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Climate Change thread

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4 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Nett zero, what it means for you....

I am on record predicting (just stating the obvious really...) that the Nett Zero extremists want to make car travel, heating your house, and flying much more expensive to discourage people from doing the kind of stuff these authoritarians think should be discouraged.

The price of petrol and diesel cars will go up because the government are about to start taxing them unless the manufacturers can sell enough electric cars (that most people don't actually want to buy) to achieve an arbitrary percentage :

However, manufacturers who cannot meet the targets will be allowed to purchase “excess ZEVM allowances” from rival car makers, with prices for these credits to be decided within the industry rather than dictated by the DfT. If that’s not possible to cover the non-compliance, car and van makers will be fined £15,000 per non-ZEV car and £18,000 per non-ZEV van registered.



Get used to it because it's going to get a lot more draconian than this, of that there is no doubt whatsoever.

It's disgusting really because nobody has ever voted for any of this.

You should stop relying on talking to people who agree with you, at the school gates. Widen your sphere of contacts. You’ll find a great many people who are concerned about climate change and who are willing to do something about it.




There are graphs and everything in that link. Enjoy.

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44 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Nett zero, what it means for you....


Get used to it because it's going to get a lot more draconian than this, of that there is no doubt whatsoever.

It's disgusting really because nobody has ever voted for any of this.

If you've voted at the last couple of elections then you have voted for this.

Both Tories and Labour declared their green credentials and said they would tackle climate change, whilst this is what the greens always wanted and, as far as I know, the Lib Dems are in agreement.

You do at least have the benefit of knowing that the government are dragging their feet, as much as they can,  with the climate change measures but it's got to happen eventually.


Now's the time to move to China or Russia as they both seem to think that there is no hurry.

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9 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

If you've voted at the last couple of elections then you have voted for this.

In June 2019, the UK government legislated a net zero emissions target by 2050


I didnt vote for that. No one did 


And the Tories will lose the next election because of a policy that has increased taxes, destroyed industry and cost jobs


From a so called conservative party

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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

In June 2019, the UK government legislated a net zero emissions target by 2050


I didnt vote for that. No one did 


And the Tories will lose the next election because of a policy that has increased taxes, destroyed industry and cost jobs


From a so called conservative party

If you voted for the winning party,  in the 2019 general election,  you voted for the government who promised to tackle climate change.

Did you think that was just going to be stopping people from smoking.

The government will lose the next election because they are useless and have fallen down on every one of  their promises.

If you are wanting to vote for a party that don't enforce new climate change rules,  you are going to have no one to vote for.

You may as well get used to it.

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On 17/05/2023 at 07:01, Jack Grey said:

I dont think you know what a fascist is


Maybe you should watch the history channel 


Suella and Kimi were elected by the people in their constituencies using a ballot box voting system 


Thats the exact opposite of fascism   

I'm afraid it's you, who needs to watch the history channel.

Hitler was elected at the ballot box just like Braverman and the rest of the idiots you support.

Something else you may not realise is that Hitler took over ( legally ),  a country at rock bottom, far worse than our situation is now, and he rebuilt it in less than a decade.

If he hadn't wanted to go to war,  many would have thought that he was what Germany needed at the time.

It becomes apparent from your remarks, that he believed in many of the same things you believe in so you,  at least,  should know what a fascist is.

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12 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Nett zero, what it means for you....

I am on record predicting (just stating the obvious really...) that the Nett Zero extremists want to make car travel, heating your house, and flying much more expensive to discourage people from doing the kind of stuff these authoritarians think should be discouraged.

The price of petrol and diesel cars will go up because the government are about to start taxing them unless the manufacturers can sell enough electric cars (that most people don't actually want to buy) to achieve an arbitrary percentage :

However, manufacturers who cannot meet the targets will be allowed to purchase “excess ZEVM allowances” from rival car makers, with prices for these credits to be decided within the industry rather than dictated by the DfT. If that’s not possible to cover the non-compliance, car and van makers will be fined £15,000 per non-ZEV car and £18,000 per non-ZEV van registered.



Get used to it because it's going to get a lot more draconian than this, of that there is no doubt whatsoever.

It's disgusting really because nobody has ever voted for any of this.

I have to agree with a lot of this.


As always it's going to affect those at the bottom with less money much more than those at the top who can afford to buy their way out of it, yet their carbon footprint will far exceed that of the 'little man.' A couple of private jets will probably wipe out the savings made by hundreds of petrol cars.


And where's the cheap affordable public transport when you need it?

Or are the unworkable '15 minute zones' supposed to do the job? 


It's about time somebody considered the ordinary man in the street whose life is going to change the most and put the infrastructure in place that he needs.

