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Have you heard of these sayings ?

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Being obstroculess was some thing I remember being accused of as a kid ,anybody know what it means ?

Oh and creating Pandemonium.

They weren't short of big words back then were they, but by, they did shut you up..

Edited by grinder
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Being obstroculess was some thing I remember being accused of as a kid ,anybody know what it means ?

Oh and creating Pandemonium.

They weren't short of big words back then were they, but by, they did shut you up..


obstroculous was a corruption of "obstreperous":-


Noisily and stubbornly defiant. Aggressively boisterous. [From Latin obstreperus , noisy, from obstrepere , to make a noise against




1. wild confusion; uproar

2. a place of uproar and chaos

[coined by Milton to designate the capital of hell in Paradise Lost, from pan- + Greek daimōn demon]

3. the abode of all demons; Hell.

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Hi Grinder

The correct word is obstreporous but I like the Sheffieldism best. It means awkward as in a right okerd little beggar. This is the first time I've heard it in years. I also wer called it a lot as a kid.

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  • 1 month later...
Am not aife as green as am cabbage lookin..


hiya i remember 60 odd years ago watching sheff united c c and a missed catch by frank melling when a wag shouted for him to bend his blxxding back,

another saying was his cockled oar reight,

and that old joke when the lad went to have his haircut like tony curtis the barber gave him the short back and sides, to which he said " thats not how tony curtis has his cut" he would if he come in here farr his air dun said the barber.

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  • 2 years later...
My Grandmother used to say (when any of us stumbled or nearly fell)

"Steady Barker!"


Is this known to anyone else ? I always assumed it was just her saying it.


"Steady Barker" was one of the catch-phrases of Eric Barker, a popular comedian on the radio during and after the war. He was probably best known for a series called "Just Fancy" with Deryck Guyler, Pearl Hackney and Kenneth Connor, which was broadcast on the BBC Home Service between 1951 and 1957. I remember it well!

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