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Alex Jones, attack on all our liberty?

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I read facebook AND youtube just blocked Alex Jones.... I guess they dont want the truth discussed!


"Alex Jones" and "truth" don't belong in the same paragraph - at least not on forums where most users can count to 20 without removing their socks.


Same can't be said for the David Icke Forum where you've posted over 20,000 times.

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What also needs to be remembered is that fake news is a real money spinner.


Alex Jones, Steve Bannon and even Wee Tommy Robinson have all made rather a lot of money out of fake news, either through generating lot of 'likes' on facebook and YouTube, lucrative appearance fees on cable/internet channels or donations to various free speech campaigns.


When the purpose of fake news is to monetise it, not only is there no incentive to ensure accuracy but the more ludicrous the claims the more likely they are to be shared and generate cashola.


The ease with which fake news gains traction really came home to me in 2013 when a friend of mine (and former SF poster) posted on an EDL facebook page that The Pheasant Inn at Lane Top was going to be turned into a mosque. Now he is a life long anti fascist and posted the claim simply as a dog whistle to those who wanted to believe that it would happen. Not only was he believed, but the EDL even called a demo and around 150 idiots actually marched from Wordsworth Avenue to Lane Top to oppose something that was never going to happen!


That is actually quite scary.

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The problem is who determines fake news.


Anyway,I have listened to Alex Jones lots and at times he makes a lot of sense.


You can either have freedom of speech or you can't.


This is the biggest move by the establishment ever!


If this banning is upheld then a dangerous precedent is set.


What is next is a fair question.


We will soon be walking the streets scared to speak of anything controversial.


A prison without bars so to speak.

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Private businesses have never claimed to be a channel for free speech.


And free speech never meant speech free of consequences.


There is no 'upholding' nobody has any legal right to use those channels, they can ban whoever they like.

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The problem is who determines fake news.


Jones hasn't been censured because of "fake news", but rather that he packages up his hate speech in that news.


Anyway,I have listened to Alex Jones lots and at times he makes a lot of sense.


Sandy Hook, Pizzagate, Child labour camps on Mars... I mean, come on :roll:


You can't really blame anyone but Jones himself for destroying his credibility.


You can either have freedom of speech or you can't.


Freedom of speech doesn't give you the right to abuse other people. It doesn't absolve you of responsibility for the fallout from that speech.


This is the biggest move by the establishment ever!


Non of the platforms that have banned him are "the establishment".


If this banning is upheld then a dangerous precedent is set.


Allowing people to say whatever they want without having to face up to the responsibilities that come with that freedom would be worse.


Alex is merely finding out that rights come with responsibilities.


What is next is a fair question.


It might be if it were someone who was actually making sense and who's information stands up to basic scrutiny. In Jones' case that rarely seems to be the case.


We will soon be walking the streets scared to speak of anything controversial.


You might be, for most people this is a common sense non-issue in light of Jones' musings....


A prison without bars so to speak.


Get a grip, if he were in the UK and making these ridiculous claims and statements he really would be feeling the heat from "the estabilishment", most likely in a cell.


We're in the UK, we have laws against hate speech and it's hardly a prison :suspect:

Edited by Magilla
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Private businesses have never claimed to be a channel for free speech.


And free speech never meant speech free of consequences.


There is no 'upholding' nobody has any legal right to use those channels, they can ban whoever they like.


This. People don't seem to understand what free speech is, nor realise that pretty much everything they use online is owned by a private company and by using it you agree to their terms and conditions of usage.

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