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Terror Attack Outside Parliament.

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Another poster who seems pleased that it was probably a terrorist attack!


I'm sure the people hurt and injured neither knew nor cared where he came from. :suspect:


Yes. Like the people involved in the Italian bridge tragedy will not care about petty political point scoring on this forum

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Living in this country feels like being a character in a George Orwell novel, where everybody has to think the same thoughts and say the right things or they'll be punished. There's a pc gang on this forum, where pc stands for politically correct not post code, who feel they have to bully anybody who doesn't subscribe to the current zeitgeist by abusing, insulting or mocking them. They remind me of the puppies in 'Animal Farm' who are removed from their mother shortly after birth and trained to be vicious attack dogs who savage any of the animals who question the pig's authority.


I don't think multi-culturalism has made this a better country than the one I grew up in and I do think the influx of people from third world and Islamic countries has made this a more violent and unpleasant country than it used to be. If they don't like it they'll just have to lump it.

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There's a pc gang on this forum, where pc stands for politically correct not post code, who feel they have to bully anybody who doesn't subscribe to the current zeitgeist by abusing, insulting or mocking them.


Dude, you sound like you live in a very small bubble where you are constantly spoon fed paranoid conspiracy theories.


If you have something to say then say it, but don't just trot out slogans and when you do have something to say, back it up with evidence. If you aren't prepared to do that on a forum which is made up of a variety of real world people then maybe you should stick to Info wars or other dodgy sites where everyone agrees with everyone else's deluded ramblings.


I suppose what I am saying is, man up and stop whining!

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Yet another example of how disastrous this country's immigration policies have been. Sadiq Khan claims this sort of thing is just part and parcel of living in a big city and he's right, but it wouldn't be if successive governments had been more selective in who they let in. We should stop all further immigration from third world and Islamic countries as this has been the source of all our social and economic problems, but we're living in an age of denial and political correctness where we aren't allowed to think like that.


There was a small Austrian born man with a curious moustache in the 1930's who used to blame the Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and people with disabilities for all of Germany's social and economic problems.

Edited by Daven
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I don't think multi-culturalism has made this a better country than the one I grew up in and I do think the influx of people from third world and Islamic countries has made this a more violent and unpleasant country than it used to be. If they don't like it they'll just have to lump it.


That's a big step away from your previous claim that they have caused all of our social and economic problems...

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There was a small Austrian born man with a curious moustache in the 1930's who used to blame the Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and people with disabilities for all of Germany's social and economic problems.


(There's a tall American man with small hands and an orange face trying a similar thing in america).


On a serious note though, there has been a recent 'Asian series' on the BBC and a couple of the programmes linked to a number of recent studies which showed most Asian communities to be very conservative in their outlook, likely to be higher achievers in education particularly Asian girls, less likely to get into bother with the Police and many communities such as the Gudjeratis, came here with virtually nothing and are now running very successful businesses up and down the country.


Also ALL economists will tell you that immigration is responsible for a net plus to the economy not just in terms of tax and NI contributions but also in terms of providing staff for vital services.


Nobody is saying that all immigrants are perfect but the negative aspects are no different to the negatives in society as a whole and are generally caused by poverty and a lack of hope.


Maybe some of you should pay less attention to Tommy Robinson and look at the real world. He doesn't really believe most of the nonsense he spouts, he is just turning your bigotry and ignorance into cash.

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Yet another example of how disastrous this country's immigration policies have been. Sadiq Khan claims this sort of thing is just part and parcel of living in a big city and he's right, but it wouldn't be if successive governments had been more selective in who they let in. We should stop all further immigration from third world and Islamic countries as this has been the source of all our social and economic problems, but we're living in an age of denial and political correctness where we aren't allowed to think like that.


Bang on the money.

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I don't think multi-culturalism has made this a better country than the one I grew up in and I do think the influx of people from third world and Islamic countries has made this a more violent and unpleasant country than it used to be. If they don't like it they'll just have to lump it.

you must be really really really old to live in a none multicultural society Oo

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