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Are all cultures intelligently equal.

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Ooops, sorry I thought that had already gone off :)


The western superiority hand grenade... Are some of us looking at this with a western superiority complex? Would we have a different view if we lived (say) a nomadic tundra lifestyle that was self sustaining and perhaps even required no monies or typical western values. Woudl we look at us and think "how stupid?"

Tony, you miss the point. The more intelligent race would develop better shelter, farming, technology and evolve out of the nomadic tundra lifestyle.

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But why is it silly?


I cannot understand why people just stick their head in the sand when the matter of comparative racial intellect is raised.


We are all different. Different races have different traits, strengths and weaknesses. There are different muscle distributions, bone structures and susceptibilities to types of diseases and genetic defects. These are all clear, unambiguous and totally accepted even by the most vociferous of blinkered sandal-wearing do-gooders.


The same applies to intellect. The Orientals tend to be a bit hotter at maths than Europeans, which takes their average above ours. The nations vary widely even within Europe, and the African nations drag far, far behind.


Do not assume that the people who conduct these studies know less than you do about how to measure somebody’s brainpower – I suspect they, as professionally qualified psychologists and human scientists, know a little more about it than the average Forum armchair expert.


This could, if i did not know better, be a 'lift' from a Victorian novel such as 'Mr Midshipman Easy'

In fact even in those days people such as Charles Dickens were satirising such people. Is it the lawyer in Great Expectations who is a beliver in phrenology? he thinks that the shape of a persons head makes them more or less likely to be a murderer?

To believe that the shape or colour of a persons body changes their brain pattern is nonsensical. This cannot be true, as I believe you have the same characteristics as I have and my intelligence is vastly superior to yours :D

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Originally Posted by liquid_pig

don't you think its ALL down to your upbringing and whether you actually want to learn

Not really. What about intrinsic knowledge?

It doesn't work like that. The argument that the tests can't apply to different races is deeply flawed, because tests are developed to apply to the different races - does anybody out there actually think that a doctorate level survey would just put a westernised tick-test in front of an illiterate villager?


Come on people, tests are specially developed. You can accuse me of anything you choose, but can you really believe that the academic institutions, departments full of highly qualified social sicentists and psychologists don't understand this better than we do?

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The biggest recent survey showed it to be the Koreans - with an average of 108 or 109.


I think it has been pretty much estabished on this thread that the IQ is not an accurate test of all round intelligece.

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This could, if i did not know better, be a 'lift' from a Victorian novel such as 'Mr Midshipman Easy'

In fact even in those days people such as Charles Dickens were satirising such people. Is it the lawyer in Great Expectations who is a beliver in phrenology? he thinks that the shape of a persons head makes them more or less likely to be a murderer?

To believe that the shape or colour of a persons body changes their brain pattern is nonsensical. This cannot be true, as I believe you have the same characteristics as I have and my intelligence is vastly superior to yours :D

I would bow to your claim of superior intelligence but I strongly suspect that my dog could give you a run for your money on a chess board.


Did I say that a person's shape or colour changes their brain pattern? No, I did not. You are either deliberately twisting my words, or plain stupid, but I will assume the former.


I said that the races all have differences. If we have taller races, shorter races, races with different bone structures, muscle distributions, immune systems, why can you not see that other parts of the body vary from race to race? These are the result of varying environmental effects on evolution.


Does it seem so incredibly unbelievable therefore that we might have dissimilar characteristics inside our skulls when every other part of our bodies varies so much from race to race?


When the various races have been subject to wildly different living conditions, climates, threats, and survival needs for thousands of generations, can you really, truly say that you think they will all evolve to be exactly the same???????

If that were the case, we would all be the same colour, size and shape. We are not.

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I think it has been pretty much estabished on this thread that the IQ is not an accurate test of all round intelligece.

No, it has been claimed by the posters who disagree with the facts that it is not an accurate test.

Experts the world round do find it to be a useful test - I do not think they will choose to consult the Forum's armchair experts before they next conduct a survey.

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Tony, you miss the point. The more intelligent race would develop better shelter, farming, technology and evolve out of the nomadic tundra lifestyle.

I'm not missing the point at all Bartfarst, I'm posing a hypothesis.


Is it inconceivable for a people to consciously decide to retain a (for example) nomadic self sustaining existence with no need for western models?

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Are the koreans a race? :confused:

I do believe you understand the point either way. I was quoting from a survey that studied relative intelligence in 130 different countries - the results were interesting because there were significant differences within Europe.

From those results the racial variations were clear to see.

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