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4 hours ago, harvey19 said:

Ref. smoking.

My mother did not smoke and lived to 92.

Her 2 brothers were smokers and lived to 67 and 75.

My father smoked into his 80 and when he stopped he stopped with his smokers cough. He died at 89.

He had been a grinder for part of his life and experienced sandstorms whilst serving in the army at Tobruk and blamed this for his COPD.

My grandfather died at 80, he was a smoker and grinding was part of his job.

All our bodies are different and react differently to different influences on it and so agree with you.

As an aside whilst with the R.N. we got 300 cigarettes for 7/6 per month and whilst in Germany in the army we got cigarette coupons. How things have changed.

In Australia fags are $27 a pack.  In Canada, $20. ($3, if you buy from the "Indigenous" tax free reservations)


Where I live they can be had for $1.50 a pack., closer the the manufacturers cost.


The vast majority of profit on cigarettes goes to government taxes, including federal, state, local, excise taxes, VAT's HST's , GST's, not to mention the corporate taxes they derive from the manufacturing, distributing and retailing establishments.


So the next time you want to demonize the Great Satan, tobacco companies, you might want to go after the biggest profiteer, government  :)


They are already having success with legalizing other addictive drugs like cannabis.


"A crisis is a terrible thing to waste!"  :)


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8 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I wonder why you,  seem to think,  that you are the only one who knows what everything actually means and assumes that the rest of the population are stupid.    Narcissism ?

I have never known anyone so full of woe,  who looks for new things to cry about every day.

Mankind lived for thousand of years without a gas boiler and didn't even know that one day,  gas boilers would appear.  All of a sudden you think that it's impossible to live without one.

There will be new methods of heating developed in the future and there are some already.

I'm an old guy,  who has often been called a dinosaur but you, absolutely take the biscuit for being change resistant to the point where I consider you a laughing stock.

It's all quite simple,  we need to stop using fossil fuels    -    any new fuels,  which don't pollute are fine    -    Just a case of mankind using it's brains,  for a change.

Hold on.

I say people do not seem to know what they are "voting for" in opinion polls when they say they are in favour of "Nett Zero".

You say they do know.

Germany are one of the first countries to take Nett Zero measures which will seriously affect people's quality if life, and the support for teh Green party drops massively.

Who is right here ?

You, or me ?


>>Narcissism ?<<


When people start throwing around insults (and Leftie authoritarians types are nearly always the first to start doing that) they have lost the argument.


>>Mankind lived for thousand of years without a gas boiler and didn't even know that one day,  gas boilers would appear.  All of a sudden you think that it's impossible to live without one.<<


Of all the stuff you have written this just about takes the biscuit.

You are saying because man lived for thousands of years without something it proves we do not need it.

I'm sure most people would be happy to give up their cars then ?

Their foreign holidays ?

Their phones, their TV, and what about anti biotics ? We lived for thousands of years without any of them, therefore, in your world, we do not need them.


>>There will be new methods of heating developed in the future and there are some already.<<


Whatever form of heating is used it will require a lot of energy, almost by definition.

Not using heating and being cold saves a lot of energy, but, contrary to what you think the great majority of people are not willing to be cold. I certainly am not.


>>It's all quite simple,  we need to stop using fossil fuels<<


Not if it ruins our lives we don't.

You may be happy to live in a  little cold house, not run a car and not fly away on your hols, but the vast majority of people are not.


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23 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Hold on.

I say people do not seem to know what they are "voting for" in opinion polls when they say they are in favour of "Nett Zero".

You say they do know.

Germany are one of the first countries to take Nett Zero measures which will seriously affect people's quality if life, and the support for teh Green party drops massively.

Who is right here ?

You, or me ?         Me


>>Narcissism ?<<


When people start throwing around insults (and Leftie authoritarians types are nearly always the first to start doing that) they have lost the argument.

That doesn't alter the type of person you are    -    you are still the same whether I say it or not

>>Mankind lived for thousand of years without a gas boiler and didn't even know that one day,  gas boilers would appear.  All of a sudden you think that it's impossible to live without one.<<


Of all the stuff you have written this just about takes the biscuit.

You are saying because man lived for thousands of years without something it proves we do not need it.

I'm sure most people would be happy to give up their cars then ?

Their foreign holidays ?

Their phones, their TV, and what about anti biotics ? We lived for thousands of years without any of them, therefore, in your world, we do not need them.

I never said that people would be happy to conform.  Makes little difference to you.  You're never happy now.

>>There will be new methods of heating developed in the future and there are some already.<<


Whatever form of heating is used it will require a lot of energy, almost by definition.

Not using heating and being cold saves a lot of energy, but, contrary to what you think the great majority of people are not willing to be cold. I certainly am not.


>>It's all quite simple,  we need to stop using fossil fuels<<


Not if it ruins our lives we don't.

You may be happy to live in a  little cold house, not run a car and not fly away on your hols, but the vast majority of people are not.


It won't happen all at once,  just a bit at a time  but we're getting closer and  It's going to happen anyway     -     get used to it.

The form of heating we use will use natures non-carbon energy such as heat pump & solar etc.  so no need to worry about that.


I predict that there will be massive taxes on air travel because of the pollution you're causing and they will keep rising until airlines cannot use fossil fuels anyway.

They won't stop us using petrol or diesel cars and still allow you to go flying anywhere you like...

It isn't compulsory to have your holidays abroad   -   it's possible to holiday in this country as I,  and many many more, already do.

