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The lawyer for the bomb suspects insists they are innocent..How does she know?

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What do you base that on?


The colour of their skin? The Sunday People?


Here we go again with the old chestnut.....if all else fails use a cliche thats been around for fifty years...i suggest before you make stupid comment you consider its just possible that i might think they are guilty because of all the police involvement but just for your information..i already stated further down this thread that nobody can help what colour they are or what they look like...and furthermore...i dont read the sunday people..what do you read ??...the sunday sport?? :help:

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Further more why did the guy start fighting with the police, steal a gun and fire off a shot? These are not the actions of innocent people mixed up in something they do not understand.


And your evidence for these assertions is? Were you there?


I think not.

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no and the lawyer wasnt there either ..so wheres her evidence for the assertions


She wasn't but she's spoken to the two guys that were , which puts her in a rather more advantageous position than you to determine the truth of the matter.

I wouldn't mind betting that both of your assertions a) that there was a struggle and b) the even more improbable 'stole a gun and fired off a shot' turn out to be completely unfounded.

You can quote me on that and if I turn out to be wrong I'll accept it publicly here. If the guy who got shot had his hands on aweapon do you not think the Police would have found it by now. They were there at the scene. Perhaps the guy was a magician as well as an alleged terrorist?

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She wasn't but she's spoken to the two guys that were , which puts her in a rather more advantageous position than you to determine the truth of the matter.

I wouldn't mind betting that both of your assertions a) that there was a struggle and b) the even more improbable 'stole a gun and fired off a shot' turn out to be completely unfounded.

You can quote me on that and if I turn out to be wrong I'll accept it publicly here. If the guy who got shot had his hands on aweapon do you not think the Police would have found it by now. They were there at the scene. Perhaps the guy was a magician as well as an alleged terrorist?

i dont think just cos she has spoken to them puts her in any position closer to the truth..they might be a pair of liars ..i dont know,maybe they are innocent...but she doent know either...but she makes factual statements saying theyre innocent...and that was the whole point of this thread...it wasnt about innocence or guilt ..it was about her earning her unearned income...and furthermore ..i suggest you challenge the view and not the person
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She wasn't but she's spoken to the two guys that were , which puts her in a rather more advantageous position than you to determine the truth of the matter.

I wouldn't mind betting that both of your assertions a) that there was a struggle and b) the even more improbable 'stole a gun and fired off a shot' turn out to be completely unfounded.

You can quote me on that and if I turn out to be wrong I'll accept it publicly here. If the guy who got shot had his hands on aweapon do you not think the Police would have found it by now. They were there at the scene. Perhaps the guy was a magician as well as an alleged terrorist?

In the commotion caused it was grappled from a coppers hand and fired, missed his target and shot the injured man. if you have ever been in a scuffle you will know these things happen in an instant.

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If you came downstairs at first light and found your house full of policemen, would you start fighting with them? Of course not, so why did these guys, even to the point of pistols being fired.

Halibut, you will be fried on this one :)

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