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Climate Change thread

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How much of what we are told, is honest and reliable information? 

And how much is spun for whatever reasons to support a particular point of view?

Sorry but I don't trust anybody these days, and politicians least of all.


We've been lied to once too often and trust has gone out of the window. It's no good quoting figures, policies, statistics, scientific dogma etc, as who can check?

The raw data is used and manipulated until it suits whoever is paying for it, and what outcome is required.

You only need to look at the statistics and misinformation given during Covid to see that. 

(Peter Hitchens today - 'Why do so few accept that Lockdown was like burning down your home to destroy a wasps' nest.')


There's a whiff of hysteria about it all, just like covid. I appreciate we should do what we can to look after the planet, but destroying a whole way of life for many is just not acceptable.

Besides, shouldn't someone tell China and India too?

Edited by Anna B
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5 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Besides, shouldn't someone tell China and India too?

Yes. Does anyone have impartially-sourced evidence re how much of global pollution each country emits?

I guess that the UK would be nowhere near the top of the list.

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

That's a meaningless motherhood and Apple pie survey.

A more honest one (and certainly a more revealing one) would be -


Which of the following are you prepared to countenance in order to try and reduce CO2 emissions which might help alleviate climate change (assuming India, China and most of the rest of the world also accept them) :


1 - Giving up your car

2 - Doubling the price of using your car

3 - Doubling the price of your home heating*

4 - No more flying

5 - Flying prices doubled

6 - Flying rationed


I have never spoken to anyone who is willing to countenance any of those 6, have you ? And that's regardless of if China and India play ball or not (because if they don't it's pretty much a waste of time anyway).


* Point 3 has happened anyway, the government have got lucky, they can do that one and blame "events beyond their control".

You are funny. Here’s how it goes:


Checkers: “Nobody wants net zero”

Me: “Yes they do. Here’s an opinion poll to prove that”

Checkers: “I don’t believe that. Here’s some stuff that I made up”




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8 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

Checkers: “Nobody wants net zero”

Me: “Yes they do. Here’s an opinion poll to prove that”

Checkers: “I don’t believe that. Here’s some stuff that I made up”

When will you be giving up the foreign holidays?

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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

This is cobblers 

The 2019 election was fought on Brexit, nobody was talking about climate change, and those that were certainly weren't talking about what it would cost the British population.

But in any case, since all three parties are supporting the same policy how pray does anyone vote against it ?


>>but it's got to happen eventually.<<


No it does not.

It is possible that Nuclear Fusion may at some point in the future drastically reduce our dependence on fossil fuels whilst still allowing people to live their lives as they want, but that is a different ball game altogether, and nobody knows how long that could take.

Just because all the fuss was about Brexit doesn't mean that you ignore everything else.  The situation was there if you had heeded it.

It DOES HAVE TO HAPPEN.  You cannot rely on the off chance that nuclear fusion will solve matters.



I am talking facts   and you can rely on them happening       -       you are talking possibilities, which may or may not,  ever happen at all.


You say you want grandchildren.   Are you willing to gamble with their futures so you can carry on ignoring climate change and just hope for the best.   Not much of a grandad in you. 

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1 hour ago, Jeffrey Shaw said:

Yes. Does anyone have impartially-sourced evidence re how much of global pollution each country emits?

I guess that the UK would be nowhere near the top of the list.

There is plenty of evidence out there if you look for it.

NO   -   we are nowhere near the top of the list but, what difference does that make.?

YES   -   China and India,  and the rest of the world already know and keep attending the climate change conference.

                NONE OF US are hitting our targets which is why,  Boris Johnson said, the UK will take the lead and show the world.   -   BUT WE HAVEN'T.

1 hour ago, Prettytom said:

You are funny. Here’s how it goes:


Checkers: “Nobody wants net zero”

Me: “Yes they do. Here’s an opinion poll to prove that”

Checkers: “I don’t believe that. Here’s some stuff that I made up”




Also   -   these grandchildren of Chekhov's,  when they arrive,  WILL WANT NET ZERO   -   but he doesn't want them to have it because he doesn't want to miss his holidays.

Edited by Organgrinder
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1 hour ago, Prettytom said:

You are funny. Here’s how it goes:

Checkers: “Nobody wants net zero”

Me: “Yes they do. Here’s an opinion poll to prove that”

Checkers: “I don’t believe that. Here’s some stuff that I made up”


Not for the first time you are misquoting me. I have never said "nobody wants Nett zero".

What I have said is most, the great majority in fact, are not prepared to radically alter their lives in a very negative way in order to get Nett Zero.


>>Here’s an opinion poll to prove that<<


That opinion poll does not prove most people are prepared to radically alter their lives in a very negative way in order to get Nett Zero.

Not by a million miles.

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

How much of what we are told, is honest and reliable information? 

And how much is spun for whatever reasons to support a particular point of view?

Sorry but I don't trust anybody these days, and politicians least of all.


We've been lied to once too often and trust has gone out of the window. It's no good quoting figures, policies, statistics, scientific dogma etc, as who can check?

The raw data is used and manipulated until it suits whoever is paying for it, and what outcome is required.

You only need to look at the statistics and misinformation given during Covid to see that. 

(Peter Hitchens today - 'Why do so few accept that Lockdown was like burning down your home to destroy a wasps' nest.')


There's a whiff of hysteria about it all, just like covid. I appreciate we should do what we can to look after the planet, but destroying a whole way of life for many is just not acceptable.

Besides, shouldn't someone tell China and India too?

You can't get mankind off the hook because they told lies over Covid.

Please explain he we DO WHAT WE CAN without CHANGING, not destroying,  our whole way of life.

If we had made a start 30 years ago when  we were warned,  it would have taken a lot less change than is needed now but,  we chose to ignore it and,  some of you still want to ignore it.

China & India already know , as I said but we, are only in charge of us and passing the buck to them,  won't help us.

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