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Just now, hackey lad said:

So who now ?

I take each election as it comes now so, when it gets nearer the time, it's going to be a hell of a headache.

I reckon the average sixth form of kids could do better than the lot of them if they stayed off the funny stuff.

Maybe the government could,  if they stayed off the funny stuff  too but there's still the lies,  even when their mouths are shut.

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6 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I take each election as it comes now so, when it gets nearer the time, it's going to be a hell of a headache.

I reckon the average sixth form of kids could do better than the lot of them if they stayed off the funny stuff.

No hope there, amigo. They are being groomed into lockstep, as we speak!


A wise man said:


"Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.'






Edited by trastrick
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21 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Ever heard of  King Canute?      -      He was a bit like you

I agree, standing up against the drift towards authoritarianism is a forlorn hope.

The only positive is I do not have to put up with the sort of absolute cobblers which makes me incandescent (like being stopped from videoing my son winning his first ever Fly race) forever, because I'll be dead.


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23 hours ago, Anna B said:

The solutions are out there. They're reasonable and doable, no doubt about that.

What is lacking is the money to pay for them.

I would argue that we can't afford not to. 


Blackrock and Vanguard are said to be worth £9 Trillion. 

This is said to be more than the economies of all but 2 countries in the world; China and the USA.

Other major companies like Amazon are also worth a mint, thanks to major tax avoidance.


Get the big companies to pay their tax, (call it a worldwide corporation environment tax if you like,) and the money would be there to do what's required.

They are massive polluters, and don't care what corners they cut especially in the ruthless race for greater profits, (forget the 'greenwashing' hype/propaganda,) so why not?

By governments working together there would be nowhere to hide.  

- Instead of clobbering the little man all the time.  

It's  a bit more than that Anna, there is no method of flying, certainly medium or long haul, which does not use Fossil fuel.


22 hours ago, altus said:

No political parties are obliged to stand on a platform that you wish them to and it's not undemocratic for them to not do so.

I am aware of that, but you cannot deny that if all the political parties, certainly all the main ones, have the same policy then, by definition, people cannot vote against it. And that is profoundly undemocratic,particularly as they are wanting to massively change how we all live. Nett Zero will make Brexit look like a walk in the park (and I talk as a Remainer), people really do have absolutely no idea at all what is coming.

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23 hours ago, altus said:

If you feel strongly enough about it, start your own political party, stand yourself and persuade like-minded individuals to join you. You don't need to though, Organgrinder is wrong about all parties agreeing on net zero. UKIP 2.0 (or 3.7 or whatever version they are now up to) disagree with the other parties on net zero and might better align with your views on this issue. You can vote for them.

As mentioned above I am a Remainer, but I am coming to the conclusion that, apart from their attitude to immigration, I agree with more of Reform UK's manifesto than any of the other parties. The problem is, of course, voting for them will let Labour in, and they are even worse than the Tories, their pronouncements on landlords and tenants show they are unfit for office.

I had only ever voted Labour or Lib Dem up to 2021 !


And it is not me who has drifted to the right, it is the fact politics has drifted in a more Left wing authoritarian direction. It is arguable that the present Tory government are more left wing and authoritarian than Blair's Labour version was only 25 years ago, there's a thread about this very subject here.


21 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

One thing for sure is that with UKIP in power, democracy would quickly go out the window.

More than it is now you mean ?

Being forced to radically alter our lives in a very negative reaction, and, only a year or two ago, being forced to all stay at home and wear masks.

All without any votes.

20 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I'm not looking for good conservative values although I'm sure you would be well suited.

You certainly are not, left wing authoritarianism is more your style.

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19 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

It's  a bit more than that Anna, there is no method of flying, certainly medium or long haul, which does not use Fossil fuel.


They are working hard on solar powered planes.


They also have one in the pipeline which basically (and very simply put,) just goes up, waits for the earth to turn beneath, then comes back down to the required location.

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17 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

You really do make yourself look stupid


As we have already established so many times.....you dont seem to know what 'Fascist' means because you misuse it all the time


Also, how can you call Reform UK fascists when you refuse to read any of their manifesto policies


You dont want....

  • Lower Taxes
  • Secure Borders
  • Cheaper Energy
  • Zero Waiting NHS Lists



TBH Jack, OG's pronouncements, "you will do what you are told even if the majority do not agree with it, do not query it because it's for the good of the country", sounds pretty much like Facism to me.....

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We're about to have a glorious sunny weekend weather wise. (It is June after all.) Remember when that would be a reason to be happy, get out in the garden visit the gardencentre etc? 


Now it comes with dire warnings - 'Heat Health Alert!' and 'Hot Weather Warning!'


We are being softened up to be frightened of everything.... 


Edited by Anna B
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