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Have you heard of these sayings ?

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What about "mont" as in, "Tha mont let the fatha see thi doin' that".

I know it means musn't but, why "mont"?


I remember it more as "Tha mornt".

But then ageeon, a were alus as common as muck...

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I haven't lived in Sheffield since 1974 and I am sure I haven't heard that expression once since then. When I read your question I nearly died laughing because it seems so funny now. I lived in Birley as a kid and we used to ride our bikes or scooters round t' lump - of course I never questioned it at the time, or thought twice about what it meant.


They say Sheffield is the world's largest village, and it's things like that that make it. I must try this out on some of my current colleagues and neighbours in Berkshire . . . I just know it will be met with blank looks!


"Goin' for a ride round t' lump" . . . eeh it is grand to 'ear that 'un again.

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One I can remember is "tha't havin thi sen up a stick" or "tha't havin me up a stick" when telling porkies.


Does this ring a bell with anyone. I was talking about this at work and have the proverbial taken out of me so I asked my mum and she used it. Please tell me someone else knows off it or me and my mum are just plain daft.

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One I can remember is "tha't havin thi sen up a stick" or "tha't havin me up a stick" when telling porkies.


Does this ring a bell with anyone. I was talking about this at work and have the proverbial taken out of me so I asked my mum and she used it. Please tell me someone else knows off it or me and my mum are just plain daft.


im sheffield born n bred but ive never heard of that one ,sorry. but if hes had an accident on that motorbike , il bluddy kill him!! that was one of my moms usual comments. lol

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