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Why has religion retained its appeal?

Message added by Vaati

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You know I really don't like you. I find your illogic, question slipping, word redefining 'debate' to be annoying. I only counter your ridiculous assertions so that someone else isn't mislead.


Opinions are like what kind of body part? Everyone has one, but you shouldn't be showing them in public or talking about them.


It isn't me you dislike Cyclone, you don't know me. Your dislike is for my unwillingness to accept anything and everything that leading experts say irrespective of whether their explanations make sense. I'm supposed to not question the idea of virtual particles popping in and out of existence? Popping in from where? It's nothing more than God bothering nonsense and you know it.

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People have a head and a heart. You think with your head and feel with your heart. There are thinkers on forum who think just like or at least behave as if the heart is not needed at all. But your heart is your main source and connection to religion.

If someone wants to assassinate it is only understandable they usually aim for the heart or the head, both are needed for the body to stay alive.

Science is not going to liberate or free people from religion, that is impossible, it will never ever happen. Religion has physical connections in the body that keep it present and without that part functioning your body will die. Old fashioned religion will get lesser control over politics and society as these people recognise their intellect again. But by using your intellect to leave a believe system you still fail to see what the connection between these two states of interpreting religion is. At the moment society swings to the outer intellectual head denying most connections with the heart and its possible religious aspects.


I say "possible" because most people here will not know or understand religion and think that church, mosque, temple is something religious.

To me the pope is the most unreligious person on this world and priests are just a bunch of lost confused souls who don't know where to look. Getting all intellectual about it again blinds the eyes. Only intelligent people will see it and they are few around, has always been that way. Because only independent individuals are capable of seeing it, not followers of a system or believe.

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It isn't me you dislike Cyclone, you don't know me. Your dislike is for my unwillingness to accept anything and everything that leading experts say irrespective of whether their explanations make sense. I'm supposed to not question the idea of virtual particles popping in and out of existence? Popping in from where? It's nothing more than God bothering nonsense and you know it.


It definitely is. It's not your unwillingness to accept, I appreciate cynicism, it's your illogic, you appear literally unable to follow the basic principles of logic or to follow or put forwards a basic argument.

The fact that you think an argument doesn't make sense isn't proof that it doesn't. Perhaps it's proof that you don't understand it... You build towering edices of nonsense on basic misunderstandings and refuse to accept that you can have misunderstood anything when the contradictions are pointed out.

And we end up having 20+ pages of attempting to explain to you how the basis for your theory doesn't make sense.


---------- Post added 15-08-2018 at 09:56 ----------


People have a head and a heart. You think with your head and feel with your heart.


You know that the heart is just a chunk of muscle that pumps blood around? :rolleyes:

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You know that the heart is just a chunk of muscle that pumps blood around? :rolleyes:


What research have you done on that?

Have you seen what happens when that connections with the heart awakens again during meditation?

But this is something an intellectual will never ever understand.

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What research have you done on that?

Have you seen what happens when that connections with the heart awakens again during meditation?

But this is something an intellectual will never ever understand.


Sorry..could you give us that in English?

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What research have you done on that?

Have you seen what happens when that connections with the heart awakens again during meditation?

But this is something an intellectual will never ever understand.


The heart has been well researched, nothing special about it, just a chunk of muscle, like your quadriceps or your biceps. It definitely can't awaken, it doesn't feel or think. It just squeezes.

Perhaps the realities of life are something that a mystic will never ever understand.

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It isn't me you dislike Cyclone, you don't know me. Your dislike is for my unwillingness to accept anything and everything that leading experts say irrespective of whether their explanations make sense. I'm supposed to not question the idea of virtual particles popping in and out of existence? Popping in from where? It's nothing more than God bothering nonsense and you know it.


Do you know much about quantum physics?


It’s proven that particles pop in and out existence all the time. This isn’t disputed - it is observable, and is a well understood and established consequence of quantum mechanics.


Are you saying that the nobel prize winning scientists are wrong?

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I don't think the reference to authority is necessary. Particle pairs coming into existence is well established and peer reviewed, that's the 'authority' that should be respected, not individuals (admittedly extremely clever ones).

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Sorry..could you give us that in English?


It means if you don't understand, you stay where you are. Until you are ready to start looking at the real meaning of something. This is not a linguistical topic to help people lost in their language.



Edit: I did refer to something that needs to be experienced to be understood. If that hasn't happened yet you will not understand what I am talking about. Most people who don't understand will get angry and ask silly questions, nothing I can do about that. Either get there yourself or move along.

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