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Are all cultures intelligently equal.

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i think that we also need to determine if intelligence is the ability to adapt and survive within their environment. which would make some of the most academically backward societies the most intelligent.


for instance the average aborigine wouldn't be able to tell you a whole lot about science but the average scientist wouldn't last more than a few days in the outback


agreed, intelligence, intellect, is as mentioned previously, totally subjective, IQ tests, academics, are merely a way of quantifying ability to use a certain part of the mind.


look at aboriginal art, it may be viewed as fairly primitive, but the creative intricacies are stunning. To produce this kind of work requires a high level of creative 'intelligence'.

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I think u need to understand what 'equal opportunity' truly means. Again, employment laws govern the choices here. Whether you personally think a person fits the job or not is not irrelevant. (I'm sure you have strong opinions on this subject.) It's whether your employer thinks they fit the job. Some jobs standardise the recruitment process by bringing out psychometric testings. Not many British SME will use this method which are standard for blue-chip comps.

For major employers like the Armed Forces and Police, EO means that we are pressured by the government to recruit percentages of minorites representative of the percentages in the UK population.

It doesn't take into account that some of those minorities are not interested in military careers, or that some of those minorites are on average not very capable - which results (as with the recent Police recruitment scandals) that sub-standard ethnic applicants are offered jobs while above-standard white applicants don't even get an interview.


That is morally wrong.

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Our American friends have a fairly strong track record of executing (mostly poor and black, but that's another story) people who's intellect is in the range of children's.

Thank you Halibut.


Thank you.

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i think that we also need to determine if intelligence is the ability to adapt and survive within their environment. which would make some of the most academically backward societies the most intelligent.


for instance the average aborigine wouldn't be able to tell you a whole lot about science but the average scientist wouldn't last more than a few days in the outback.

BUT think of the film Trading Places.


The scientist could learn the survival tricks in a few months. Bushcraft is not rocket-science, if you'll excuse the pun, and is easily learned. Funnily enough, we can teach military pilots enough to survive in a course of just 3 weeks long.


The aborigine simply would not be capable of coping with the role reversal.

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I'll probably get flamed and/or pulled up by the Mods for this, but IMO some people in America still haven't learned intelligence yet.. :rant:


Some of them shouldn't be allowed Internet access that is a cert, Poppins is of course excluded from that analogy.

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I think there are stupid and intelligent people everywhere, and that the distinction between the two is largely due to environmental considerations, mostly during childhood. E.g. Role models, importance placed on intelligence and learning, access to a varied environment, toys and educational material.


However, whoever's fault it is that a stupid person is stupid, the fact is that they are.


And I just plain don't like stupid people.


However, across cultures this becomes harder to define - it's easy to say who's intelligent (in whatever aspect - academic, physical, artistic etc.) and who isn't when comparing other members of our society, but the same values don't always apply elsewhere.

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  • 5 years later...

It's ridiculous to believe there are literally no genetic differences between the races other thasn skin color and bone structure, but becuase of cultural and economic factors it is difficult to measure.


One thing is for sure though, mixed race people like Brazilians where interracial breeding was encouraged years ago are better looking and can fight disease better despite many living in squalor.

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There will be intellegent people and thick people within every culture. Though you could argue oppressive cultures are less likely to support and reward free thinking hence stuff is made in china but rarely invented in china. That's not to say their aren't intellegent people there.

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But then all races in their countries of origin started off with nothing, some of these even had the head start with lush green landscpaes, animals for food and a ready supply of raw materials but never progressed, as others cultures had nothing but were far more advanced societies and civilised.

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But then all races in their countries of origin started off with nothing, some of these even had the head start with lush green landscpaes, animals for food and a ready supply of raw materials but never progressed, as others cultures had nothing but were far more advanced societies and civilised.


you are looking at it from western eyes. some remote tribe will have skills you couldn't dream of and live at one with their surroundings. we exploit everything for personal gain and are quickly destroying our surroundings for relatively short term gain. there is definately intellegence, inovation, within our society but we seem to be lacking in wisdom and practical skills.


take away our infastructure and how clever do you really think you are?

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