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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:


    My best guess at understanding any of this is that you advocate digging a bigger hole -faster?

And you have a nice day too, dearie!  :)


Edited by trastrick
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10 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Consuming less/consuming better is not about denying or depriving, it is about doing things differently at every scale from individuals to economic blocks. The most successful changes will not come from Government edicts or individual or corporate denial.

Tell me, the thing my wife and I are looking forward to most about retiring is to do loads of travelling. I suspect there are millions of others who think the same.

So, tell me, if "it is about doing things differently", how are we going to fly to South Africa ?


And keep our house warm come to that.

And don't come out with that mother hood and apple pie cobblers about "insulate your house better", it is already insulated very well (there is certainly no "low hanging fruit to pick there) and it has the biggest solar panel installation we could fit on our roof.

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12 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

   The super-rich have always consumed a tiny fraction of the world resources and the industrial revolution ended over 150 years ago. That to future populations a 'standard of living' equates to ours is an assumption too far as 'quality of life' will become an increasingly more important factor than just income and acquisition.

  A view that producing more of the same fails economically as it relies on an infinite supply of raw materials, the capacity to produce and a continuing source of cheap labour.

  Consuming less/consuming better is not about denying or depriving, it is about doing things differently at every scale from individuals to economic blocks. The most successful changes will not come from Government edicts or individual or corporate denial.

  One thing I do agree with is that the increase in income disparity is a major issue and effects both social structure and the ability to choose.

So should we use paper bags or plastic?


The less we use, the more the third world can catch up.

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

Tell me, the thing my wife and I are looking forward to most about retiring is to do loads of travelling. I suspect there are millions of others who think the same.

So, tell me, if "it is about doing things differently", how are we going to fly to South Africa ?


And keep our house warm come to that.

And don't come out with that mother hood and apple pie cobblers about "insulate your house better", it is already insulated very well (there is certainly no "low hanging fruit to pick there) and it has the biggest solar panel installation we could fit on our roof.

   If your choice is to fly to South Africa you will have to go by plane as, like many other things there is no alternative and so there is no choice-enjoy. Unlike maintaining your property(ies) were you have already made choices and sometimes  those choices benefit more than just the individual or the business. 

   Jumping on a political bandwagon like yours or that of the  environmentalists will only delay the informed decisions we as individuals are sometimes able to make. Neither your fear and negativity or the Green's ignorance and naivety is going to move us on.  


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11 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Tell me, the thing my wife and I are looking forward to most about retiring is to do loads of travelling. I suspect there are millions of others who think the same.

So, tell me, if "it is about doing things differently", how are we going to fly to South Africa ?


And keep our house warm come to that.

And don't come out with that mother hood and apple pie cobblers about "insulate your house better", it is already insulated very well (there is certainly no "low hanging fruit to pick there) and it has the biggest solar panel installation we could fit on our roof.

Have you tried being Black?


Because the eco cult only seem to be angry at white people 

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10 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

   If your choice is to fly to South Africa you will have to go by plane as, like many other things there is no alternative and so there is no choice-enjoy. Unlike maintaining your property(ies) were you have already made choices and sometimes  those choices benefit more than just the individual or the business. 

   Jumping on a political bandwagon like yours or that of the  environmentalists will only delay the informed decisions we as individuals are sometimes able to make. Neither your fear and negativity or the Green's ignorance and naivety is going to move us on.  


Would it be preferable to sail to South Africa rather than fly ?

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23 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

We should stop sending food and start sending them condoms and the pill


It's crazy how the poorest countries in the world have the highest birth rates


And it's the west who are expected to foot the bill

Thing is.... You know full well that in the safe space of their own home, even the sanctimonious, righteous left will agree with this but they are too wet wipey to admit it.


Far easier to pretend you care.

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14 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Would it be preferable to sail to South Africa rather than fly ?

 Absolutely not. Not only totally impractical but the individual fares and costs would be far higher and there would be no  overall environmental benefit.

 Even if you could find a sailing it would take around twenty days, during which time you will need 80 days(2 people return) of food, water, energy(heat, A/C, cleaning. movement, food storage/processing) etc. which would cost far more than at home.

 Without doubt using ships is a better way of moving bulky/heavy stuff long distances for which time is not a critical factor particularly on ships that use cleaner fuels. However they cannot compete with aircraft when it comes to carrying soft fruit and delicate vegetables demanded by consumers when out of season here on in Europe. The climate and location(sunlight hours) of the UK makes it the best place in the world to grow soft fruits like strawberries-why then do we buy crap from abroad which has to have been bred to last longer and bigger at the expense of flavour and texture?  




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35 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Thing is.... You know full well that in the safe space of their own home, even the sanctimonious, righteous left will agree with this but they are too wet wipey to admit it.


Far easier to pretend you care.

The usual rant blaming all life’s evils on anyone who doesn’t subscribe to rightist bigotry.

Wherever we are at in terms of policy is down to a long standing Conservative Government which has shifted increasingly to the right in recent years.

Obviously not far enough in your opinion.





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