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Are all cultures intelligently equal.

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Yes, there are differences and the academic differences are explained by culture and education, but some of the races I've lived among and worked with are just a rung or two on the ladder above our more distant cousins.


Language in itself a struggle, and barely able to understand tools. Don't think glorifying and romantic images of the finely honed jungle craft skills of every African nation - in some countries comon sense hasn't evolved yet.


There's a reason for that - it's because their environment makes it very easy to survive, so there hasn't been the same appication of evolution over the last few hundred thousand years, and they haven't had to become smarter to survive.

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intelligence can be detrimental to survival in some cases. It can be clearly seen amongst the bee population (a good example, I'm sure others exist).


If it's correct that there can be on average a 40 point difference (I presume you mean IQ points), then it's almost certainly down to the IQ test being a very biased measure of intelligence which is predisposed to favour a few aspects of intelligence which probably happen to correspond with those that western europeans have some advantage in.

I've never seen the 40 point figure before though, I was under the impression that variation was on average by population no more than around 10 points either way.

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Coming back to reality, it’s possible for an uneducated person to make millions and a well-educated person to be a poor man. It all depends on being in the right place and the right time, and seizing an opportunity that one person notices but another does not.


To give an instance, if I remember it rightly. Can’t remember the English millionaire’s name, but just after the war he spotted an opportunity in Libya after seeing all the implements of war — tanks, planes, guns etc. going to waste in the desert. He met the right people at the right time and earned himself a contract to remove them, and ship them back to England as scrap!

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I give up trying to explain to the do-gooder PC brigade that some races are thick as a plank and others have varied gifts between their ears.


Bartfarst, I have tried very hard to keep an open mind with you. I have read everyone elses constant derisory comments about you, referring to you as a 'troll' and so forth, with some indignation. But I now too, give up on you. I know that you have lived in Africa and was willing to listen to what you had to say. But I am now going to stop listening, like every other person that I respect on this forum has already done.


I think that what you spout on a regular basis is unutterably offensive. I have often stated that I believe in the freedom of speech BUT NOT WHEN IT IMPINGES ON THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER. I think that you should be banished from the forum, as I feel that the poison that you produce is very destructive and should be stopped. Zero tolerance.


Whether 'intellectual differences' exist or not between cultures is irrelevant. It is why certain people, like yourself, seem so intent on highlighting any perceived differences, that should be the area of focus.

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Bartfarst, I have tried very hard to keep an open mind with you. I have read everyone elses constant derisory comments about you, referring to you as a 'troll' and so forth, with some indignation. But I now too, give up on you. I know that you have lived in Africa and was willing to listen to what you had to say. But I am now going to stop listening, like every other person that I respect on this forum has already done.


I think that what you spout on a regular basis is unutterably offensive. I have often stated that I believe in the freedom of speech BUT NOT WHEN IT IMPINGES ON THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER. I think that you should be banished from the forum, as I feel that the poison that you produce is very destructive and should be stopped. Zero tolerance.


Whether 'intellectual differences' exist or not between cultures is irrelevant. It is why certain people, like yourself, seem so intent on highlighting any perceived differences, that should be the area of focus.

Fantastic, so what you're saying is that I'm right, but I shouldn't be allowed to say it because you don't like the truth?????


And, please, do explain to me how my posting of a view on the differences between local evolutions 'impinges on the rights of another'.


Quite how am I impinging? - I'm fascinated to hear!

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intelligence can be detrimental to survival in some cases. It can be clearly seen amongst the bee population (a good example, I'm sure others exist).


If it's correct that there can be on average a 40 point difference (I presume you mean IQ points), then it's almost certainly down to the IQ test being a very biased measure of intelligence which is predisposed to favour a few aspects of intelligence which probably happen to correspond with those that western europeans have some advantage in.

I've never seen the 40 point figure before though, I was under the impression that variation was on average by population no more than around 10 points either way.

I don't think the tests were just the book versions that we see - remember that the people conducting these surveys aren't imbeciles either.

The latest survey I read, published in the broadsheets a few months ago and based on the UK 100 point average, showed us ahead of the French (98 ), behind the Germans (104 ), and the Koreans (108 ). Various other countries came in all over the place, but the African nations were 'way down' with the world dunces being the Zimbabweans (at 61 ). No surprise - that is why the stone age continues in such nations.


Eynseck surveyed the USA some years ago and found that the average black American was 15 point behind the average white American - you can't explain that on different national cultures, and he took people from comparative socio-economic groups to ensure that he had a fair comparison.

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I don't think the tests were just the book versions that we see - remember that the people conducting these surveys aren't imbeciles either.

The latest survey I read, published in the broadsheets a few months ago and based on the UK 100 point average, showed us ahead of the French (98 ), behind the Germans (104 ), and the Koreans (108 ). Various other countries came in all over the place, but the African nations were 'way down' with the world dunces being the Zimbabweans (at 61 ). No surprise - that is why the stone age continues in such nations.


Eynseck surveyed the USA some years ago and found that the average black American was 15 point behind the average white American - you can't explain that on different national cultures, and he took people from comparative socio-economic groups to ensure that he had a fair comparison.

for what its worth i don't particularly disagree with you. however peterw makes a valid point as well, academically smart and IQ isn't a measure of overall intelligence. perfect example would be muhammed ali - who failed the army physical originally because his iq was measured in the low 70's (i think) - i would hardly call him stupid though
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Of course all cultures can't be equally intelligent as far as books and $h>> goes but then again simple villagers in the far regions of the amazon may not know about the theory of relativity but i'm sure they'd know great fishing techniques!!!


So intelligence isn't always down to grades????:loopy::help:

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Eynseck surveyed the USA some years ago and found that the average black American was 15 point behind the average white American - you can't explain that on different national cultures, and he took people from comparative socio-economic groups to ensure that he had a fair comparison.


Perhaps you'd like to discuss this with the likes of Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice............

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Of course all cultures can't be equally intelligent as far as books and $h>> goes but then again simple villagers in the far regions of the amazon may not know about the theory of relativity but i'm sure they'd know great fishing techniques!!!


So intelligence isn't always down to grades????:loopy::help:

my point exactly
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