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Italian bridge collapse

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An awful BBC error, in announcing the collapse; the news item was headlined "BREAKING".

Er, no. I understand what was meant- but that's not how it read!


It read that a bridge had just collapsed.


Drove over that bridge last September - scary.

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An awful BBC error, in announcing the collapse; the news item was headlined "BREAKING".

Er, no. I understand what was meant- but that's not how it read!


I presume that you understand the phrase “breaking news”. And the phrase “over twenty dead”.


Maybe reserve the lame attempts at humour for a more appropriate thread.

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Someone didn’t spec out the appropriate non-destructive testing programme for the bridge. The safety case should have been validated and this has obviously failed. Heads are going to roll (not literally of course).

Edited by ez8004
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From what I'm reading, there is a real whiff of Grenfell about this whole thing, ie a number of people and bodies raising concerns about the safety of the bridge and largely being ignored by the many vested interests in play.


It is also emerging that the original design was faulty but a decision was made to press on with it and just check it more often. Something which seems to have been forgotten as time went on.

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From what I'm reading, there is a real whiff of Grenfell about this whole thing, ie a number of people and bodies raising concerns about the safety of the bridge and largely being ignored by the many vested interests in play.


It is also emerging that the original design was faulty but a decision was made to press on with it and just check it more often. Something which seems to have been forgotten as time went on.

This brings to mind the original design the Tinsley Viaduct where strengthening connecting rods were inserted over many years ,Always thought that some one had slipped up there.

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