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Climate Change thread

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6 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Real men don't spend their time insulting people, while hiding behind their anonymity.


Or, for that matter, neither do  real women, bless 'em!


Strictly Caspar Milquetoast folks who wouldn't say boo! in public.


Human nature!


Typically load of gobbledegook as always but nothing real to actually say



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On 31/03/2023 at 05:17, Annie Bynnol said:

  For some reason you see the 'environmentalists' as a political enemy, pitching yourself at the opposite end of the spectrum. Reality is of course in the middle- things are happening locally and globally and finding how human activity is influencing change is a good idea.

Ah. back on topic.


I "see" myself an environmentalist, I spent my youth in the Sheffield woods, and knew every cave and hole in nearby Derbyshire where one could camp for a night without tent or fancy gear, and how to find clean water.


I spent a good part of my adulthood, at first as a weekend tree planting volunteer,  later as a mitigator of rights of way conflicts across forested land onder sustainable management. Required certification as an Environmental Inspector (which in those days was an easy thing to get based on one's experience in the field)

I've been on the move all my life, and managed to plant a tree, on every property that had a dirt patch,  Some of my babies I can still visit on Google Street View!  Others died, or were chopped down to make room for a car parking spot.


But I see the environmental cause being cynically co-opted by politicians, to divide people, to frighten the young, and to make more money for rich billionaires like Algore, Kerry, et al, and boost ticket sales for fading Hollywood Celebs. (and also as af free pass to prevent massed protests in front of their multi mega mansions  :)


My personal carbon footprint here, could not be lowered, as I've pointed out in detail here in other posts, but because I admit to being a (small c)  conservative,  I get loads of personal insults based on their own negative stereotypes :)


But the climate change movement is based less on science, than on emotions, and is sold as such. Big Oil has signed on to keep the folks happily filling up their SUV's, private planes, yachts and other polluting toys..


The emotional tug works well on the young, the have nots, and the chicken little doomsday types.


Posting the actual unadulterated science from the scientists here, always brings down the expected derision of the warmers here.


But photo shopped pictures of Miami, New York and London under 30 feet of water, and stock photos of a sick polar bear on a six foot ice flo brought grave concern to the viewers.


Even one of the original poster boys for the movement was a phony:


Chicago Tribune

The ‘Crying Indian’ ad that fooled the environmental movement

Behind the tear

"The campaign was based on many duplicities. The first of them was that Iron Eyes Cody was actually born Espera de Corti — an Italian-American (Hollywood actor) who played Indians in both his life and on screen. The commercial’s impact hinged on the emotional authenticity of the Crying Indian’s tear. In promoting this symbol, Keep America Beautiful was trying to piggyback on the counterculture’s embrace of Native American culture as a more authentic identity than commercial culture.


The second duplicity was that Keep America Beautiful was composed of leading beverage and packaging corporations. Not only were they the very essence of what the counterculture was against; they were also staunchly opposed to many environmental initiatives.





Science is science


Emotions are emotions


Politics is politics


Ad campaigns are ad campaigns


Big Business is big business.


Best not to let them get all mixed up with each other!  :)


(Late edit) To the "gobbledegook"! :)


Another little item I just remembered and used to laugh about, I'll add, and which the usual suspects will definitely NOT believe.! and which I rather shamefully admit was just a wee bit of a cynical ploy on my part.


On my life's career journey, from apprentice electrician in Sheffield to retirement in tropical rainforest DR, I was conscripted from a low paid banking job in Toronto, around 1963, by one of our customers who were looking for somebody to look after their books, who they could "trust" in their growing business, A group of loosely connected professionals of of land surveyors, land developers  and later on,  land appraisers and right-of-way negotiators.


Although I had no experience in bookkeeping, or accountancy, they didn't really care about the difference, "an office person is an office person", and I learned on the job and in my spare time.


Their big client at that time was the Metropolitan and Toronto Region Conservation Authority (MTRCA) who were at the time acquiring all the flood plain lands in the aftermath of Hurricane Hazel, which devastated Toronto and its river valley communities in 1953, and killed many.


