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Arrested for accepting drink on flight to Dubai

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Its a weird one as lots of hotels in Dubai have bars in them and serve alcohol. I know you cannot be drunk in public so that might of been the problem?


Also i have been to Saudi Arabia and they serve alcohol on flights there as well, but will stop serving once in Saudi airspace

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But why offer complimentary wine if your destination country and owner of the airline deems it illegal?


If Dubai are so precious about alcohol laws why aren't they punishing the state owned airline....seems like a scam to me.


They dont necessarilly "deem it illegal".


Its not as black and white as that. The Foreign Office has this advice on their website and I have highlighted a key point....


Liquor licences are not available to non-residents, but it is possible for tourists and visitors to buy and drink alcohol in licensed venues, such as hotels, restaurants and clubs. However, you should be aware that it is a punishable offence under UAE law to drink or be under the influence of alcohol in public. British nationals have been arrested and charged under this law, often in cases where they have come to the attention of the police for a related offence or matter, such as disorderly or offensive behaviour.


I am not saying that this woman fell into that category. BUT what we do know is that she was stopped, she allegedly had invalid visa documents, she was told that she would have to return, she committed another obvious offence by filming an immigration official, she was asked about alcohol consumption and she said something (albeit we dont know what) in reply to that question.


Maybe the offical and authorities in question were totally in the wrong by arresting her. Maybe the airline is totally in the wrong by serving alcohol knowing the likely risks faced by customers at the destination. Maybe she is unjustly persecuted for her innocent actions.


On the other hand, maybe she had far more than "one" drink that she claims. Maybe she was a bit too vocal in her reaction to being told of her visa issues. Maybe she didn't quietly accept that she was forced to return. Maybe there was heated exchanges with officials which are the real cause for her arrest.


Like I said earlier, there is far more to this story than is being said.


Why this woman? Why this specific incident?


We cannot ignore that plenty of other people fly in and out of dubai every day without problem. Emirates have done and still serve drinks on their planes every flight seemingly without incident.


Something has happened which is clearly not being said.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I believe it was an Emirates flight. I can't understand it, I've been on this flight to Dubai a few times and always been offered an alcoholic drink or two, (which I've happily accepted,) and never had any trouble at all.


So what's going on?


What's going on is thst (as usual) the clickbait headlines are whipping up a furore. Aided and abetted by a member of the public who lives their life through social media.


Looking beyond the headlines, she's been stopped because her visa isn't in order. She's thrown a strop so they've got stroppy in return and used the alcohol reading as reason to back up their position.


Probably over the top, but it's not just that she's had a drink and been arrested on landing. Half the passengers would have had to be detained if that was the case.

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What's going on is thst (as usual) the clickbait headlines are whipping up a furore. Aided and abetted by a member of the public who lives their life through social media.


Looking beyond the headlines, she's been stopped because her visa isn't in order. She's thrown a strop so they've got stroppy in return and used the alcohol reading as reason to back up their position.


Probably over the top, but it's not just that she's had a drink and been arrested on landing. Half the passengers would have had to be detained if that was the case.


Apparently she also videoed the immigration officials questioning her, people need to think about what they are doing. What you can get away with here you cannot always get away with in another country especially one like Dubai.

Edited by iansheff
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Another angle to the story...




Verbal abuse of an official? Refusal to comply with instructions? Breaking rules of filming an official in a secured area? Causing a scene?


She can whine and moan that it was all about the alcohol, i aint so sure. Either way the authorities have taken a PR savvy decision and she is released and back now.


Maybe Dr Entitment-Syndrome will learn a lesson from this.... Or maybe she will keep playing victim and get a few more ££££ from the papers.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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What's going on is thst (as usual) the clickbait headlines are whipping up a furore. Aided and abetted by a member of the public who lives their life through social media.


Looking beyond the headlines, she's been stopped because her visa isn't in order. She's thrown a strop so they've got stroppy in return and used the alcohol reading as reason to back up their position.


Probably over the top, but it's not just that she's had a drink and been arrested on landing. Half the passengers would have had to be detained if that was the case.


Too right about the media. I once saw an article on the front page of one rag about a man who had been attacked by a seagull trying to get his chips. It stated the seagull sank its claws into his wrist.

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But why offer complimentary wine if your destination country and owner of the airline deems it illegal?


If Dubai are so precious about alcohol laws why aren't they punishing the state owned airline....seems like a scam to me.


Or did she kick off about being refused entry and refuse to leave - which then leaves the cops with arresting her for a seperate valid issue to get her off the concourse.

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