Makes no difference whether I'm happy or not.  The government don't consult with me.

Yes,  we did live thousands of years without those things.    -    but don't worry,  we won't survive long enough to worry about  thousands of years into the future.

Enjoy it while it lasts.



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14 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

It won't happen all at once,  just a bit at a time  but we're getting closer and  It's going to happen anyway     -     get used to it.

The form of heating we use will use natures non-carbon energy such as heat pump & solar etc.  so no need to worry about that.

I predict that there will be massive taxes on air travel because of the pollution you're causing and they will keep rising until airlines cannot use fossil fuels anyway.

They won't stop us using petrol or diesel cars and still allow you to go flying anywhere you like...

It isn't compulsory to have your holidays abroad   -   it's possible to holiday in this country as I,  and many many more, already do.

Makes no difference whether I'm happy or not.  The government don't consult with me.

Yes,  we did live thousands of years without those things.    -    but don't worry,  we won't survive long enough to worry about  thousands of years into the future.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

You do not know what you are talking about, though you do reveal you are an authoritarian, not a democrat :


I never said that people would be happy to conform



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26 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

You do not know what you are talking about, though you do reveal you are an authoritarian, not a democrat :


I never said that people would be happy to conform



It's nothing to do with you whether I am an authoritarian or a democrat.  We are all allowed to have our own beliefs.  It would make no difference to your life if I were a Nazi.

My beliefs shouldn't matter to you because,   I am NOT a member of the government,      and   I have NO power to impose any kind of rules on you.

You are trying to blame me,  for what our government,  and the governments of most country's of the world,  have decided to do.

Do you not realise that having a go at me is pointless when it's our Conservative government,  WHO YOU SUPPORT,  who have made these decisions.

I think the fact that the opposition also agree with these measures,  should show you that you are out of step with the entire country's politics so how can that be my fault?

I know you are going to say that millions of people will agree with you so I say    -   fine,  tell the government that then,  instead of telling me.    -    I can't do anything about it.

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The problem in the World is the self appointed elite, that want to  force, by Government Diktat, their hair brained views on everybody else.


And it's why there'll always be wars.




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16 hours ago, Organgrinder said:


I predict that there will be massive taxes on air travel because of the pollution you're causing and they will keep rising until airlines cannot use fossil fuels anyway.

They won't stop us using petrol or diesel cars and still allow you to go flying anywhere you like...

It isn't compulsory to have your holidays abroad   -   it's possible to holiday in this country as I,  and many many more, already do.

Makes no difference whether I'm happy or not.  The government don't consult with me.

Yes,  we did live thousands of years without those things.    -    but don't worry,  we won't survive long enough to worry about  thousands of years into the future.

Enjoy it while it lasts.


I'm sure you are enjoying the benefits the fossil fueled Industrial Revolution has delivered.


Indoor toilet, hot and cold running water on demand, brought to your house along with electricity, gas, and telephone lines. Cellular service, Internet, WiFi.


Along with your furniture, appliances, computer, TV etc. Cheap comfy clothes from China,, and all the World's food and booze at your local Tesco.


A bus stop on the street, and a cheap bus pass, to a doctor or a hospital.


But there are billions of people on the World, and their kids, living a marginal survival existence who want, and will get, one way or 't'other what you have.


So anytime, you want to give up, what YOU don't need, feel free. Start by digging a hole on some spare ground to crap into and cover it up.


(Typical Leftie, Like Algore and Greta, you got yours, so now it's time to shut up the shop to the rest of the World!  :))


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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

The problem in the World is the self appointed elite, that want to  force, by Government Diktat, their hair brained views on everybody else.


And it's why there'll always be wars.




  I see you have been duped again.

  You have just promoted Konstantin Kisin for making the most important speech in 2023-it was on the 12th day of 2023 so perhaps a bit premature. 

  The professional comedian and satirist appeared at the Oxford Union to argue the the proposition if " woke culture has gone too far" for ten minutes. The far-right in America, not understanding what an Oxford Union debate is, edited and added music and fed it to their following on the 'interweb'.

   Having seen him in 2019, I thoroughly recommend seeing him live if you get a chance. Being able to get moderates and extremists to laugh at the same time takes some doing. 



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7 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

  I see you have been duped again.

  You have just promoted Konstantin Kisin for making the most important speech in 2023-it was on the 12th day of 2023 so perhaps a bit premature. 

  The professional comedian and satirist appeared at the Oxford Union to argue the the proposition if " woke culture has gone too far" for ten minutes. The far-right in America, not understanding what an Oxford Union debate is, edited and added music and fed it to their following on the 'interweb'.

   Having seen him in 2019, I thoroughly recommend seeing him live if you get a chance. Being able to get moderates and extremists to laugh at the same time takes some doing. 



This has nothing to do with me, or the "far right in America" as far as I can tell.


Take your complaints there!


As for laughing, I don't find it hard at all.


On contrary that's why I spend a little time here!  :)


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25 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

  I see you have been duped again.

  You have just promoted Konstantin Kisin for making the most important speech in 2023-it was on the 12th day of 2023 so perhaps a bit premature. 

  The professional comedian and satirist appeared at the Oxford Union to argue the the proposition if " woke culture has gone too far" for ten minutes. The far-right in America, not understanding what an Oxford Union debate is, edited and added music and fed it to their following on the 'interweb'.

   Having seen him in 2019, I thoroughly recommend seeing him live if you get a chance. Being able to get moderates and extremists to laugh at the same time takes some doing.

Brilliant :D .

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