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5 hours ago, Anna B said:

I have to agree with a lot of this.


As always it's going to affect those at the bottom with less money much more than those at the top who can afford to buy their way out of it, yet their carbon footprint will far exceed that of the 'little man.' A couple of private jets will probably wipe out the savings made by hundreds of petrol cars.


And where's the cheap affordable public transport when you need it?

Or are the unworkable '15 minute zones' supposed to do the job? 


It's about time somebody considered the ordinary man in the street whose life is going to change the most and put the infrastructure in place that he needs.

Quite true,  it's bound to affect those at the bottom more,  and those at the top,  hardly at all.

As usual that's not very fair.


Having said that,  we shouldn't kill the planet we are stood on so what would be your solution?

I've often made the point that we need cheap and reliable public transport but even Labour don't promise more than the Tories in that respect.

As you said, the 15 minute zones, which most of us once lived in,  are now unworkable without massive investment and when did you last see massive investment?

Somebody should consider the ordinary man in the street but unfortunately,  they won't.

Despite that,  life is going to have to change. and people like Chekhov, who are frequent travellers to foreign climes, are the ones who complain the most and yet,

the very ones who do more than their share to contribute to climate change.  Despite that,  he's a bloke who wants grandkids but, presumably, doesn't think it's necessary to leave them a planet to live on.

You just can't have it both ways.

Edited by Organgrinder
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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Quite true,  it's bound to affect those at the bottom more,  and those at the top,  hardly at all.

As usual that's not very fair.


Having said that,  we shouldn't kill the planet we are stood on so what would be your solution?

I've often made the point that we need cheap and reliable public transport but even Labour don't promise more than the Tories in that respect.

As you said, the 15 minute zones, which most of us once lived in,  are now unworkable without massive investment and when did you last see massive investment?

Somebody should consider the ordinary man in the street but unfortunately,  they won't.

Despite that,  life is going to have to change. and people like Chekhov, who are frequent travellers to foreign climes, are the ones who complain the most and yet,

the very ones who do more than their share to contribute to climate change.

You just can't have it both ways.

Indeed you can't!


The U.N. says it will take $170 trillion ($170,000,000,000,000.00) in transfer of wealth to the Third World, to help solve the "problem" of climate change. That's more than the combined National Debts of the U.S., U.K. E.U. and many others, which are already spiraling out of control.


The Guardian

Rich countries with high greenhouse gas emissions could pay $170tn in climate reparations

Proposed compensation would be paid to developing countries that must transition away from fossil fuels


"Five low-emitting countries with large populations – India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria and China (currently the world’s largest emitter) – would be entitled to receive $102tn ($102,000,000,000,000.00), for sacrificing their fair share of the carbon budget in the zero emissions" scenario.




Way past time to stop the insanity by these charlatans, and their cult followers! :)


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18 hours ago, Prettytom said:

You should stop relying on talking to people who agree with you, at the school gates. Widen your sphere of contacts. You’ll find a great many people who are concerned about climate change and who are willing to do something about it.




There are graphs and everything in that link. Enjoy.

That's a meaningless motherhood and Apple pie survey.

A more honest one (and certainly a more revealing one) would be -


Which of the following are you prepared to countenance in order to try and reduce CO2 emissions which might help alleviate climate change (assuming India, China and most of the rest of the world also accept them) :


1 - Giving up your car

2 - Doubling the price of using your car

3 - Doubling the price of your home heating*

4 - No more flying

5 - Flying prices doubled

6 - Flying rationed


I have never spoken to anyone who is willing to countenance any of those 6, have you ? And that's regardless of if China and India play ball or not (because if they don't it's pretty much a waste of time anyway).


* Point 3 has happened anyway, the government have got lucky, they can do that one and blame "events beyond their control".

Edited by Chekhov
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17 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

If you've voted at the last couple of elections then you have voted for this.

Both Tories and Labour declared their green credentials and said they would tackle climate change, whilst this is what the greens always wanted and, as far as I know, the Lib Dems are in agreement.

You do at least have the benefit of knowing that the government are dragging their feet, as much as they can,  with the climate change measures but it's got to happen eventually.


Now's the time to move to China or Russia as they both seem to think that there is no hurry.

This is cobblers 

The 2019 election was fought on Brexit, nobody was talking about climate change, and those that were certainly weren't talking about what it would cost the British population.

But in any case, since all three parties are supporting the same policy how pray does anyone vote against it ?


>>but it's got to happen eventually.<<


No it does not.

It is possible that Nuclear Fusion may at some point in the future drastically reduce our dependence on fossil fuels whilst still allowing people to live their lives as they want, but that is a different ball game altogether, and nobody knows how long that could take.

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