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Climate Change thread

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10 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I never said you did not need a warm house although I do remember growing up when we all had heat in just one room most of the time..

You certainly DO NOT NEED a car, or flying away on holiday   -   you may WANT those things but you don't NEED them.  The human race survived for thousands of years without them.

Ohh, I see, we should only have stuff we need to live, not stuff we want in order to enjoy life.

Ballcox to that, what's the point in living if one cannot do the sort of stuff one wants


>>The human race survived for thousands of years without them.<<


"We can live as we have lived for thousands of years"

How far do you want to go with that one ?

I would suggest, particularly as an authoritarian leftie, you are on dangerous ground there.

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12 hours ago, trastrick said:


"Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds"


"From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.


"An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric


"Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions.


"The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to TWO TIMES THE United STATES". (Caps mine)



This is exactly what I have posted more than once, mine was a piece of research quoted in The Times :


The Times - 10 Oct 22 p8 :

Rising carbon emissions make trees grow bigger

Trees feasting on increased CO2 emissions have grown thicker and larger researchers at Ohio State University suggest.

Academics examined the volume of trees in ten temperate forest groups across America and found that the volume of tree trunks was up 30% bigger than 30 years ago.

The phenomenon, known as Carbon fertilisation - when an influx of CO2 increases a plant's rate of photosynthesis - is likely to be replicated across the world.


8 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

But all cars run on Fossil fuels

Where do you think the electric comes from?

OG thinks we shouldn't have cars (or fly away on holiday, or have a warm house).

And OG can decide what we deserve to have.

These authoritarian left wingers are so arrogant, rumour has it that Oliver Cromwell was one of his ancestors.....

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12 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

>>Chekhov said :

You do not seem to know what scientific theory actually means. All it means is it's the best theory we have to explain anything at a particular time.

There is no way at all anyone knows for sure what will happen with the climate. For instance increased CO2 levels mean plants respire faster and therefore using up more CO2 :


The Times - 10 Oct 22 p8 :

Rising carbon emissions make trees grow bigger

Trees feasting on increased CO2 emissions have grown thicker and larger researchers at Ohio State University suggest.

Academics examined the volume of trees in ten temperate forest groups across America and found that the volume of tree trunks was up 30% bigger than 30 years ago.

The phenomenon, known as Carbon fertilisation - when an influx of CO2 increases a plant's rate of photosynthesis - is likely to be replicated across the world.


But the point is, as with Covid, it's a matter of proportion. How much damage are all these "Nett Zero" measures going to do to people's lives, including their enjoyment of life ?

No, for me pragmatic environmentalism is the more sensible approach. You do what you can within reason.


Nuclear power : yes

Planting more trees : yes

Tidal power (incl the Severn barrage)  yes

More renewable (provided they are reliable and a reasonable price) ; yes

Carbon capture (provided it's not too expensive) : yes


Banning all petrol and diesel cars : no

Making gas and elec very expensive to reduce usage : no

Banning (or severely restricting) flying : no

Forcing people to radically alter their lives against their will : definitely not<<


What a load of garbage

What exactly have I said which is "a load of garbage" ?


12 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I'm not interested whether other people think the same [as you].

You said it.


12 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

As I have told you before, we don't have rules based on how many of the population like them.

Err, yes we do, it's called democracy, have you never heard of it ?


12 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Climate change will cause mass starvation, especially here where we don't grow most of our own food   -   You call that "less negative"

Now that is garbage (see stuff above about higher concentrations of CO2 increasing levels of photosynthesis).


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12 hours ago, Organgrinder said:


The response to the "Climate emergency" is eerily similar to that for Covid. 

Have you never heard of learning from history ? :


We have a load of "experts", most of whom (certainly those on the MSM and those listened to by the government) telling us how bad things could be (the implication being how bad things will be). 

Exactly the same as what happened during Covid.


Scientists are by their very nature over cautious.

Exactly the same as what happened during Covid.


The scientists are not really that bothered about the effects of their recommended policies on the economy, and even less bothered about the effects on people's personal freedoms.

Exactly the same as what happened during Covid.


We have a government saying "we will be led by the science" so they can abdicate responsibility for making any serious decisions (even though the science is not certain, particularly as to the long term effects of rising CO2 concentrations and indeed how much we can do about it).

Exactly the same as what happened during Covid.


We have all of the MSM talking like climate change is a certainty and that Nett Zero is required with the implied assumption it will work, They also imply that anyone who disagrees with it is an unthinking crank.

Exactly the same as what happened during Covid.


All major political parties have more or less the same policy on Nett Zero, there is no option to vote against it.

