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Climate Change thread

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I'm not into this climate debate at all, but if the planet is warming up, surely there will be advantages as well as disadvantages.

The human race, as always, will adapt to climate change.

I remember when I was a child, winters were horrific, snow and freezing temperature's were commonplace. Not anymore, very rare now to see heavy snowfalls, and any snow barely last's a couple of days.

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20 minutes ago, Padders said:

I'm not into this climate debate at all, but if the planet is warming up, surely there will be advantages as well as disadvantages.

The human race, as always, will adapt to climate change.

I remember when I was a child, winters were horrific, snow and freezing temperature's were commonplace. Not anymore, very rare now to see heavy snowfalls, and any snow barely last's a couple of days.

The problem is animals and plants can't change like that we need them for food production. The insects population is falling fast this is not good news for our food production. Humans can only take so much heat or cold before our bodies break down environmental change is not good for our health.

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15 minutes ago, GabrielC said:

The problem is animals and plants can't change like that we need them for food production. The insects population is falling fast this is not good news for our food production. Humans can only take so much heat or cold before our bodies break down environmental change is not good for our health.

That's it... WE need things to stay as they are.


Nature will be fine long after humans have gone...

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42 minutes ago, Padders said:

The human race, as always, will adapt to climate change.

we live in a very benign climate - here in Britain.


it's rarely too cold/hot/dry/wet to live and grow crops. If it gets a bit warmer/colder/wetter/drier, we could be forgiven for not really noticing.


hundreds of millions (billions?) of people are living more exposed lives, in places closer to the limits of viability.


yeah, sure, humans can adapt. but when the driver is climate change, that adaptation will means hundreds of millions of people moving somewhere less hostile to farming/agriculture.

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55 minutes ago, ads36 said:

we live in a very benign climate - here in Britain.


it's rarely too cold/hot/dry/wet to live and grow crops. If it gets a bit warmer/colder/wetter/drier, we could be forgiven for not really noticing.


hundreds of millions (billions?) of people are living more exposed lives, in places closer to the limits of viability.


yeah, sure, humans can adapt. but when the driver is climate change, that adaptation will means hundreds of millions of people moving somewhere less hostile to farming/agriculture.

I'm not disagreeing with you at all;
One of the reasons for favouring the expression "Climate Change", over "Global Warming", is that the actual effect of global warming, even by a very small amount, is likely to lead to more extremes of local weather.

Trying to convince someone sceptical about climate change, by referring to global warming, whilst enduring an extreme cold spell is always likely to be problematic.

Our current wet spell, and the warmest March in recent records, may be an example of more extreme weather conditions, without actually being extreme (as in immediately life threatening).
The UK is better placed than many countries in terms of food security, but we still depend on imports as well as our own home grown crops etc. 
We are unlikely to starve , but cost of living may increase.


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I cant say I'm not worried if Labour win the next election. I wonder how they are going to tackle climate change? More effort from the public for net zero and making people poorer. What a burden to put on the country when it is going to make very little difference. Surely all our efforts will be
diminished because of Russia, China and other countries who have no intention of tackling climate change at the moment.





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16 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

I cant say I'm not worried if Labour win the next election. I wonder how they are going to tackle climate change? More effort from the public for net zero and making people poorer. What a burden to put on the country when it is going to make very little difference. Surely all our efforts will be
diminished because of Russia, China and other countries who have no intention of tackling climate change at the moment.

here's the great news - more or less everything that we need to do to reduce our contribution to climate change is stuff we need to be doing anyway.


better public transport, home insulation programs, more nuclear power, more renewables, etc.


where's the hardship?


(China are the world leader on increasing their supply of renewable power)



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3 minutes ago, ads36 said:

here's the great news - more or less everything that we need to do to reduce our contribution to climate change is stuff we need to be doing anyway.


better public transport, home insulation programs, more nuclear power, more renewables, etc.


where's the hardship?


(China are the world leader on increasing their supply of renewable power)



Oh well you learn a little every day. As long as Labour don't make it compulsory to have one if those expensive heat pump boilers.

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30 minutes ago, ads36 said:

here's the great news - more or less everything that we need to do to reduce our contribution to climate change is stuff we need to be doing anyway.


better public transport, home insulation programs, more nuclear power, more renewables, etc.


where's the hardship?


(China are the world leader on increasing their supply of renewable power)



I think the biggest thing that is concerning people is personal car use. 

We have been pretty dependent on our cars for a long time as the world has speeded up and we have to pack more into each day. Public transport is all very well but it's slow: a trip up to my father's house takes 20 minutes by car, but 1and a half hours each way by bus, (I know because I've done it.) 


The other day (quite a typical day) I did some shopping, took some stuff to the tip, called in on a friend who needed a bit of help, and took some of her stuff to the charity shop for her. How could I have done all that by public transport? Similarly when I was attending several hospital outpatient appointments and couldn't drive, a roundtrip by taxi cost £28. (I couldn't walk far enough to manage public transport,) and hospital transport let me down 3 times out of 4. 


The idea that we can live entirely within our own area is never going to happen and public transport does not fill the gap.

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33 minutes ago, Anna B said:

The idea that we can live entirely within our own area is never going to happen and public transport does not fill the gap.

The only people who suggest that is a thing are people who believe the conspiracy theories about 15 minute cities. Meanwhile, in Paris...

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