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Had to smile at ransom demand

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I hope they didn't give in, it'll be 40 fags next time. :hihi:


According to the police FB page they did conceed. I dont know why they didnt go the full hog and send Gaza over.


Seriously though why are we so concerned with peoples human rights why not taser the scroat.

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5 grand for a helicopter,then police,cars,dogs and same from derbyshire as well as yorkshire ,never mind all that who paid for the ciggies and fanta? then its now £500 a week to keep him in the nick and a trial that will last ages as he will no doubt plead not guilty,its a total mess our system,mind you he could get off with a suspended sentence with all our do gooders.

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5 grand for a helicopter,then police,cars,dogs and same from derbyshire as well as yorkshire ,never mind all that who paid for the ciggies and fanta? then its now £500 a week to keep him in the nick and a trial that will last ages as he will no doubt plead not guilty,its a total mess our system,mind you he could get off with a suspended sentence with all our do gooders.


Do you mean the do gooder magistrates and judges who have mandates and sentencing guidelines?


Or do you mean the Home Office do gooders who dictate these mandates and guidelines?


Or the other Home Office do gooders who determine how much space is available in our prisons and offer advice to the other Home Office do gooders above?


Or do you mean the tax payer do gooders who refuse to pay any more taxes to pay for more prison space?

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