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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

It gets funnier! 

The Guardian

‘Headed off the charts’: world’s ocean surface temperature hits record high

Scientists warn of more marine heatwaves, leading to increased risk of extreme weather

I get the usual dissembling lecture, when I point out the misleading article headline above.

It is not "the world's  ocean surface temperature", when they leave the 2 coldest bits out, namely South and North of 60 degrees!

But not matter!

Last word to you!

Have a nice day!

    I never mentioned The Guardian. I just provided you with the latest NOAA data that you trust.

    Like most people, I know that above  60 ° N its the Arctic Ocean which has a lot of ice covering it and so it is difficult to measure sea temperature from a satellite and above 60 ° S it's mostly Antarctica which is land.  I also know that they are the coldest bits because the receive very little radiation from the Sun and any effect on re-radiation by atmospheric gases is dwarfed by the re-radiation from their white surfaces.

    A mathematician might tell us the exactly how much smaller the Earth surface covers above 60 ° N/S latitudes compared with between  60 ° N and  60 ° S given that the  60 ° latitudes are half the length that of the equator.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Big Day for the Left.


Today is Earth Day. Supposed to be a "celebration", but it will probably just be another rent-a-mob protest, featuring the usual suspects.


No Maypole dancing or baking contests are expected.


And since it was conveniently moved to Lenin's Birthday by activists, back in the 70's, it's an opportunity to celebrate both events at the same time!




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27 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Today is Earth Day. Supposed to be a "celebration", but it will probably just be another rent-a-mob protest, featuring the usual suspects.

Aye, the majority...


Majority in poll say climate change needs to be addressed ‘right now’:





27 minutes ago, trastrick said:

No Maypole dancing or baking contests are expected.


And since it was conveniently moved to Lenin's Birthday by activists, back in the 70's, it's an opportunity to celebrate both events at the same time!

Your bitterness is palpable... So sad, never mind.

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19 hours ago, Magilla said:

Majority of adults have been personally affected by extreme weather, climate change:



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Chekhov said :

Err, it isn't just "people like me" who want to jet off on holiday, it's most people.

What is the point in earning money, or even living, if you cannot spend it doing stuff you want to do ? Most people want to spend their money on three things : holidays (esp foreign holidays), cars or a bigger house, all three of which environmentalists want to restrict. So the nett zero fundamentalists have  a huge problem right there don't they ? As I have said before we ain't seen nothing yet because there hasn't really been much of an effort to restrict any of "the golden three". We'll see what happens when (or if) they try it. Assuming people are given the choice to vote against it of course.....


Organgrinder said :

I'm afraid that, unless they come up with (as promised) electric  planes, your holidays look like being cut drastically.

Half the people in this world have never had a holiday in their lives and they seem to manage.

Nobody is going to restrict cars, only petrol and diesel, but electric or other forms of clean propulsion will be allowed.

No restrictions on houses either so where do you get your 3 from?

We'll see what happens when they try then as you said.  If you put up the same fight as you did over Covid, your holidays are certainly doomed.

 A blanket's a good way to get warm.  Some are using them already due to dirty and expensive energy ( not green environmentalist ) bills.

Whether it will still be worth living, you will have to make up your own mind about that but, as I said,  other people manage.


It is no surprise that you and your ilk were in favour of the Covid suppression of society, because that's exactly your attitude to people's lives generally. Who are you, or anyone else, to tell people they should not be going on holiday, indeed possibly prevented from doing so, either directly or indirectly by massive taxes. EVEN WORSE the electorate have never even been given the opportunity to vote for it or against it.

The words of the nett zero extremists right there :

1 - Forget flying away to somewhere warm, spending ones retirement travelling and seeing the world, go to Skeggy in the cold instead.

2 - You probably won't be driving (unless you're fairly well off), so get to Skeggy on the coach [if even that's allowed].

2 - If you're cold put a blanket on.


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33 minutes ago, Chekhov said:


It is no surprise that you and your ilk were in favour of the Covid suppression of society, because that's exactly your attitude to people's lives generally. Who are you, or anyone else, to tell people they should not be going on holiday, indeed possibly prevented from doing so, either directly or indirectly by massive taxes. EVEN WORSE the electorate have never even been given the opportunity to vote for it or against it.

The words of the nett zero extremists right there :

1 - Forget flying away to somewhere warm, spending ones retirement travelling and seeing the world, go to Skeggy in the cold instead.

2 - You probably won't be driving (unless you're fairly well off), so get to Skeggy on the coach [if even that's allowed].

2 - If you're cold put a blanket on.


Who are you to tell people what they think and say?

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1 hour ago, Delayed said:

Who are you to tell people what they think and say?

He's proving that he's a suppressionist  -  the very thing he keeps complaining about in others.


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As "catastrophic anthropological  (man made) climate change" is getting closer and closer, and time is running out, so we are told, it's wise to keep a weather eye open to the actual science.


Here is the latest observed  data from the NOAA/NASA satellite record of the last 44 years.


Global Temperature






Arctic Sea Ice Extent












Polar Sea Ice Extent Trends







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