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The lawyer for the bomb suspects insists they are innocent..How does she know?

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whatever the rights and wrongs of it all one thing is for certain...lawyers are mercenary and money grabbing....they have about as much idea as the rest of us who did it but because the taxpayer is funding their lifestyle it doesnt matter...they dont deal in justice..their interest lies only in how much money they can make...and that makes them as criminal as the guilty...to see that woman on tv making comments and judgments that she couldnt possibly know all for the sake of a fat fee is sickening


Do you actually know how much this "fat fee" is that criminal lawyers get paid? It may (or may not) interest you to know that legal aid rates have hardly changed in the last ten years and are due to be capped to cut costs even further. As a result, criminal lawyers earn fees which are a fraction of those charged by lawyers in other fields of law. As for not being paid if they "lose", you seem to have a misunderstanding of the lawyers' role.

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Do you actually know how much this "fat fee" is that criminal lawyers get paid? It may (or may not) interest you to know that legal aid rates have hardly changed in the last ten years and are due to be capped to cut costs even further. As a result' date=' criminal lawyers earn fees which are a fraction of those charged by lawyers in other fields of law. As for not being paid if they "lose", you seem to have a misunderstanding of the lawyers' role.[/quote']

You're quite right.



My lawyer, who mostly does criminal work, has had to avoid renewing his Range Rover this year, because he could only afford either a new Range Rover or a new TVR - so he went for the TVR.


He's also had to reduce his motor racing to one clas this year, because running two classes would be another £50k.


I feel so sorry for him that I've considered sending a food parcel.

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