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Climate Change thread

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11 hours ago, Longcol said:

So for a start read what the experts say and not what politicians say the experts say.

This is an EXACT rerun of Covid in that :


1 - The politicians say we will follow the science so they can abdicate responsibility for making any serious decisions.


2 - Scientists are by their very nature over cautious.


3 - MOST IMPORTANTLY, just like with Covid, scientists are not really that bothered about the effects of their recommended policies on the economy, and even less bothered about the effects on people's personal freedoms.


Put all three together and that is why we ended up where we did with Covid and we will end up deep in the **** over "Nett Zero".

Edited by Chekhov
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7 hours ago, Anna B said:

As with Covid, if a view doesn't coincide with the current narative and agenda, it often doesn't get airtime or into the mainstream media.


Bill Oddie spring to mind and there are plenty of others.

I thought Bill Oddie was a TV presenter and bird fancier, not a climate scientist?

Not sure what David Bellamy was?



Edited by El Cid
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59 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

This is an EXACT rerun of Covid in that :


1 - The politicians say we will follow the science so they can abdicate responsibility for making any serious decisions

We should have heard from statistical experts and economists.

Having said that, I think our leadership was responsible for our policies being poor.

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21 hours ago, El Cid said:

We should have heard from statistical experts and economists.

Having said that, I think our leadership was responsible for our policies being poor.

I absolutely agree with that. What was it Thatcher said ?

"Advisors advise and ministers decide"

So, whilst the advice there were getting was woefully inaccurate and overly alarmist, it was still the ministers' fault, not the "experts".

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Every reputable scientific organisation in the world agrees that climate change is real and is being driven by human activities, primarily emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Yet two of the UK’s newest television stations, GB News and Talk TV(Brian Catt), which target viewers at the fringes of the political spectrum, are misleading their audiences by promoting climate change denial. And they have now found a new champion, Brian Catt, to join Donald Trump and other extremists in publicly dismissing almost 200 years of accumulated scientific evidence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greta is back!


Greta Thunberg: How should global leaders use trillions of dollars to combat climate change?

Opinion by Greta Thunberg • Monday




Having apparently mastered the scientific vagaries of chaotic atmospheric systems, she now moves on to the next step. International Macro-Economics.


She's a very fast learner, indeed!


Her new book, due out soon, will garner the usual accolades and awards from the usual sources. They may even find an honorary Humanitarian Oscar for her!


Hand on tight to your wallets, while she advises the World on how they should spend their money!  :)


The article concludes:


"Either way, it is crystal clear that technology alone will unfortunately not save us. And it is still very much the lobbyists, fighting for the interests of short-term economics, who occupy the driver’s seat in our society. Companies and politicians have done so much to use false solutions to preserve the status quo. But the real answers are right in front of us.

Greta Thunberg is a climate justice activist. This essay was adapted from her forthcoming book, “The Climate Book: The Facts and the Solutions."


 Notice the shift in her job description to see how the activists have evolved from, not counting Global Cooling, Global Warming, Climate Change, Extreme Weather Events, to Climate Justice!


Whatever! It all takes money, and plenty of it, right? :)



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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Greta is back!

Yes yes... Greta is more intelligent & successful than you ever managed, in a fraction of the time...


...who knew. :roll:



The article concludes:



"Either way, it is crystal clear that technology alone will unfortunately not save us. And it is still very much the lobbyists, fighting for the interests of short-term economics, who occupy the driver’s seat in our society. Companies and politicians have done so much to use false solutions to preserve the status quo. But the real answers are right in front of us."

Seems to be a broadly accurate summation of the current state of play...


...can you point to anything in the paragraph you chose to highlight that is blatantly false?



Whatever! It all takes money, and plenty of it, right? :)

So does the cost of rebuilding after an event, usually not just in £ :roll:


Console yourself, you won't be around to endure any of it, it won't cost you anything.

Edited by Magilla
  • Haha 1
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Well it had to come, but now academics are suggesting that stuff such as petrol, houshold energy, meat and flights should be rationed in order to help with "the fight against climate change" : The Times 20 Feb 2023 "How to fix Global warming ? Bring back rationing."

Even worse they are saying the "rations" shoudl be non transferable, negating the market's efficiencies still further. You will not go on that holiday, no matter how much money you are prepared to spend on it...


Let's be clear, if the government want to force people to behave in a certain way they only have linmited options, they either increase the tax on it or ban it altogether, the use rationing is almost never used outside of wartime. Using the tax system is the most effcient way but, of course, that then means thr "rich" don't have to alter their behaviour as much as "the poor". And thety are asking su to MASSIVELY alter our lives, in a way that will make Brexit look like a walk in the park, in fact a mere "amble" would be more accurate.

And yet, unlike Brexit, they have never put any of this to a vote, either directly or with "Nett Zero" a s amajor plank of teh parties poolicies and with a mainstream alternative available to vote for. I am prepared to bet anyone on here £100 that the great majority of people in this country do not want all these draconian "Nett Zero" edicts.

This is all profoundly undemocratic.

Edited by Chekhov
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On 05/02/2023 at 23:15, El Cid said:

Every reputable scientific organisation in the world agrees that climate change is real and is being driven by human activities, primarily emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Yet two of the UK’s newest television stations, GB News and Talk TV(Brian Catt), which target viewers at the fringes of the political spectrum, are misleading their audiences by promoting climate change denial. And they have now found a new champion, Brian Catt, to join Donald Trump and other extremists in publicly dismissing almost 200 years of accumulated scientific evidence.

You are forgetting about points two and three...


2 - Can we do anything about climate change (and I mean within the realms of what it is reasonable to expect teh population to endure) ?


3 - Do the population actually want to spend Trillions of pounds trying (possibly unsuccessfully) to reduce global temparatures when, in thsi country at least, they may prefer to spend "only" Billions on more flood defences ?

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18 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

You are forgetting about points two and three...


2 - Can we do anything about climate change (and I mean within the realms of what it is reasonable to expect teh population to endure) ?



Climate change isn't a binary situation. there are degrees (literally) of change.


ranging from +1°C : this is roughly where we are now.


to +4°C (or more!) : literally the extinction of most life on earth, including humans.


we still get to choose which future we want.





24 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

3 - Do the population actually want to spend Trillions of pounds trying (possibly unsuccessfully) to reduce global temparatures when, in thsi country at least, they may prefer to spend "only" Billions on more flood defences ?

Acting on climate will save us money.


More public transport, better insulated houses, more renewable power, regrowing our lost forests, restoring our wetlands.


all of those things are money-savers. And we should be doing them *anyway*.

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