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Aunt Sally's-How not to Manage a Family Pub


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This Man should not be in a frontline position dealing directly with customers if he has a poor attitude towards Customer Service.


If I were you, I would ring him directly, remind him who you are and how your conversation had gone etc until he agrees that he recalls the incident(remaining calm and totally polite throughout your entire conversation). Then I would tell him you thought his attitude towards you was inappropriate and you would like to make a formal written complaint against him and could he please tell you the name of the person who you should direct that letter to.


Believe me, if you can carry this conversation off, remaining polite and totally calm, you will have him squirming. He will either fall totally silent or SQUIRM big time. Either way, write the letter of complaint.


I've done this a few times and I LOVE that few seconds of silence when I ask them who I should direct my complaint letter to!!

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Sorry to hear your bad experience- I've always had great meals there, hot, tasty and soon after ordering, without the 'screaming kids' nearby and without any altercations with the managers, who always seemed ok to me.

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Yes I have also been there before and everything has been OK. My problem this time was that I asked the manager if I would get the offers in relation to the different options-bear in mind the big price difference £13.95 and £5.50 and he said I would as everything on the menu was included. He knew exactly what I meant by that and chose to answer me in a cryptic way instead of just saying that it would be the £5.50 meal that I got free. I thought they would match the 4 meals up I would buy a £13.95 meal and get one free. If he had not been so smug and happy by the mistake I would have taken it on the chin and walked out a bit annoyed-but he took sheer delight in it and was so arrogant and self important and full of himself. It would not have taken much to split the bills up for me-because after all as he pointed out to me-"I am the general manager". I have written a letter to the Spirit group and asked them to pass it on to the area manager.

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Just to be clear, are you saying that you ordered 2 * £13.95 meal, and 2 * £5.50 meal, and that they then charged you £27.90?


If so, then you've got every right to complain, although I think i'd have refused to pay and walked out if he wouldn't resolve the situation.

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My understanding of the offer is that for any 2 dishes ordered the cheapest one would be free, therefore if you order 4, the cheapest 2 are free etc etc .That is clearly stated on the menu...in order to get around this type of offer you need to order your food in pairs, so you get one expensive and one cheap meal free in each order. We've never had a problem with the staff in Aunt Sallys...maybe you just caught him at a bad moment or didnt phrase your question in a way that he clearly understood?

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My understanding of the offer is that for any 2 dishes ordered the cheapest one would be free, therefore if you order 4, the cheapest 2 are free etc etc .


Thats how I would have thought it would work, mainly because I would expect them to give away as little as possible.

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Most interesting. You won't have been the only person caught out with this one!


The moral of the story is, clearly, (as has been suggested) to place separate orders with the meals in pairs of like-for-like, ie most expensive together.


If you've placed separate orders, albeit for the same party, you're on stronger ground imo. Even then, tho, I think the restaurant would be entitled to say that as you're all one party, they're only going to give the cheapest meals for free.


It would be different if you were meeting up with friends, for example, and each little group paying for their own meals.


I haven't been caught with it (yet) but shall watch out for it in future!

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