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New Debt Crisis

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I don’t know what is wrong with you all defending this nonsense.


I agree wholeheartedly. I often wonder what drives people to defend the indefensible. The country is being ruined and people are not only sitting back and letting it happen, but applauding while it's crumbling all around them

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Helpful to a lot of people of course.


But it does nothing to address the rotten underlying system


The 'system' seems to be in terminal decline.


Local authorities going bankrupt, public services struggling through lack of funding, high streets full of boarded up shops, food banks busier than ever, more people behind with rent and mortgage repayments, and having to borrow just to pay their way...


How much worse does it have to get before something is done?

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The 'system' seems to be in terminal decline.


Local authorities going bankrupt, public services struggling through lack of funding, high streets full of boarded up shops, food banks busier than ever, more people behind with rent and mortgage repayments, and having to borrow just to pay their way...


How much worse does it have to get before something is done?


Whats the answer Anna , Jeremy ?

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Whats the answer Anna , Jeremy ?


How about the end of austerity? That will stop local authorities going bust, and there's no evidence for austerity being a good thing.

Then we could cancel brexit, that should stimulate the economy hugely, that extra stimulus will result in greater tax income, making up the small difference in spending that the end of the austerity experiment would require.

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How about the end of austerity? That will stop local authorities going bust, and there's no evidence for austerity being a good thing.

Then we could cancel brexit, that should stimulate the economy hugely, that extra stimulus will result in greater tax income, making up the small difference in spending that the end of the austerity experiment would require.

That all makes sense, is possible and would be the most amazing thing if it were to happen....however it would come with a terrible horrific consequence......it would bring Farage out from under his rock and back into the public fold. Is that really a price worth paying?

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