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Climate Change thread

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19 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I am talking facts   and you can rely on them happening

No you are not, and nobody can "rely on them happening".


19 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You say you want grandchildren.   Are you willing to gamble with their futures so you can carry on ignoring climate change and just hope for the best.   Not much of a grandad in you. 

I don't want my grandkids to live a cold house, very possibly unable to afford a car and never travelling the world.

Edited by Chekhov
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randomly switched over to bbc news, just to see if they were still going on about it ... forcing something about river pollution down viewers throats. Followed up by banning disposable vapes. Even the weather had an anti sun narrative

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11 minutes ago, Chekhov said:


I don't want my grandkids to live a cold house, very possibly unable to afford a car and never travelling the world.

They probably won't.

It's more likely that they will starve, living in the middle of a desert and,  they might even be very lucky to have a house to live in anyway.

India and China will lose vast tracts of land and hundreds of millions will have to move   -   guess where they might move to.

I don't care if you don't believe it but,  if you don't start using your intelligence?,  you will die a very sad man.


9 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Excellent point, we just export all our emissions.

And you don't think they live on this same planet as us then ??????

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

If we had made a start 30 years ago when  we were warned,  it would have taken a lot less change than is needed now but,  we chose to ignore it and,  some of you still want to ignore it.

And we'd be even poorer, many of us would not have had an affordable car and with millions of people having done less travelling than they wanted to. Oh yes, and having lived in cold houses for much longer too. And don't come back to me with that guff about "insulating houses will mean houses don't need much heating, it's a win win for everyone". There is no way we'll 'insulate ourselves to nett zero', it is a fantasy, it will make no more than a small difference particularly as pretty much all the low hanging fruit has been picked as regards house insulation, we're now very much into the law of diminishing returns on that one.

As an example our house has loads of insulation both in the loft and in the cavity walls. It was built in the 1970s so the bricks have voids in them (bad for wall anchors but good for insulation....) and the front - where the living room is located and the side with half of the house windows - has an unobstructed view south (i.e. good for "solar gain").  Even more significantly it has a 3.6kW solar system in perfect unobstructed alignment with the sun, the excess power heats the hot water and anything above that is exported to reduce our leccy bills. What's more pretty much all the lighting is by LED bulbs and the house is fully double glazed, it is draught proofed, has a porch, all the radiators have thermostatic valves, we only have the heating on about 4 hours a day in the winter (a bit more at weekends) and the overall thermostat is set to only 19 degrees.

Despite all of that our gas/elec bill is about to go up to about £2500 a year......


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18 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

It's more likely that they [your grand kids] will starve, living in the middle of a desert and,  they might even be very lucky to have a house to live in anyway.

This is utter cobblers, probably any where in the world actually, but certainly not in this country.

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

And we'd be even poorer, many of us would not have had an affordable car and with millions of people having done less travelling than they wanted to. Oh yes, and having lived in cold houses for much longer too. And don't come back to me with that guff about insulating houses will mean houses don't need much heating. Pretty much all the low hanging fruit has been picked as regards house insulation, we're now onto the law of diminishing returns on that one.

There is no way we'll "insulate ourselves to nett zero", it will make no more than a small difference. As an example our house has loads of insulation and a 3.6kW solar system in perfect alignment with the sun. Pretty much all the lighting is by LED bulbs and it is also fully double glazed, it has a porch, all radiators have thermostatic valves, we only have the heating about 4 hours a day in the winter and the overall thermostat is set to only 19 degrees. Our gas/elec bill is about to go up to about £2500 a year.


You obviously think that a car,  a warm house and holidays abroad,  are the only things the human race needs.

Try thinking about food and water when we have changed the climate and cannot properly provide any of them.


I guarantee that one day,  your son will come to you and say, you were wrong all along and you misled him all along and he, and his kids, are going to pay the price for your cars and holidays.

The gas bill will be the last thing on your mind.


1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

This is utter cobblers, probably any where in the world actually, but certainly not in this country.

I was going to say,  "We will see" but I won't be here so I will say,  "They will see" (Your son and grandkids)

None so blind as those who will not see.     Let your own family tell you the glad tidings one day.

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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:

I have read posts moaning about the steel works, mines etc. being closed down by Mrs. Thatcher.

Weren't the steel works causing pollution and people want to ban fossil fuel.


Yes, the steel works were causing pollution and so was the coal from the pits but we didn't know the dangers then and that was not why Thatcher shut them down.

Thatcher shut them down to end the governments dependence on British workmen.

It is possible to make clean steel but our lot can't be bothered.

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