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33 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:


Fortunately, Mother Nature also has a way of balancing out the differences in human thinking and understanding so  that the majority train of thought is the one that is usually followed.

This is so that the planet does not get locked into a Goldilocks type of existence by those who still believe in fairyland and ignore what they can see with their own eyes.

I don't know whether the majority will prevail in time but the blinkered minority will still be googling for so called facts to support their theories, whilst the water rises.




Blinkered folks look at photoshopped photos of New York under 30 feet of water in the Guardian. :) 


And pin it up in the classroom.


Satellites look and see that all major waterfront cities in the world are actually growing their urban areas, by dredging and filling land for residential, commercial, industrial developments, parks, marinas, shore bird wetlands, and even airports and new cities.


See Google Earth Historical Imagery . See for youself!


The poster child, for a "nation being washed away": the Pacific Island of Tuvalu, always a star turn at the global warming gabfests, with their hand out, has actually increasing it's land area over the years.


Real science is showing that the real science deniers, are the charlatan Doomsday fearmonger predictors of the future, and their Chicken Little dupes, who only see Catastrophe, Armageddon and Apocalypse lurking around every corner!  :)


The only thing they are incapable of seeing are the huge spiralling National Debts they are incurring "just in case".


The Mulinational Corporations of the World thank you,  So does Algore!




Edited by trastrick
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12 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Blinkered folks look at photoshopped photos of New York under 30 feet of water in the Guardian. :) 


And pin it up in the classroom.


Satellites look and see that all major waterfront cities in the world are actually growing their urban areas, by dredging and filling land for residential, commercial, industrial developments, parks, marinas, shore bird wetlands, and even airports and new cities.


See Google Earth Historical Imagery . See for youself!


The poster child, for a "nation being washed away": the Pacific Island of Tuvalu, always a star turn at the global warming gabfests, with their hand out, has actually increasing it's land area over the years.


Real science is showing that the real science deniers, are the charlatan Doomsday fearmonger predictors of the future, and their Chicken Little dupes, who only see Catastrophe, Armageddon and Apocalypse lurking around every corner!  :)


The only thing they are incapable of seeing are the huge spiralling National Debts they are incurring "just in case".


The Mulinational Corporations of the World thank you,  So does Algore!




I wouldn't expect an extreme right winger who's only interest is money, to ever admit the truth, especially when that truth comes with a cost.



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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Real science is showing that the real science deniers, are the charlatan Doomsday fearmonger predictors of the future, and their Chicken Little dupes, who only see Catastrophe, Armageddon and Acopalypse lurking around every corner!  :)

Except... it isn't :roll:


Your version of "real science" has been debunked so many times over it's laughable.


The source of your satellite chart claimed warming had plateaued in 2012...


...in the real world temperature records continue to be set globally :?


3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The only thing they are incapable of seeing are the huge spiralling National Debts they are incurring "just in case".

A Trump cheerleader talking about the national debt... don't make me laugh. :hihi:


Trump was on course to add more than the entire cost of the 2008 GFC, or the entirety of the 9/11 "War on Terror", by the end of his second term... while the economy was supposedly "booming" (and that's before you factor in Covid).


Literally could not have done worse! :loopy:

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4 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Blinkered folks look at photoshopped photos of New York under 30 feet of water in the Guardian.  

And pin it up in the classroom.

Satellites look and see that all major waterfront cities in the world are actually growing their urban areas, by dredging and filling land for residential, commercial, industrial developments, parks, marinas, shore bird wetlands, and even airports and new cities.

See Google Earth Historical Imagery . See for youself!

The poster child, for a "nation being washed away": the Pacific Island of Tuvalu, always a star turn at the global warming gabfests, with their hand out, has actually increasing it's land area over the years.

Real science is showing that the real science deniers, are the charlatan Doomsday fearmonger predictors of the future, and their Chicken Little dupes, who only see Catastrophe, Armageddon and Apocalypse lurking around every corner! 

The only thing they are incapable of seeing are the huge spiralling National Debts they are incurring "just in case".


