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Disabled parking bays? Why???

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Further to Wilf's comments- I'm not disabled, I have disabilities. I am a whole person who has disabilities, my back and arm are disabled, but I refuse to use terminology that effectively describes myself as something other than the whole person that I am, irrelevant of whether certain parts of me work.


Sorry if this muddies the waters in the terminology thing.

I am a whole person,I have not lost a limb,but because you don't have a leg or arm off,does not make you any different to any other,being disabled is not a terminology, it is a factual name given to people who cannot function 100%as a person without a disability.I get around in a wheelchair & scooter & people can see that,but if you walk around as a "Non Disabled Person" how can they possibley know you are disabled,wearing a sign on you saying you are disabled would be the only option.Some disabled people seem to be ashamed to admit they have a form of disability,but I am not.I am proud of who I am & what I can do, not only for myself but for other people.

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I think you've misunderstood Howie's comment juliediane- he was using his car (with blue badge) to temporarily block in people who were obviously able bodied but abusing the disabled parking bays, in order to allow space to get his wife and her wheelchair out of the car.


Why did he not specify that then in the first place instead of saying --



Originally Posted by Howie

I have a nice solution that I've used on more than one occasion, I've just blocked their car in, if they've said anything then I've responded with "Tough ****"


when i read this i read it as he enjoys blocking cars in, would.'t you.

in this case i ap0logise to howie

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Don't you think using the term able bodied is just sytematic of the problem though juliedane?

The way we beat disablism is making people aware of the problem and making them look at it differently.

Using the term able-bodied just further cements the idea that to be disabled you have to have a physical disability. I'dmuch rather use the term non disabled. It may only be a small thing but if major companies are going to use a name change to rebrad themselves, why not take the same approach to disability.


yes you are quite right wilf, i guess it is just the part of sheffield i live in what use these these terms , but i do agree with you, thank you for bringing this to my attention, from now on i i will use the term, non disabled. Everyone here will wonder what and who i am on about, as to the terms i used in my email everyone on the road where i live , all say that they are disabled and able - bodied.

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  • 2 months later...

Everytime I go to a Supermarket, or Meadowhall, I see able bodied people parking in disabled bays, simply because they cannot be bothered to walk a few extra yards.


This means that someone who is Wheelchair bound, may have to struggle when they shouldn't have too.


Why is this not stamped out? why are these people not fined? I'm sure if Parking Attendants were to ticket some of these able bodied offenders, they would gain alot of support for doing this.


Its strange, I could tell a joke and certain people would be up in arms, calling for me to be re-educated, however if I was to park in a Disabled Parking bay, nothing would be said.



Does this get up anyone elses nose?

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Not just this, ANY form of discrimination against disabled people REALLY gets on my wick :rant:


People who undeservedly use disabled bays should have their cars clamped, and have to pay a BIG fine to get the clamp took off IMO.

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Everytime I go to a Supermarket, or Meadowhall, I see able bodied people parking in disabled bays, simply because they cannot be bothered to walk a few extra yards.


This means that someone who is Wheelchair bound, may have to struggle when they shouldn't have too.


Why is this not stamped out? why are these people not fined? I'm sure if Parking Attendants were to ticket some of these able bodied offenders, they would gain alot of support for doing this.


Its strange, I could tell a joke and certain people would be up in arms, calling for me to be re-educated, however if I was to park in a Disabled Parking bay, nothing would be said.


Does this get up anyone elses nose?


It very much gets up my nose, but you have to remember that some people who hold a blue badge and who receive DLA mobility portion may look able bodied to onlookers.

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Not just this, ANY form of discrimination against disabled people REALLY gets on my wick :rant:


People who undeservedly use disabled bays should have their cars clamped, and have to pay a BIG fine to get the clamp took off IMO.



Totally agree.


Its bizarre that discrimination, against the disabled is so accepted these days, these are the most vunerable members of society.


Yet the PC brigade never seem to be that bothered about this group of people.

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