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Are all cultures intelligently equal.

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No, it has been claimed by the posters who disagree with the facts that it is not an accurate test.

Experts the world round do find it to be a useful test - I do not think they will choose to consult the Forum's armchair experts before they next conduct a survey.


Who are threse experts of whom you claim to know so much. I too could refer to hypothetical experts to back up my arguments.


You refer to everyone else as 'armchair experts' implying that you consider yourself to be a real expert. And why is that? Because you para-phrase 'experts' with no names and no references to their data.


Well I know some hypothetical experts too, and their doctorates are bigger than your hypothetical experts doctorates, and they say you're making it all up.

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Er - maybe I've wrongly understood our education system, but I really did think that GCSEs, A levels, degrees and doctorates were open to everybody - or am i wrong in that?



Yup, you're wrong on some of those. Try adding finance into the equation at a very basic level.

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i can't believe bartfarst hasn't had a pop at me!

Go on then - seeing as you asked nicely this time:

he was smart enough to be world champion 3 times. lets see you do that
Quite how being a good boxer, having fast reflexes and physical strength equates to smart, I’d love to know.

h e was smart enough to change and amend his religious beliefs as he grew older and his view of the world changed.
He was dim enough to be brainwashed by a bunch of Islamic activists. Read up on this – it’s interesting.

he was smart enough to see that the vietnam war was wrong way before most of the USA
Just as many draft-dodgers were?

he was smart enough to be the greatest before he was the greatest
And if he’s smart enough to understand that, he’s smart.

he was smart enough to to outhink outmanouver and outsmart his opponents
Who, let’s face it, were all men of towering intellect.

he was smart enough to use psychology to win fights
See above.

he was smart enough to realise the power of the media
So, he had no managers, promoters, advisers, hangers-on?

sadly he wasn't smart enough to quit and sadly he has parkinsons. even the greatest are fallible
Agreed, and terrible to see. His talent was massive, he was an hugely charismatic individual and it is very sad to see the way he declined.


He did, however, have the low IQ that you quoted earlier.

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