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Disabled parking bays? Why???

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Everytime I go to a Supermarket, or Meadowhall, I see able bodied people parking in disabled bays, simply because they cannot be bothered to walk a few extra yards.


This means that someone who is Wheelchair bound, may have to struggle when they shouldn't have too.


Why is this not stamped out? why are these people not fined? I'm sure if Parking Attendants were to ticket some of these able bodied offenders, they would gain alot of support for doing this.


Its strange, I could tell a joke and certain people would be up in arms, calling for me to be re-educated, however if I was to park in a Disabled Parking bay, nothing would be said.



Does this get up anyone elses nose?



you could go on forever with this thread , one thing that really pees me off , you dont have to be old or in a wheelchair to be disabled, so you should think before you start pointing the finger !!! :rant:

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you could go on forever with this thread , one thing that really pees me off , you dont have to be old or in a wheelchair to be disabled, so you should think before you start pointing the finger !!! :rant:


100% agreed mate! Post of the week that in my opinion!


To look at me for instance, apart from my hearing aid, I don't look disabled to people who don't know me personally, but I am... I have limited mobility, and I also suffer from Asperger's syndrome (Google it), a mild form of Autism, which amongst other things means I have very limited social skills (hence my quietness at meets as people have noticed, I go for the drinking, not so much the socialising), and I'm also unemployed as a result apart from 2 days a week voluntary admin work for a local charity.

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you could go on forever with this thread , one thing that really pees me off , you dont have to be old or in a wheelchair to be disabled, so you should think before you start pointing the finger !!! :rant:



As I said in an earlier post, there are exceptions to every rule. Some people with Autism, which was mentioned by someone in an earlier post


However, I'm sure you cannot deny, that there are able bodied people who park in disabled bays because they cannot be bothered to walk from the back of the car park.


Go to Meadowhall at any time, and go in via the central entrance, I guarantee you that an able bodied (young swearing chav type) will park up in a bay not designated to them. These people are s***


There are exceptions, as mentioned earlier.


But why don't the PC brigade condeme this ?


Disabled people, are the only people within society where, discrimination is openly tolerated, very poor

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There's another way of checking out cars which may or may not belong to someone with mobility difficulties. Anybody who's entitled to and receiving the mobility portion of DLA is also exempt from paying road fund licence and is therefore their tax disc has the word 'DISABLED' in the space for writing the rate.


Naturally there are people who may be out in someone else's car, but using their own blue badge, and people who have qualified for a blue badge but not DLA, but virtually all Motability cars will be exempt in this way. So even if someone has forgotten to display their blue badge (which I have to admit I have been guilty of on occasion) there is a way of verifying that the car is allowed to be where it is.

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I'd be very careful approaching anyone parking in a disabled bay whose car is not displaying a suitable badge. A survey undertaken a few years ago monitored the use of disabled bays. It found that some scary proportion of the car owners, more than 70% if I remember right, had criminal convictions. That was just the vehicles known to the DVLA.


I guess the thought process there being that in the scheme of things, inconveniencing those less able than yourself ranks pretty low in the list of things you shouldn't do.

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Disability is not always a visual thing, many people are classed as disabled as they have mental health problems. My mum is disabled and unless she has her portable oxygen tanks, or wheelchair out of the car you wouldnt know


Just because a person isnt missing a leg or an arm etc doesnt mean that they are not disabled :loopy:



spot on there

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