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Climate Change thread

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I have just been reading some old threads about climate change, from 10 and 15 years ago; I didn't recognise the posters names, but I was thinking after all this time, more people will know of the science and believe it.


We had the pause in rising temperatures, so her is a graph from NASA showing temperatures still increasing.




And of course, if the global temperature is increasing, the sea level will be increasing.




I guess people can argue that we have been subject to 'green taxes' and the temperatures are still rising, yes it may not make any difference, we can do better, doing nothing is not a good option.


Increasing numbers do believe in climate change, despite Donald Trump and lack of political action, have you changed your opinion?


About 13 per cent of people in Britain do not accept the science of climate change, according to a new poll.



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Their science you mean.


The proposed new football stadium of Everton F.C on the banks of the Mersey - i guess you can add the local council to the 13 percent as they are part funding the new stadium. All those in the corridors of power at Everton F.C do not believe their science either!

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Their science you mean.


The proposed new football stadium of Everton F.C on the banks of the Mersey - i guess you can add the local council to the 13 percent as they are part funding the new stadium. All those in the corridors of power at Everton F.C do not believe their science either!


Not this absolute nonsense again.


We've been over this before, tho why should I be surprised - you ignore anything you don't agree with.


---------- Post added 06-09-2018 at 21:48 ----------


Our days and nights are cyclical, that does not mean that the earth cannot also warm up or cool down.


Long term climate is also cyclical (Milankovitch cycles etc) but yes, that does absolutely nothing to refute anthropogenic climate change - I don't really understand why anyone would think it did?

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Yes, quite possibly. But the difference is this cycle has the added complication of a massive population and technological dependence that wasn't around last time.


Ice age or Global warming, we need to take it seriously and do what we can to mitigate the effects so that the majority survive whatever is thrown at us.


Anyway taking care of our environment is always a good idea, whatever happens.

Edited by Anna B
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Pretty much what I meant, there will be long periods of cold and long periods of warmth


People have their own beliefs, but there is also science, which shows that greenhouse gases are warming the earth.

More people are coming round to the science, because it is now being taught in schools; perhaps more people believe, because the older generations are dying. Some old people, like Trump, will never believe in climate change.

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People have their own beliefs, but there is also science, which shows that greenhouse gases are warming the earth.

More people are coming round to the science, because it is now being taught in schools; perhaps more people believe, because the older generations are dying. Some old people, like Trump, will never believe in climate change.


Why are you constantly bringing Donald Trump into this ? :suspect:

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