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Climate Change thread

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29 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

There speaks a democrat.

What's undemocratic about refraining from reading the polls ?

Loads of democratic people don't read them,  including me.  They are only a  rough guide after all and not like election results.

Thought it may stop you getting so worked up but read them and stew, by all means.

Admittedly,  it does seem to keep you going, having a good regular rant.


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5 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Thereby admitting that he can't answer the question and to make matters worse,  talks to an imaginary 8 years old.


No, dim-wit, (your description of yourself).  The very average intelligent people on the thread don't need an explanation, they fully understood the post. 


How much rent would you like off me for that space I'm occupying in your head?  I most say, there's a hell of a lot of empty space in here. 



Edited by Baron99
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1 hour ago, Baron99 said:

No, dim-wit, (your description of yourself).  The very average intelligent people on the thread don't need an explanation, they fully understood the post. 


How much rent would you like off me for that space I'm occupying in your head?  I most say, there's a hell of a lot of empty space in here. 



Still no answer

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It was always going to happen. Claiming to be in favour of "Nett Zero" means nothing if people do not realise what it actually means :


BERLIN, May 16 (Reuters) -

Germany's Greens lose appeal as voters fear cost of policies

A slide in support for Germany's Greens, a junior partner in Olaf Scholz's coalition, could force the party to consider scaling back its climate ambitions as voters fret over their financial and social cost.

Support for the Greens slumped by a third to 12% in the state of Bremen on Sunday compared with the last election in 2019, according to projected results. The vote reflected a drop in support at a federal level too, to around 15% in opinion polls from a peak of 23-24% last year.

Their appeal has faded this year, however, as Germans focus more on domestic matters and consider how much the Greens' climate policies will cost and require in lifestyle adjustments. This has sent some voters back to Scholz's Social Democrats or the opposition conservatives.


So far the population of the UK have not really suffered from the "Nett Zero" policy. The government have been very lucky because the hugely more expensive energy (demanded by the Nett Zero policy) has been blamed on the Ukraine war (though part of it is also a result of the pandemic).
The Germans are banning installation of new gas boilers from Jan the 1st next year.

That's due in the UK from 2025, that's less that 2 years away......

Edited by Chekhov
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7 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

It was always going to happen. Claiming to be in favour of "Nett Zero" means nothing if people do not realise what it actually means :


BERLIN, May 16 (Reuters) -

Germany's Greens lose appeal as voters fear cost of policies

A slide in support for Germany's Greens, a junior partner in Olaf Scholz's coalition, could force the party to consider scaling back its climate ambitions as voters fret over their financial and social cost.

Support for the Greens slumped by a third to 12% in the state of Bremen on Sunday compared with the last election in 2019, according to projected results. The vote reflected a drop in support at a federal level too, to around 15% in opinion polls from a peak of 23-24% last year.

Their appeal has faded this year, however, as Germans focus more on domestic matters and consider how much the Greens' climate policies will cost and require in lifestyle adjustments. This has sent some voters back to Scholz's Social Democrats or the opposition conservatives.


So far the population of the UK have not really suffered from the "Nett Zero" policy. The government have been very lucky because the hugely more expensive energy (demanded by the Nett Zero policy) has been blamed on the Ukraine war (though part of it is also a result of the pandemic).
The Germans are banning installation of new gas boilers from Jan the 1st next year.

That's due in the UK from 2025, that's less that 2 years away......

I wonder why you,  seem to think,  that you are the only one who knows what everything actually means and assumes that the rest of the population are stupid.    Narcissism ?

I have never known anyone so full of woe,  who looks for new things to cry about every day.

Mankind lived for thousand of years without a gas boiler and didn't even know that one day,  gas boilers would appear.  All of a sudden you think that it's impossible to live without one.

There will be new methods of heating developed in the future and there are some already.

I'm an old guy,  who has often been called a dinosaur but you, absolutely take the biscuit for being change resistant to the point where I consider you a laughing stock.

It's all quite simple,  we need to stop using fossil fuels    -    any new fuels,  which don't pollute are fine    -    Just a case of mankind using it's brains,  for a change.



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20 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Makes we wonder how my past relatives lived to an old age in dirty smoggy Sheffield.

Coal fires in the house and working long hours in old fashioned conditions in the factories.

Smokers in pubs and on buses.

Quite correct.  we all breathed in so much pollution whether indoors or out and , especially as you say, on public transport.

Despite this,  My Grandma lived to the age of 84 and smoked up until the fall that caused her death. 

My Mum lived until she was 104 and, although she didn't smoke,  she lived in all that pollution as we all did.

For those reasons,  I've never accepted that smoking is the main cause of cancer although I do accept that human lungs are far better without it.

I think that climate change was needed to make mankind change it's ways to a more healthy way of living, both for ourselves and for the planet we rely on.


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23 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Quite correct.  we all breathed in so much pollution whether indoors or out and , especially as you say, on public transport.

My Grandma lived to the age of 84 and smoked up until the fall that caused her death. 

My Mum lived until she was 104 and, although she didn't smoke,  she lived in all that pollution as we all did.

For those reasons,  I've never accepted that smoking is the main cause of cancer although I do accept that human lungs are far better without it.

I think that climate change was needed to make mankind change it's ways to a more healthy way of living, both for ourselves and for the planet we rely on.


Ref. smoking.

My mother did not smoke and lived to 92.

Her 2 brothers were smokers and lived to 67 and 75.

My father smoked into his 80 and when he stopped he stopped with his smokers cough. He died at 89.

He had been a grinder for part of his life and experienced sandstorms whilst serving in the army at Tobruk and blamed this for his COPD.

My grandfather died at 80, he was a smoker and grinding was part of his job.

All our bodies are different and react differently to different influences on it and so agree with you.

As an aside whilst with the R.N. we got 300 cigarettes for 7/6 per month and whilst in Germany in the army we got cigarette coupons. How things have changed.

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4 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I think that climate change was needed to make mankind change it's ways to a more healthy way of living, both for ourselves and for the planet we rely on.

You would!  :)


But humans have been gradually  cleaning up their their environment for thousands of years. Well before "Climate Change" became a fashionable and coercive multi $trillion scam by the Left.


The cave man cleaned out his cave, and animals clean out their lairs, and nests.


On an industrial scale, the Romans built sewers, flush toilets and piped clean clean water into their cities.


London built it's major sewer and fresh water infrastructure back in 1865.


Coal fires were banned in the U.K. back in 1956.


It's called human progress. Common survival sense, where people come to live together in large numbers.


The charlatans who take credit, are just jumping into the the front of an ancient marching band.


But you can thank Algore and St, Greta, if you wish!  :)


"A crisis is a terrible thing to waste!:  :)






Edited by trastrick
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