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Climate Change thread

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7 hours ago, WiseOwl182 said:

Well there's really evidence that there have been ice ages so they should. It's part of the naturally occurring climate cycle that you tried to deny existed a couple of pages ago.

The science will show that these 'naturally occurring' warm/cold periods are caused by carbon being stored in the form of coal, changes in incoming solar radiation, increase/decrease in the Earth's albedo, global ocean water circulation etc.
My point is that the changes are natural, but they can be shown by science to have a cause, just like we can predict a future warming.
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9 hours ago, Phanerothyme said:

Aircraft contrails, not chemtrails, do change the climate.

" Cloud cover (particularly high-level cirrus clouds that are primarily composed of ice crystals) insulates the planet by reflecting incoming radiation from the sun and trapping outgoing infrared radiation. Contrails, the researchers conclude, exacerbate this effect. "



And the best example was after 9/11 when all flights in the US were grounded for quite some time.  There was a measurable and immediate change in the average temperature and rainfall I think over the continental US, which reverted when flights started again.

11 hours ago, Hots on said:

The solutions proposed by green types to counter climate change are always measures that  fit nicely and conveniently with an anti capitalist, authoritarian agenda; this is why they are resisted by most people.

And yet we do actually move forwards in reducing our carbon emissions, and so on.

Plastic use is declining, with its use to be heavily restricted over the next 20 years.

Cars are inevitably moving towards electric power.

Power is being produced less and less through burning coal.


Almost like the green agenda is being followed and isn't actually anti capitalist or authoritarian at all...  Well, no more authoritarian than to have laws against murder and so on.

On 17/02/2019 at 10:58, WiseOwl182 said:

Where did I say that? I didn't. I said that there's a debate on proportions of man made Vs naturally occurring climate change. You're trying to claim the latter doesn't exist, implying all climate change is man made. That is simply. Not. True.

You're desperately twisting aren't you.  It's funny.

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10 hours ago, WiseOwl182 said:

So maybe man made climate change may actually save humanity from naturally occurring climate change?

It's certainly an interesting idea. But We're heading for 3° warming, which will be catastrophic.


We've had roughly 1° of warming so far. The effects are still catching up. 

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34 minutes ago, CaptainSwing said:

Well, yes, most versions of the famous Hockey Stick show a gradual decline in the direction of an Ice Age, before the sudden dramatic uptick at the end of the record.  And it's still a defendable hypothesis (not yet a consensus) that the Little Ice Age might possibly have turned into a full-blown glaciation if it hadn't been for anthropogenic forcings - the idea that these go back much further than previously thought (due to deforestation and rice paddies) is certainly gaining traction.


However, it doesn't follow from this that present levels of climate change are a good thing.  You'll have heard of the phrase "out of the frying pan, into the fire".


By the way, I've just twigged that the Hockey Stick is in fact an ice hockey stick!  I'd always assumed it was a (field) hockey stick, and wondered why it didn't look much like one ...

We'll both be a longtime dead before humanity knows either way.

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