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Climate Change thread

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13 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

None of the parties had manifesto pledges to legalise rape and burglary, either.

Have you been on the sauce ? ! ?

What has that got to do with the fact the electorate are not being given any choice over the Nett Zero policy ? ! ?

The attitude of the politicians to this is patronising arrogance, as well as being profoundly anti democratic.


Even the opinion poll results are totally misleading (Oct 21) :




They don't ask the real questions, almost all are "Motherhood and Apple Pie"  :


Frequent flier levies ? Who wouldn't support someone else paying tax ?

The real question should have been "would you support a 50% tax on your next flight to Spain" ?


Phasing out gas boilers ?

Should be "would you support being forced to use electricity (at 3X the price) to heat your house ?"


Creating low traffic neighbourhoods ?

Should be "would you support restrictions on where you can park your car, or even if you are allowed to have a car at all, and significant extra charges to use it every day"


etc etc



8 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

It might be a great unknown to you. To anyone who knows more than a smattering of plant biology  will be able to tell you about the effect of increasing CO2 on photosynthesis. And the limits to those effects.

Maybe have a read before displaying your own lack of knowledge.

Nobody knows for sure, not me, not you, not the "experts".

It's educated guesswork. But, as I keep repeating, to a large extent it's irrelevant anyway. If the UK population prefer to spend Billions on mitigation rather than Trillions trying (and very possibly failing) to stop global warming, that is democracy.

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2 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Have you been on the sauce ? ! ?

What has that got to do with the fact the electorate are not being given any choice over the Nett Zero policy ? ! ?




I’m sure that there are some people who would like those things to be legal. Why should they be denied their democratic choice? Why are your democratic desires any more important than theirs?



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14 minutes ago, Chekhov said:



Nobody knows for sure, not me, not you, not the "experts".

It's educated guesswork. But, as I keep repeating, to a large extent it's irrelevant anyway. If the UK population prefer to spend Billions on mitigation rather than Trillions trying (and very possibly failing) to stop global warming, that is democracy.

I was talking about the effect of CO2 concentration on the rate of photosynthesis. Which you had attached some unjustified mystery to.


I notice that you’ve shifted the goalposts in your reply. That’s not very honest of you.


Anyway, if you have more than a GCSE in Biology, you should know a fair bit about CO2 and photosynthesis. The main thing being that higher C02 concentrations don’t necessarily lead to faster photosynthesis.



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42 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

So you are saying no party had an anti Nett Zero policy.

I think it was quite clear who you should vote for if you didn't agree with net-zero.

UKIP and the Brexit party make no mention of climate change in their manifesto.


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33 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Profoundly anti democratic 


They don't ask the real questions, almost all are "Motherhood and Apple Pie"  :


Frequent flier levies ? Who wouldn't support someone else paying tax ?

The real question should have been "would you support a 50% tax on your next flight to Spain" ?

Are you the Messiah that knows what people are thinking, without asking your questions?

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12 hours ago, Chekhov said:

I would have thought most of the cost of climate change mitigation in this country would be flood prevention.


>>a billion people heading north to Europe and the UK<<


I dispute that a Billion people would try to come over to Europe, certainly the parts that are already pretty full.

Based on what? Wishful thinking? :roll:



You are also forgetting that global warming will open up large areas of the world to habitation (e.g. Siberia, or even Greenland), that are presently not habitable.

Desperate stuff indeed...  are you sure they will become habitable at precisely the same time other places become uninhabitable?


What if there's a of delay, or it doesn't happen?


How are these people going to get to these destinations?


Why would they head there, instead of Europe?



Safe to say, you can't even conceive of the problems that will be created... even the blindingly obvious, that targets are set to drive innovation and technological advance... completely alien!

Edited by Magilla
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15 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Creating low traffic neighbourhoods ?

Should be "would you support restrictions on where you can park your car, or even if you are allowed to have a car at all, and significant extra charges to use it every day"

I live in a low traffic neighbourhood (see also : 15min neighbourhood)


A) it's great

B) none of those things apply (example : i park right outside my house, and because lots of families don't feel the need for a 2nd car, parking is easy - we'll probably be one of the last places in Sheffield to introduce parking permits - because we don't need to - it's the car-priority neighbourhoods where parking is a restricted nightmare)

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