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Knife attack on Paris street.

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Funny how there's been over 100 killed by knife attacks in London this year alone, and the far-right Islamophobes couldn't care less.


Now if those particular knife attacks were carried out Muslims, there'd be a mass outcry from these very same individuals.



What disgusting hypocrisy. It just goes to show they're only bothered when it's the 'Moozlims' behind the attacks. Anyone else guilty of the same crime, and they just shrug their shoulders and move on.


Funny this funny that, hypocrisy, never mind disgusting hypocrisy, is not just a trait of the 'far right' as you call them, give your head a shake and go outside you might learn summat :roll:

I can assure you many people have opinions regarding the knife crime in London, but again any online discussion or comment will be met with the usual claims of 'isms' and 'phobias', typically by those on the 'left' :suspect:

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Why do people even attempt to defend a religion which is so clearly poisonous.


Christianity used to be crazy like this as well.


Look at the state of the covered up women head to toe?


Seriously whats that all about?


---------- Post added 25-08-2018 at 04:53 ----------


It's clear and obvious that women in Islam are treated like garbage.


We all know that's the truth, and we all know I will be soon called a racist for saying that.


---------- Post added 25-08-2018 at 06:07 ----------


Germany, France, Sweden, Italy, now Spain.


When will the sjw's realise that the migrant wave is nothing but bad bad news.


---------- Post added 25-08-2018 at 06:10 ----------


---------- Post added 25-08-2018 at 06:16 ----------


Where are the mass demos from the likes of the EDL against the murders in London?


Like they do every week against the average innocent Muslim?


A weekly mass demo against innocent Muslims is happening?


Are you sure?

Edited by crookesjoe
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Why do people even attempt to defend a religion which is so clearly poisonous.


It isn't poisonous - as evidenced by the fact that the vast majority of people who follow it lead decent productive lives and harm no-one.


Christianity used to be crazy like this as well.


People still do awful things in the name of Christianity.


Look at the state of the covered up women head to toe?


Seriously whats that all about?


What is it about this that offends you?

The reasons why some women choose to dress this way are well documented.


---------- Post added 25-08-2018 at 04:53 ----------

It's clear and obvious that women in Islam are treated like garbage.


If it's so clear and obvious, why is it that most of my Muslim women colleagues are happily married to good men who treat them well?


We all know that's the truth,


No, we don't


and we all know I will be soon called a racist for saying that.


I'm not going to call you a racist - but I'm going to say you're wilfully ignorant of the truth and have a very narrow field of view.




When will the sjw's realise that the migrant wave is nothing but bad bad news.


It's this kind of thinking that'll get people calling you a racist. ''The migrant wave'' is made up of people, you see. I think anyone who decides a whole group of people are ''bad news'' when they've never met them is morally and mentally deficient and quite probably racist.

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It isn't poisonous - as evidenced by the fact that the vast majority of people who follow it lead decent productive lives and harm no-one.

It is - as evidenced by numerous religiously motivated offences.



People still do awful things in the name of Christianity.

Sure, but much worse things (IMHO) in the name of Islam.


What is it about this that offends you?

The reasons why some women choose to dress this way are well documented.

Exactly, and the reasons are not always noble.



If it's so clear and obvious, why is it that most of my Muslim women colleagues are happily married to good men who treat them well?

Anecdotal, irrelevant.


I'm not going to call you a racist - but I'm going to say you're wilfully ignorant of the truth and have a very narrow field of view.

I'd use the same words for you.


It's this kind of thinking that'll get people calling you a racist. ''The migrant wave'' is made up of people, you see. I think anyone who decides a whole group of people are ''bad news'' when they've never met them is morally and mentally deficient and quite probably racist.

There's a difference between migrants and migrants. Therefore UNCONTROLLED migration really is "bad news". Nothing immoral, stupid or racist about that.

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It is - as evidenced by numerous religiously motivated offences.




Sure, but much worse things (IMHO) in the name of Islam.



Exactly, and the reasons are not always noble.




Anecdotal, irrelevant.



I'd use the same words for you.



There's a difference between migrants and migrants. Therefore UNCONTROLLED migration really is "bad news". Nothing immoral, stupid or racist about that.




The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing.




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It is - as evidenced by numerous religiously motivated offences.


sigh and how many millions of that religion like he said DONT do these offences?

How many of this religion are victims to these offences?


its not as simple as you make out, there is other factors involved

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