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Why has religion retained its appeal?

Message added by Vaati

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Religion isn't scary in and of itself. The darker aspects of religion only reflect the darker side of human nature. 100 thousand years ago we were fighting over women, but women weren't the problem anymore than religion is now.


Whether it's scary or not doesn't really matter tho does it. It's whether it's true or not that should matter.

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Whether it's scary or not doesn't really matter tho does it. It's whether it's true or not that should matter.
It's a matter of context. I was responding to religion being scary.


Not as scarey as been beheaded stoned or run over by a tank
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I don't swallow whatever every scientist wants me to swallow.


One day red wine is good for you, the next day it's bad for you...


Science isn't a perfect art, but it doesn't claim to be. It is proven and disproven. Science can be criticised and picked apart... which is how it should be!


However, questioning religion is seen as wrong because you upset peoples' feelings and faith. This is where the issue lies.


Science deals with reality, religion/god/spirits/souls deal with faith and feelings which to question is wrong. So it's totally fine to proclaim that the taking of life is OK because 'God' says so... but to question that is '-ist' because it's a person's belief. This is how brainwashing begins.


You can't brainwash someone in to atheism because there's nothing with which to threaten them! 'Do as i say or... nothing will happen because there is no deity to punish you...'


Yeah, really bloody scary is atheism.


Not entirely true- state-imposed atheism was a defining feature of brutal 20th century regimes led by Stalin, Tito, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot among others, which resulted in the suffering and murder of millions.


Russian Christians alone were executed for their beliefs by atheists intent on purging religion from the Soviet Union.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Archbishop of Canterbury, who, along with his employer pays very little tax; denounced the gig economy as “evil” and accused Amazon and other tech companies of “leeching off” the U.K. by avoiding taxes.



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  • 4 months later...

If it's of any interest to folk, the chap who keeps peddling his "7 types of atheism" idea is giving a talk at the Cathedral next month.

Personally I think it's nonsense but I wouldn't mind being there to hear what he has to say about it, hopefully there would be a brief Q&A from the crowd afterwards. 

I can't make it but the link is here


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3 hours ago, justinelle said:

If you were gettingyou food  just from the food banks, and had scraming hungry kids in a  cold house.................might you not turn to the peddlers of hope,,,,,,,,,,,.religion!!! 

Yeah, don't peddle hope, give up on it, the one thing that keeps you going.

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12 hours ago, RootsBooster said:

If it's of any interest to folk, the chap who keeps peddling his "7 types of atheism" idea is giving a talk at the Cathedral next month.

Personally I think it's nonsense but I wouldn't mind being there to hear what he has to say about it, hopefully there would be a brief Q&A from the crowd afterwards. 

I can't make it but the link is here


Fifty years ago an atheist used to get on a soap box outside Manchester Cathedral on Sunday evenings and draw decent crowds. He was VERY entertaining. I saw him more than once.

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12 hours ago, justinelle said:

If you were gettingyou food  just from the food banks, and had scraming hungry kids in a  cold house.................might you not turn to the peddlers of hope,,,,,,,,,,,.religion!!! 

Why would I?

What hope could religion offer?


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  • 1 month later...
On 21/01/2019 at 18:17, justinelle said:

If you were gettingyou food  just from the food banks, and had scraming hungry kids in a  cold house.................might you not turn to the peddlers of hope,,,,,,,,,,,.religion!!! 

Parade my kids and 'hope' religion takes the bait? Not on your nelly.

Edited by danot
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