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Aunt Sally's-How not to Manage a Family Pub


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I have just visited Aunt Sally’s for lunch and had a run in with their rather smug manager. Has anyone ever had problems with him? He was almost bursting with glee because I had been caught out by their 2-1 offers and basically insinuated that I was stupid for not understanding the way it worked when it was him who I had initially asked about whether the Surf Turf and Turf (£13.95) and the lighter bite meals (£5.50) would be 2-1. Everything on the menu is included he told me- instead of explaining clearly that I would only get the meal at £5.50 free and not the two meals that were exactly the same. He knew what I meant when I asked him the question but he chose to answer it in a cryptic way which ended up with myself being a very unsatisfied angry customer. As long as that man is the manager I will never set foot in that place again. I have never encountered such poor short sighted customer service. A bit of power me thinks has gone to the mans head he needs to take some lessons from the lovely people he has working for him..:mad:

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If he expalined it and you didn't understand surely that is your fault? I expect it is written somewhere on the menu as they are a chain and very rarely do they miss out on the small print. Though you may have been genuine i expect the bloke gets people trying to scam him all the time on what is and isn't included. What has it got to do with power? he explained it you didn't understand you should have told him you weren't sure still and asked him to explain again or told him exactly what you were thinking of ordering. Of course it is your choice as to where you eat but maybe in future you will be clearer in your questioning.

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I'd have just assumed it's common sense that when you go somewhere and you get 2 for 1, then the cheapest meal is free. It works exactly the same everywhere else, in supermarkets, drug stores, furniture stores, etc etc. Why would Aunt Sally's be any different?

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I don't think I fully understand the original post, what exactly was ordered and what was the problem?


A 2 4 1 offer would normally mean you pay for one, you get two. So did you order 2 surf and turf and 2 light bite meals?


Given that they ring the meals into the till and you pay there and then, if it didn't add up you could always change your mind before paying...

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