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Are all cultures intelligently equal.

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its interesting that someone like mr fast can write such blinkered drivel in such an eloquent fashion.


it almost stands as a metaphor which kind of undermines his stance. how ironic.


apparent intellect does not always indicate intelligence:)

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Bartfarst, I have tried very hard to keep an open mind with you. I have read everyone elses constant derisory comments about you, referring to you as a 'troll' and so forth, ....


In Bartfarsts' defence, Solomon, I have to disagree with your observations.


A troll is some one who says something inflammatory with the sole purpose of getting a reaction.


Bartfarst just speaks his mind, which sometimes stirs up reactions, I don't believe that is his intended goal, communicating his viewpoint is.

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Nah, it isn't. You can learn to do IQ tests. I was bored the other day and did a few, and I got better scores the more I did - first one was 135 and third one was 142. Started to realise what sort of format the questions came in and what they were looking for after a bit.
Perhaps my use of the statement IQ was incorrect,and I stand corrected though I had no intention of using the IQ test as an example. But there are differing levels of intellect in people, and the test is a way of trying to define a number.. Maybe Chief Sitting Bull had a high IQ when he massacred General Custer,though he didn't know how to read, while Custer exhibited a very low one and died for it. Maybe it was Cihef Crazy Horse. That's how high my IQ is
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Apologies for the delay in response. I will answer your questions now.....


Fantastic, so what you're saying is that I'm right, but I shouldn't be allowed to say it because you don't like the truth?????


Not at all. I think you talk utter nonsense, all the time, in a pompous, arrogant and self-righteous way. So you met some stupid black people when you were living in Africa...so what? I have met many stupid white people, mostly related to poverty, poor role models, geography and poor access to resources. Your stupidity in this respect is breathtaking.


And, please, do explain to me how my posting of a view on the differences between local evolutions 'impinges on the rights of another'.

Quite how am I impinging? - I'm fascinated to hear!


I quote from the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:


"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world".


Your disrespect for races other than your own (and god only knows what that might be...maybe you are in fact an alien) is obscene. Everyone is entitled to respect. That is the basic human right on which you are impinging.

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