Exactly the same as what happened during Covid.


They, the government and the MSM as well as the scientists, more or less ignore the massive cost (social as well as financial) of their nett zero policy. It's a case of whatever it costs, it does not matter, we will do it : TINA (there is no alternative).

Exactly the same as what happened during Covid.


12 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

   You do not seem to know what a Scientific Theory is- it is a great deal more than a best explanation at a particular time.

No, you are wrong, scientific theory is exactly what I said, the best explanation that fits the available evidence, and it often changes as we learn more.

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12 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

    When you say "For instance increased CO2 levels mean plants respire faster and therefore using up more CO2 ", you do not seem to know that Respiration in  plants is does not use Carbon Dioxide or that plants Respire faster in the presence  of higher levels of Carbon Dioxide. You mean Photosynthesis.

I am fully aware of how photosynthesis works thanks, and apparently even NASA (see quotes above) are reporting that there is more photosynthesis now that we have increased levels of CO2.

Photosynthesis needs CO2 to work, plants uses sunlight to convert it (and water) to oxygen and sugar.

It seems to me eminently possible that the planet may well regulate itself :


 More CO2 > more photosynthesis using up that CO2


It is certainly possible.

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Just now, Padders said:

Here's what I think Mr, Chekhov,

Enjoy life while you can, Humanity will have blown its self to smithereens long before climate change will take effect......



Well said Padders 👍

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:


This is exactly what I have posted more than once, mine was a piece of research quoted in The Times :


The Times - 10 Oct 22 p8 :

Rising carbon emissions make trees grow bigger

Trees feasting on increased CO2 emissions have grown thicker and larger researchers at Ohio State University suggest.

Academics examined the volume of trees in ten temperate forest groups across America and found that the volume of tree trunks was up 30% bigger than 30 years ago.

The phenomenon, known as Carbon fertilisation - when an influx of CO2 increases a plant's rate of photosynthesis - is likely to be replicated across the world.


OG thinks we shouldn't have cars (or fly away on holiday, or have a warm house).

And OG can decide what we deserve to have.

These authoritarian left wingers are so arrogant, rumour has it that Oliver Cromwell was one of his ancestors.....

OG has told me that he has never left the country


So i guess that gives him the right to for everyone else to live a boring life like him


Typical left winger.....they dont like something so they want to ban it 



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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:


OG thinks we shouldn't have cars (or fly away on holiday, or have a warm house).

And OG can decide what we deserve to have.

Right clever lad  or any of your clever mates   -    show me the post where I said       you shouldn't have cars

                                                                                                          show me the post where I said       you shouldn't have a warm house

                                                                                                          show me the post where I said         that I can decide what you deserve to have


You have lost the argument so you are just making things up as you go along.


  13 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

As I have told you before, we don't have rules based on how many of the population like them.

Chekhov said:  Err, yes we do, it's called democracy, have you never heard of it ?


Yes, I've heard of democracy.   It's this democratic government of yours,  ( not me ),   that is taking all these freedoms away from you so,  WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?

You have this strange idea that it's  ME  who's bringing in these rules,  you silly man so let's see what you, and all these people who agree with you,  are going to do to stop it.

I suppose you'll repeat your Covid tactic of screaming, crying,  stamping your feet for the next  3 or more years and that will be it.

You are just a lot of shout.


By the way,  everyone's going to stop needing TV aerials because streaming from the net will be the future.   It'll save you worrying about your holidays  if you can't afford them.

If we're going to blow the world to smithereens,  all your worries will be over anyway but the good news is Covid's over too   -   I'll bet your rant isn't though.


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55 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

OG has told me that he has never left the country


So i guess that gives him the right to for everyone else to live a boring life like him


Typical left winger.....they dont like something so they want to ban it 



Are you mad?

You seem to share this crazy idea of Chekhovs,  that I am Prime minister and it's me who's responsible for the Climate Change rules.  Got the wrong guy,  I was born in Sheffield with white skin.


My life is anything but boring but I don't insist that anyone else does the same anyway.   It's the government in case you have forgotten, who makes the rules.    Yes, the one you voted in.

I'm proud to be a leftie, as opposed to the angry fascists who get their knickers in a twist on here and suddenly forget where rules come from.

Silly silly man


1 hour ago, Padders said:

Here's what I think Mr, Chekhov,

Enjoy life while you can, Humanity will have blown its self to smithereens long before climate change will take effect......


You are probably correct but Mr Chekhov still doesn't seem to be worried about his descendants fate   ( and that's how this started ).   Only whether they will be allowed on holiday.

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