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Climate Change thread

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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

I absolutely 100% agree with this.

But, of course, that's why the polls, apparently, report that a majority are still in favour of Nett Zero.....

Time to stop reading the polls,  stop moaning,  and get on with your life because,  however loud you shout,  What's going to happen will happen without Chekhov's blessing.


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Saw an interview with Dale Vince a major financial backer of the Just Stop Oil group.  Mr Vince is also the owner & chairman of Division 2 side Forest Green Rovers.   


Now it got me thinking, what a great idea it would be if from this August until next May if Just Stop Oil blockade all the roads within a 2 mile radius of the Forest Green Rovers ground every second Saturday & generally brought Gloucestershire to a standstill. 


I'm sure Mr Vince would wholeheartedly approve?



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1 minute ago, Baron99 said:

Saw an interview with Dale Vince a major financial backer of the Just Stop Oil group.  Mr Vince is also the owner & chairman of Division 2 side Forest Green Rovers.   


Now it got me thinking, what a great idea it would be if from this August until next May if Just Stop Oil blockade all the roads within a 2 mile radius of the Forest Green Rovers ground every second Saturday & generally brought Gloucestershire to a standstill. 


I'm sure Mr Vince would wholeheartedly approve?



It would hardly affect their attendances  😀

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2 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Saw an interview with Dale Vince a major financial backer of the Just Stop Oil group.  Mr Vince is also the owner & chairman of Division 2 side Forest Green Rovers.   


Now it got me thinking, what a great idea it would be if from this August until next May if Just Stop Oil blockade all the roads within a 2 mile radius of the Forest Green Rovers ground every second Saturday & generally brought Gloucestershire to a standstill. 


I'm sure Mr Vince would wholeheartedly approve?



Explain to us dim witted ones,  why they would want to shut down the ground of one of their benefactors ?


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19 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Explain to us dim witted ones,  why they would want to shut down the ground of one of their benefactors ?


My bold. 

That explains a lot on your part!


The reasonably intelligent on SF will have perfectly understood the gist of my post. Hang on, I have an 8 year old here, let me run it by her?   Yes, she fully understands my post. 


I'll remember & remind you that you say you're dim witted in future & make exceptions for you.   By the way the accepted vocabulary is `Dimwitted' or 'Dim-witted' but not 'Dim witted', (two separate words.  You're welcome. 


Mike drop.  Boooom!  And he turns his back on the Organgrinder & walks away smuggly. 

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On 12/06/2023 at 06:19, ads36 said:

we're not pursuing "Net Zero at any cost"


we're occasionally talking vaguely about doing something, probably, at some point in the future, maybe.


'Net Zero At Any Cost' would look *very* different to our current trajectory.


(even the phrase 'net zero' is a flawed compromise, allowing us to largely carry on as we like)



The term "climate change" is a misnomer. It's a nebulous concept.


The existential threat they are claiming, is actually "man made catastrophic global warming".


Human's cannot control climate change, it is how the Earth operates on a large scale to balance the extremes of weather.


The real questions are how imminent IS this catastrophic man made global warming? How accurate are the "models", which have to be updated on an annual basis, to reflect actual, empirical observations?


And if the models are actual (a very big IF) what can humans do, if anything to regulate it?


There are many answers given by various "experts"..


The U.N. says $170,000,000,000,000.00 (one hundred and seventy trillion dollars) in wealth transfer from "rich nations" to the Third World.


The Progressives say a "fundamental change of the way the Global Economy works" (AKA  the eradication of the capitalism, that has been the most successful means of improving the human condition in recorded history)


Activists say all of the above! They actually believe that the Earth, which has been a benevolent home, despite the plethora of  natural disasters, from time to time, of humans for some 300.000 years, could end humanity, as we know it in their own paltry lifetimes!  That's how special they believe they are!  :)


One thing is certain, it would require an unprecedented degree of Global co-operation, regulation, rationing.and even coercion, which to date has never been possible, even to fight other, more lethal threats such as Wars.






Edited by trastrick
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19 hours ago, Baron99 said:

My bold. 

That explains a lot on your part!


The reasonably intelligent on SF will have perfectly understood the gist of my post. Hang on, I have an 8 year old here, let me run it by her?   Yes, she fully understands my post. 


I'll remember & remind you that you say you're dim witted in future & make exceptions for you.   By the way the accepted vocabulary is `Dimwitted' or 'Dim-witted' but not 'Dim witted', (two separate words.  You're welcome. 


Mike drop.  Boooom!  And he turns his back on the Organgrinder & walks away smuggly

Smugly 😁

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On 13/06/2023 at 18:59, Baron99 said:

My bold. 

That explains a lot on your part!


The reasonably intelligent on SF will have perfectly understood the gist of my post. Hang on, I have an 8 year old here, let me run it by her?   Yes, she fully understands my post. 


I'll remember & remind you that you say you're dim witted in future & make exceptions for you.   By the way the accepted vocabulary is `Dimwitted' or 'Dim-witted' but not 'Dim witted', (two separate words.  You're welcome. 


Mike drop.  Boooom!  And he turns his back on the Organgrinder & walks away smuggly. 

Thereby admitting that he can't answer the question and to make matters worse,  talks to an imaginary 8 years old.


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