many people don’t believe in religion because they don’t understand what religion is.

God is just like a shadow. When it stays dark you don’t see the shadow, its not there. When believe comes that shadow is visible many people start saying they believe the shadow is real and others say the shadow is not real.

When you bring in the light completely that shadow disappears and the of argument stops all theisms are gone.

I don’t believe in god, technically to the word I am an atheist but don’t consider myself an atheist. Because my struggle with the question of god has finished through knowing, seeing what was meant by those using that g word. I don’t consider myself a theist either, I know god does not exist, this is not a believe but insight seen when reconnecting becoming aware of my consciousness again.

Many people who think and believe they are atheist do this without understanding the universal question that religions asks, who am I?.

Stress depression suicide and other problems are growing in our society, religion is not going to fix it, science is not going to fix it.

Freedom is needed and this freedom only comes when the atheist fully understands the original meaning of religion without becoming a theist.


Surely you must realise that elaborate posts like this don't mask the fact that you're avoiding answering the question?


Just spit it out, what makes atheism a religion?

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I may mean that I believe in it totally.

I may be wrong, but I can still hold that belief.

Only with knowledge can belief be verified.


You're knowledge might be wrong of course, so knowledge is just a belief in something with a high degree of certainty.

We can't "know" anything with 100% certainty, it's all just belief.

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Oh yes let's just 'brush aside' the definition of words when they become inconvenient to your argument. That makes sense! (note the heavy dose of sarcasm)


It doesn't matter one iota whether the cause of existence of the universe is known. It doesn't change whether the cause exists or not.

What? Is this a U-turn?

As far as I'm aware, the none existence of a cause for the universe is being widely accepted by logical thinkers world wide, so what's all this new nonsense about whether a cause exists or not?

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No, as usual you're missing the point.


Earlier you declared that things don't exist until they are discovered, Robin is just repeating for the n-th time that this isn't the case.


In that case, is or isn't there an initial cause for the existence of the universe?

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