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The lawyer for the bomb suspects insists they are innocent..How does she know?

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Don't be sad Tony. If these fellows are innocent, it's not unfeasible to believe that there wasn't a deadly anthrax/sarin/other-nasty-stuff bomb either.

Good news, I'd say. Now then, I wonder where all the posters who were insisting this man was guilty - and cating aspersions at me - have sloped off to?

Any of you care to admit you got it wrong?

I'm not holding my breath.....


anlaby street? artisan? Bartfarst - oh maybe not you, you might be on 'holiday' and thus unable to reply.

Besides, you might have some of that famous inside knowlkedge of yours that proves they were really guilty anyway. Y'know like the Birmingham six.

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I totally agree with you DK. I'm a big supporter of our security services and the largely unseen work that they do. It's sad that these sort of incidents tarnish them so undeservedly.


There ARE terrorists out there. plotting, building bombs, making plans. The security services know this and really are doing their best. Sadly stuff like this is bound to happen. Nobody is to blame, and lessons will be learned.


I do worry that these sad events will make their job even harder and give rise to more lies for the likes of the BNP to peddle.

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To me it smacks of a double bluff now.

The right intelligence - the wrong location given.


The Muslim community backed by the media have all the credance to discredit the security services while, quietly, the ploters & bomb builders work with near impunity. :mad:

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There ARE terrorists out there. plotting, building bombs, making plans.


Or so the government has been telling us whilst gradually removing civil liberties.


I'm not saying there aren't terrorists, but is the threat lesser or greater than when the IRA were active? Why did we never hear about raids on suspected irish terrorists with innocent people being shot at the height of the troubles?

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We did but it all went off on the Emerald Isle


:suspect: why bring the IRA into it? There's no threat there any more, or are you trying to justify todays Muslim terrorists by the 2-wrongs-make-a-right theory?


Perhaps the media today are better equipped to report stuff than when the IRA were active.


Perhaps the intelligence services allow more info out.

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Cyclone, you are right, but I did say " I'm a big supporter of our security services and the largely unseen work that they do."


It should remain unseen unless it is in the public interest, but it's a bit hard to hide 250 policemen in NBC suits. I make no comment on if that was the correct strategy.


There are lots of issues here and none of them are easily resolved if they are capable of being resolved at all. We perhaps return back to that old bugbear of mine - press scaremongering in the pursuit of column inches.

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There are lots of issues here and none of them are easily resolved if they are capable of being resolved at all. We perhaps return back to that old bugbear of mine - press scaremongering in the pursuit of column inches.


You can't blame the press in isolation. This govt. and Blair in particular have been obsessed with media headlines since 1997; both running scared of them and brazenly trying to manipulate them. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this obsession has rubbed off onto the security services to some degree, and if the security services are suffering from a 'tarnished image' it's largely self-inflicted.


The police have said that a probability of as little as 5% of the information that led to the Forest Gate raid being true will lead to similar action in the furure, so there will be lots of opportunity for further false alarms. They'll just have to learn to grin and bear the flak arising from those, and ensure maximum publicity from their successes.

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I think the saddest thing is that another innocent man has been shot, what if he had also been killed? This must be having some effect on the way we are being seen by other countries,.


we've had certain rightwing group members on here crowing about the police's success, in this case.. and yet there is no evidence against them, and they have been released without charge.


It's horrendous, just like the De Menendes case in stockwell.



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