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Living beyond our means, or just poverty?

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Very depressing viewing.


Yes I agree it was very depressing.


Very depressing to see so many people failing to take any responsibility for themselves. Very depressing to see so many grown adults looking for excuses and blaming everyone and anything for their own failures.


Very depressing that another emotive and sensationalised programme has been made desprately trying to find some tenuous link between self inflicted conditions and poor lifestyle choices and so called "poverty".


What a paradox. in the third world poverty is people starving to death with no money and no food. 50 years ago families deemed on the "breadline" were people who hardly had enough scraps in the pantry to prepare a meal of bread and dripping.


Cut to 2018 and "poverty" is allegedly someone who manages to buy 50 cigs a day, 2 bottles of spirts and enough food for them to be declared clinically obese.


Not buying it. Too may other factors involved creating this world of alleged "poverty" than has been shown in this tabloid level woe is me broadcast.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I agree.


And with work pensions becoming increasingly under threat / unreliable, I wonder where it's going to end.


I would also add to that, by saying the carer's allowance of approx £60 a week for often very difficult care of a loved one 24/7, is nothing short of an insult.

Especially when you think how much the state charges for often inferior care.


The Carer's Allowance stops once the State Pension is paid. Younger people may be unaware of this.

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