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Are we poisoning our pets with bad diet?


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I've never trusted the tinned dog food much dad feeds his dog.


I feed my 16 year old cat salmon and it's very healthy for its age.



You mean this guy?

Henry Makow, PhD[note 1] (b. 1949) is what you get when you cross a men's rights activist with paranoid conspiracy theorist and an Anti-Semite. Makow believes the world is controlled by nefarious Judeo[note 2]-Masonic/Satanic/Commie forces, spearheaded by the Rockefeller Foundation. He also believes that the aforementioned concocted feminism, so that women wouldn't have children, as part of depopulation efforts. His writings can be found on notorious websites Whale.to, Jesus-is-savior.com, and Alex Jones' PrisonPlanet.


Says it all really.

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Dogs eat raw meat and gnaw bones that's why they have the teeth they have, when did the ancestors of dogs cook their food? dogs and cats only eat tinned food and dry food because there's nothing else for them. Cats stalk their natural food rodents and such and dogs hunt in packs. Tinned and sachet food were introduced just to make vast profits for the manufacturers, when I was a child dogs and cats ate scraps from the table or what they found outside the home, you never saw squidgy dog mess anywhere until tinned food was introduced.

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Obesity in dogs is a real problem - too much processed food and too little exercise because their owners eat too much processed food and don't take any exercise.

Vicious circle really.

Doggy diabetes is on the rise too.

They should be charged with doggy cruelty.

Edited by Daven
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Wow. It must be true about conspiracy nuts believing in every conspiracy going.


Go straight for the man, instead of the story!


Up until a few years ago, most dog/cat foods contained a maximum of 4% meat, even the likes of pedigree chum.

Dogs have come a long way since they were wolves, they have evolved to eat some of the foods that people eat.

I feed my dog a mixture of brands, including MilliesWolfHeart, which contains 50% + meat.

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I've never trusted the tinned dog food much dad feeds his dog.


I feed my 16 year old cat salmon and it's very healthy for its age.





Feeding salmon is all very well, but it's not nutritionally complete unless you supplement your cat's taurine intake. Do you?



Taurine deficiency in cats can cause heart problems and can make them go blind, and the lean salmon that you're feeding there's not enough, since cats can't make taurine and have to ingest it.



My dog (sadly no longer with us) was raw fed her entire life and maintained a healthy weight throughout her life. I chose to feed raw because she couldn't digest and absorb any of the processed foods we tried her on, and I'd choose raw feed for other dogs, if we ever have another.



The cats have been offered raw but turned their noses up at it, apart from the wild creatures caught by my little feral boy Al.

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I would never ever feed my dog any of the processed food, wet or dry. I cook for her every night and she has a mixture of meat and fish. I also refuse to buy any of the highly processed treats such as Rodeos, Schmacko's etc, they are just full of rubbish.


The vet once said to me that manufacturer's of such food and treats make it colourful purely to appeal to us, it adds nothing to the nutritional content of the food, and in fact makes it worse due to all of the additives.


My colleague fed his dog raw food for a while until she ended up with an awful parasite in her stomach which the vet told them would be due to her raw diet, needless to say that stopped immediately!


It baffles me how many owners do still feed their dogs and cats utter rubbish for their food, it looks awful and smells even worse so why on earth they think it's a good idea to feed it to them is beyond me!

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My 86 year old dad feeds his small dog canned dog food washed down with fluoridated water from the tap.


I've tried telling him food is medicine but I believe it's the convenience factor.


I am going to try to get my cat off the dried biscuits that I feed her between meals. Any substitutes?

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