    In the Blue Corner we have those "... charlatan Doomsday fearmonger predictors ...who only see Catastrophe, Armageddon and Apocalypse lurking around every corner! "

    In the Red Corner we have those incapable of seeing anything except a money grab.

    These two entrenched views not only bore the pants off everybody but contribute nothing to a changing world.


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30 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I wouldn't expect an extreme right winger who's only interest is money, to ever admit the truth, especially when that truth comes with a cost.



Be careful what you say!


I might be bringing a few of my Dominican and Haitian fellow "extreme right winger" friends up your street to protest and demand you folks borrow more money to send  to the Military Industrial Complex to keep your never ending wars going!  :)


Here we have one toilet, no vehicle, room temperature shower, and buy locally produced fresh meat fish, poultry, and fruit and vegetables.


And you and Algore, Greta and Kerry?


I'm rich, but not in the way you folks are up there, polluting our world!


As for being only interested in money, it's you lot who are demansing your fair share of other peoples hard work earnings, and striking for ever more., which always ends up the same when there's no more money left to tax, or borrow.


See Greece, Italy, Spain, Venezuela, and now France. Mahem on the streets.


Coming to a neighborhood near yours, one day soon!  :)



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19 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

    In the Blue Corner we have those "... charlatan Doomsday fearmonger predictors ...who only see Catastrophe, Armageddon and Apocalypse lurking around every corner! "

    In the Red Corner we have those incapable of seeing anything except a money grab.

    These two entrenched views not only bore the pants off everybody but contribute nothing to a changing world.


You could always choose to give it a miss and not bother reading it.



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9 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Be careful what you say!


I might be bringing a few of my Dominican and Haitian fellow "extreme right winger" friends up your street to protest and demand you folks borrow more money to send  to the Military Industrial Complex to keep your never ending wars going!  :)


Here we have one toilet, no vehicle, room temperature shower, and buy locally produced fresh meat fish, poultry, and fruit and vegetables.


And you and Algore, Greta and Kerry?


I'm rich, but not in the way you folks are up there, polluting our world!

Sure, 'cos ultimately, a load of meaningless, fact free waffle you made up... is all you really have :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Be careful what you say!


I might be bringing a few of my Dominican and Haitian fellow "extreme right winger" friends up your street to protest and demand you folks borrow more money to send  to the Military Industrial Complex to keep your never ending wars going!  :)


Here we have one toilet, no vehicle, room temperature shower, and buy locally produced fresh meat fish, poultry, and fruit and vegetables.


And you and Algore, Greta and Kerry?


I'm rich, but not in the way you folks are up there, polluting our world!



So you manage to travel the globe without polluting it.

You must be one hell of a swimmer who started from Carter Place.





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14 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Be careful what you say!

I might be bringing a few of my Dominican and Haitian fellow "extreme right winger" friends up your street to protest and demand you folks borrow more money to send  to the Military Industrial Complex to keep your never ending wars going! 

Here we have one toilet, no vehicle, room temperature shower, and buy locally produced fresh meat fish, poultry, and fruit and vegetables.

And you and Algore, Greta and Kerry?

I'm rich, but not in the way you folks are up there, polluting our world!

As for being only interested in money, it's you lot who are demansing your fair share of other peoples hard work earnings, and striking for ever more., which always ends up the same when there's no more money left to tax, or borrow.

See Greece, Italy, Spain, Venezuela, and now France. Mahem on the streets.

Coming to a neighborhood near yours, one day soon! 


     How many thousands of miles do you travel by air?



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18 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

So you manage to travel the globe without polluting it.

You must be one hell of a swimmer who started from carter Place.





Guilty as charged, your honor!


I lived the Western material life, with the best of them.


Until I found out the true secret to happiness, The simple non competitive rancorous life! Close to nature.  :)


Now  about your Hollywood/Oscar/Algore/Greta/Kerry gurus?



14 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

     How many thousands of miles do you travel by air?



One round trip per year. say 3,000 miles round trip, non stop?


So my friends and family don't all have to fly down to see me.

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