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What rubbish are you carrying in your van?

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A bag is a bag , its for putting rubbish in, regardless what it says on the bag . If i was the van man , id just chuck his rubbish out of the van window now and let the council jobsworths clean it up.


---------- Post added 03-08-2018 at 21:04 ----------



Good luck in trying to get everyone who loads their cars to go to the dump it sites to apply for get one of these. Yet more stupidity from interfering, nosy council jobsworths.


Once again Mr Penis admits to wanting to commit criminal acts. Yet bangs on and on and on and on about "Johnny Foreigner" coming over here and commiting crimes. You are the most blatent criminal of SF with all your bragging about illegal cigarettes etc...you do realise don't you that by funding criminals you are funding crime?

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A bag is a bag , its for putting rubbish in, regardless what it says on the bag . If i was the van man , id just chuck his rubbish out of the van window now and let the council jobsworths clean it up.


---------- Post added 03-08-2018 at 21:04 ----------



Good luck in trying to get everyone who loads their cars to go to the dump it sites to apply for get one of these. Yet more stupidity from interfering, nosy council jobsworths.


It’s not for everyone it’s for tradesmen carrying their own waste. I have loads of cardboard from my shops that I dispose of at the cash and carry collection point but I need a low tier waste carriers licence to be able to carry it in my van legally..

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A bag is a bag , its for putting rubbish in, regardless what it says on the bag . If i was the van man , id just chuck his rubbish out of the van window now and let the council jobsworths clean it up.


---------- Post added 03-08-2018 at 21:04 ----------



Good luck in trying to get everyone who loads their cars to go to the dump it sites to apply for get one of these. Yet more stupidity from interfering, nosy council jobsworths.


Penistone999 - Would you really do that?

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Once again Mr Penis admits to wanting to commit criminal acts. Yet bangs on and on and on and on about "Johnny Foreigner" coming over here and commiting crimes. You are the most blatent criminal of SF with all your bragging about illegal cigarettes etc...you do realise don't you that by funding criminals you are funding crime?


Put yourself in the shoes of the van driver.


He's tried to do the right thing by collecting waste from his lunch to dispose of responsibly. And where has it got him? A £300 fine.


As someone who abhors littering if I was in the position of the van driver I'd be asking myself what is the point in trying to do the right thing.

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There may be more to the story but it says there were sandwich wrappers and crisp packets in the bag, it doesn't say what else was in or how full the bag was. Maybe just a good excuse to try and screw him out of £300, there isn't much common sense these days when it comes to councils and officialdom.

I also guess there is more to this story. There are usually three sides to stories when someone is disgruntled. Maybe the van driver was being over rude to the people carrying out the spot checks, which resulted in him getting a fine rather than just getting advice about what commercial waste bags are intended to carry.

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If he put the rubbish in an old carrier bag or bin liner he would have been fine..


The council are obviously going to be looking for unlicenced waste carriers and you'd have to ask why does he have a commercial waste bag if he doenst have a commercial waste licence....


There's a difference between un-licenced waste carriers and somebody using a handy receptacle for tidying purposes.


I use bin liners quite frequently without putting them in a bin. Also plastic bags delivered by charities also get filled up but not for the purposes they were intended. Its because they are handy;


If the driver in question had used a bin liner the council would probably had fined him for this too, such is the lack of common sense that they have applied to this case.

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It took a bit of finding as most news articles on the subject are copy and paste jobs. But:


Stewart from Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, was handed a fixed penalty notice for ‘failure to furnish documentation (waste carriers licence)’.


He said: ‘It just aggravated me. It should be common sense. I had no idea you needed a waste licence, you have to be polite to these people but it annoyed me.’




Another article carried a bit more:


“I’ve done this job for over 20 odd years and I never carry waste on my jobs; I just use skips and licensed waste carriers in the local area.
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