With high tech devices like electric calculating machines and postal meters (no more stamps) just coming on. We got our new postal machine.


On the stamp block of our new postal machine, was a place to insert a logo or a short ad message.Thinking this would go over well with our client who were always lobbying for more government money for their programs,, I inserted the original message, in italics, at the bottom of the envelopes,


"It pays to conserve our natural resources"


Which later became our logo on all our stationery, reports,  and printed materials


This.was was back in 1964! and I'm sure, one of the first of many commercial bows to the environmental movement.:)




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18 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:



What you doing today......are you going to the cobblers to get your shoes mended? 



??????????????????????????????????????????????????   nitwit.         You get dafter

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A few years ago I watched a programme about David Attenborough talking about the worlds population.  He said it won’t be climate change that will destroy the world but the alarming increase in population and not enough food to feed people that will be our biggest enemy.   What little I have seen of him lately he seems more concerned about fossil fuels and not population control. It could be because it’s not politically correct to tell people how many children to have. 

If the world is going to get smaller then surely the environmentalists such as Green Peace and Just Stop Oil need to talk about how to reduce the population as well as ending fossil fuel, I believe the two go together.


A Speech By David Attenborough  


Sending food aid to famine-stricken countries avoids the more fundamental problem of population growth, Sir David Attenborough has said, as he called for more debate about population control.

The renowned broadcaster told the Daily Telegraph the world was "heading for disaster", and without action the "natural world will do something".

"What are all these Famines in Ethiopia?  What are they about?" he said. "They're about too many people for too little land. That's what it's about. And we are blinding ourselves. We say, get the United Nations to send them bags of flour. That's barmy."

He admitted the issues had huge sensitivities, but insisted it was important to "just keep on about it".



I get the impression Attenborough want the UN to stop sending bags of flour to Ethiopia.

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2 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

A few years ago I watched a programme about David Attenborough talking about the worlds population.  He said it won’t be climate change that will destroy the world but the alarming increase in population and not enough food to feed people that will be our biggest enemy.   What little I have seen of him lately he seems more concerned about fossil fuels and not population control. It could be because it’s not politically correct to tell people how many children to have. 

If the world is going to get smaller then surely the environmentalists such as Green Peace and Just Stop Oil need to talk about how to reduce the population as well as ending fossil fuel, I believe the two go together.


A Speech By David Attenborough  


Sending food aid to famine-stricken countries avoids the more fundamental problem of population growth, Sir David Attenborough has said, as he called for more debate about population control.

The renowned broadcaster told the Daily Telegraph the world was "heading for disaster", and without action the "natural world will do something".

"What are all these Famines in Ethiopia?  What are they about?" he said. "They're about too many people for too little land. That's what it's about. And we are blinding ourselves. We say, get the United Nations to send them bags of flour. That's barmy."

He admitted the issues had huge sensitivities, but insisted it was important to "just keep on about it".



I get the impression Attenborough want the UN to stop sending bags of flour to Ethiopia.

Its because our birth rates are declining


Where it seems that in countries where they dont have food theyre are shagging like rabbits


But we cant talk about that because its racist and there is a lot of white guilt because 300 years ago white people had slaves


No now we all have to bend over take whats coming to us

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20 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

I get the impression Attenborough want the UN to stop sending bags of flour to Ethiopia.

He's responsible for some amazing nature programmes, but I understand his long and profitable relationship with BBC taxpayer money, sees him quite, shall we say, "comfortable"?


He makes over a million quid a year, from his love of the environment. Another rich 1% nobody would dare protest against!  :)


Where can I get a job like that, flying around the World enjoying and showing the working class telly watchers, the wonders of nature?  :)


And. like Greta, achieving national sainthood?




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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

He makes over a million quid a year, from his love of the environment. Another rich 1% nobody would dare protest against!  :)

It’s difficult to take these multi millionaires serious at times, Attenborough is one of them.



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