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The lawyer for the bomb suspects insists they are innocent..How does she know?

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Can you update us on this thread please, anlabystreet?...yes i would love too...no evidence found..but that wasnt my point..my point was how did the lawyer make such sweeping statements about their innocence and how did she possibly know..she couldnt...at the time she wasnt privy to the full facts because the house was still being searched...and..on another separate note...isnt it strange that 38 grand was found in the house??more money than most people have at any one moment in their lifetime...if its legal why wasnt it in the bank..let me guess...is it anything to do with means tested benefit claims??...mmm i wonder ...no i know what it is...its cos it might have been a sunday and the banks werent open..just wondering thats all...no im not being cynical...just the experience of life
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and...i reckon dear old halibut should get out a bit more instead of spending his life on this forum...there is a world out there you know

'Dear old Halibut' has a very full and active life thankyou - of whach the forum plays only a small, but interesting part. Since when did having a bit of cash make a reasonable excuse for getting oneself shot?

Talk about clutching at straws....

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well here i am ...1 in the morning and ready to do some verbal sparring with halibut and his henchman teabag but no sign of either...i can only assume they have gone to bed early so they can get up early and be on the forum all day:loopy: thats teabag....:loopy: ..and thats his mate..heh heh

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we've had certain rightwing group members on here crowing about the police's success, in this case.. and yet there is no evidence against them, and they have been released without charge.


It's horrendous, just like the De Menendes case in stockwell.




Let's wait for all the screeming that would follow if the police ignore the next threat and sometihing does go off.

The police in the NBC kit were there in case a chemical bomb was found so that the residents could be moved out quickly.

Why is it always the security forces who take the flack. May be that the info was fed to them so that the extemists could see what the reaction would be and how they could counter act it.

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either way, the fact is that it only takes one terrorist 'getting lucky' to cause devastation and destruction - the security services have to be lucky every time.


I'd much rather this situation than one in which we ignore tip offs unless the evidence is rock solid...

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my point was how did the lawyer make such sweeping statements about their innocence and how did she possibly know..she couldnt...at the time she wasnt privy to the full facts because the house was still being searched...and..on another separate note...isnt it strange that 38 grand was found in the house??more money than most people have at any one moment in their lifetime...if its legal why wasnt it in the bank..let me guess...is it anything to do with means tested benefit claims??...mmm i wonder ...no i know what it is...its cos it might have been a sunday and the banks werent open..just wondering thats all...no im not being cynical...just the experience of life


Anlabystreeet implies stitched up men are benefit frausters...how does she know?


I really can't believe you won't give this up. Admit it - you thought they were guilty and now you can't bear it that you were wrong. So much so that you STILL insist on casting aspersions against these innocent people. What is your problem, is it the race of them that you can't deal with? Now you imply they are benefit fraudsters...I have read that they were all hard working poeple with their own business and as several people lived in the house the money wasn't that much anyway between them. Anyway why am I defending them? There is nothing to defend.

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