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Are all cultures intelligently equal.

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This is amazing. People debate the meaning of the word intelligence, when the simple issue under discussion here is whether some cultures/races are brighter than others.


The PC brigade, with their heads firmly in the sand, say no. No great surprise there.


Others keep their eyes open, and can see that the difference between the achievements of the races is a neat parallel for the difference between the achievers at school and the under-achievers with learning difficulties.

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Given that you normally acuse me of being 'the pc brigage' or at least part of it. Maybe you could find where I said no?


I said that it was entirely possible, but given that we can't define it (intelligence) we definitely can't measure it and thus we are in no position to say.


You simply use your cultural elitism to declare that your way is best and so that any culture that follows a different path must be doing so because of a lack of intelligence. A circular and self fulfilling argument.

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This is amazing. People debate the meaning of the word intelligence, when the simple issue under discussion here is whether some cultures/races are brighter than others.


My bad. See, I thought the question was "Are all cultures intelligently equal?". Though poorly constructed, I felt that the OP was trying to ask if all cultures were as intelligent as each other and immediately wondered how it is possible to quantify intelligence.

Now a ‘culture’ is different to a ‘race’ - you're mixing the two in order to begin producing your extremely fascist views. Now this is fair enough, but why criticise those attempting to stay on topic? :loopy:

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I give up trying to explain to the do-gooder PC brigade that some races are thick as a plank and others have varied gifts between their ears.


There have been various studies showing some races to be brighter than others, and some to be - on average - up to 40 points below Western Europeans. It's proven, and nomatter how much the liberals and those who cry 'racism' at every opportuniy dig their heads in the sand when presented with evidence, it's a simple fact of life.

That's why many countries never evolved a written language, or mathematics, or pushed technology beyond the stone age. And no, I'm not going to Google to find the references - last time did that I was (as ever) banned for the heresy of explaining that we're not all equal.


Give it up t020.

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Given that you normally acuse me of being 'the pc brigage' or at least part of it. Maybe you could find where I said no?

I said that it was entirely possible, but given that we can't define it (intelligence) we definitely can't measure it and thus we are in no position to say.

You simply use your cultural elitism to declare that your way is best and so that any culture that follows a different path must be doing so because of a lack of intelligence. A circular and self fulfilling argument.

Perhaps you misinterpret me, in part at least. I don’t necessarily think that my, or the Western European, way is the best. Although I do believe in an elitist society – insomuch as I think hard work, ambition and talent should be rewarded, I don’t think that our society is necessarily ‘better’.


There are very many cultures around the world that differ wildly from ours, but their history, art, styles of living, working, building and philosophy are as right for them as ours are for us. However, there are other cultures out there that are backward, scarily so, primitive even, because the people of that culture have not evolved as far as we have and are not as bright.


Sheep dogs are bright – they’ve been bred that way. Good working dogs are used to breed better working dogs. The same applies to people. The forward-looking, inquisitive, exploring races have rewarded success of thought and inventiveness with positive selection and evolution, just as the animals and some of our close cousins have stayed with eat/survive/fight or flight, requiring more physical choices for breeding successful generations.

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Pah. You've changed your tune. I was going to write something else, but I resisted.


Alright, for the sake of debate. Why should primitive civilisations be 'advanced' and become like the West ? There are many tribes out there in the world which are now preserved. They are also studied. The smarter tribes will try to avoid human contacts. As once Western diseases seep into their societies, they're practically killed. Even if you think that they are primitive, so what ? They are an entire civilisation/society in its own right. They live comfortably in their environment which allows them to survive. Basic survival skills at its simplistic model. They work with their environment so their foodchain balances. I don't think such societies are less 'intelligent'. Cos I'm sure they fit the Maslow's Hierarchy. On the contrary, they may even be more intelligent than us because they control their food chain, and also population growth.


A recent story about a certain tribe in Cuba (?) made it to the tv the other day. Now they are a preserved indigenious group by the World Heritage List (?) Or something like that. I think it was the "Mendes".


I think u ought to go and meet other ingenious groups of this world, and see how they fair after they've made contact with the Western world.



Visit Sweden and meet the Sami people. Or go to Canada and meet the Inuit descedents. See how they struggle to adapt into Western society. The only thing that keeps them going are being tourists attractions. Sometimes they're better off not being this 'half way house'. Not completely Westernised, and not completely a primitive tribe any more.

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This is amazing. People debate the meaning of the word intelligence, when the simple issue under discussion here is whether some cultures/races are brighter than others.


The PC brigade, with their heads firmly in the sand, say no. No great surprise there.


Others keep their eyes open, and can see that the difference between the achievements of the races is a neat parallel for the difference between the achievers at school and the under-achievers with learning difficulties.


You give ammunition to "thick" white people who think they're superior to all blacks / asians etc with this kind of arguement.

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You give ammunition to "thick" white people who think they're superior to all blacks / asians etc with this kind of arguement.

No, I've never suggested that. There are (clearly demonstrable) mean values which demonstrate the intellectual differences between the races, but it's just a case of where the centre of the normal distribution curve lies for each race.


There are many brilliant, gifted men and women of all colours and creeds. there are also many cretins of all colours and creeds - and I'd be the first to say that many of those are white baseball cap wearing chavs on the Manor.


However, we have to accept that the races are not all equal because the PC madness that generates 'equal opportunity employment' MUST take into account the relative abilities of average members of each ethnic group before forcing the major employers to take on population-representative numbers.

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It can never fit a normal distribution curve. (Of standard intelligence across the board with standardised tests, and specific age groups etc.)


Alright, maybe I should take that back. You can force it to fit a normal dist. curve if you fudge the axises to correlate with evolution, and various other factors. It's just not very representative of the data.


I think u need to understand what 'equal opportunity' truly means. Again, employment laws govern the choices here. Whether you personally think a person fits the job or not is not irrelevant. (I'm sure you have strong opinions on this subject.) It's whether your employer thinks they fit the job. Some jobs standardise the recruitment process by bringing out psychometric testings. Not many British SME will use this method which are standard for blue-chip comps.

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