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Climate Change thread

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7 hours ago, Magilla said:

According to the UK government, at the current rate of warming, 7.4% of UK GDP will be lost by 2100 as a result of climate change.


This is looking like an increasingly optimistic estimate... impacts on World GDP are even bleaker.


World GDP is approx (just under) $100tn...


...assuming your incorrectly notated figure above is $170tn, at those rates... how long would it take before this investment paid for itself?

Nobody knows for sure.


The cost is is based on today's GDP figures.


Today's GDP is based on the present chain of supply, that has brought "relative" prosperity to the World at large, since the Industrial Revolution.


It has been built up, ad hoc, through trial and error, recession and boom, wars and peace, based mostly on a free trade capitalist model, based on cheap and plentiful fossil fuel energy.


The global warmers say that this system must be replaced by "Fundamental Change", to a Command Economy, an economy in which production, investment, and prices, are largely determined centrally by government.


As we have seen with emissions, and Climate Accords, not everybody is willing to comply, so it's basically an untested hypothesis.


With the haste and exhortations to Act Now, Before it is Too Late, many people are suspicious at home, and Internationally.


The current leaders of countries, like Russia, China, and India do not have the same faith in the leaders the Green Movement, Democrats, Al Gore, John Kerry, Greta and AOC, that we do here in the West.


They. sovereign counties have their own ideas on the economic models that best serve their own interests.


In my opinion, I think we will continue to move on gradually. like in the past, with incremental changes, that are proven to be effective and economical on an industry by industry basis.

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Nobody knows for sure


[snipped waffle]

That's a lot of waffle for someone who's, clearly, only done half the job.


Nobody knows the cost to mitigate either... but here you are making claims and plucking figures out of thin air, with (clearly) no concept of the alternative. :?


Edited by Magilla
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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Nobody knows for sure.


It would seem that our resident advisor,  Walter Mitty Rastrick.    from the DR does.

Unfortunately,  he's busy sorting the Ukraine problem but will deal with Global warming as soon as he has time.

In the meantime, we just have to be patient until our saviour  can deal with the problem although he'll probably just say "ignore it and it will go  away".


Edited by Organgrinder
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Well, nobody can say I didn't try! :)


But I predicted the response, and I got that 100% right!  :)


I won't bother pointing out examples of our Orgy's (bless him) convoluted and contradictory views on "opinions" posted here.


Human nature!  :)

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43 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Well, nobody can say I didn't try! :)

Of-course we can... you didn't even begin to try! :hihi:


43 minutes ago, trastrick said:

But I predicted the response, and I got that 100% right!  :)

It's not difficult to predict that people will spot the glaring and obvious holes in your posts...


...or that they're going to fall at the first hurdle. :thumbsup:


Edited by Magilla
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Bloomin hummer,

The Gulf Stream system of warm ocean currents could collapse as early as 2025 say scientist's.

This could lead to lower temperature's and catastrophic climate impact...

Looks like Global warming is on the back burner.

Your thoughts.


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3 minutes ago, Padders said:

Bloomin hummer,

The Gulf Stream system of warm ocean currents could collapse as early as 2025 say scientist's.

This could lead to lower temperature's and catastrophic climate impact...

Looks like Global warming is on the back burner.

Your thoughts.


Climate disaster/emergency = Biggest scam since Convid. 

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