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Climate Change thread

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15 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

He's writing like that because I said I wouldn't answer his post unless he removed references to Covid  because the thread was about Climate Change

Rather than delete that bit,  he scored a line through it so that it was still there.    -    he's determined to have a Covid reference in each of his posts.

He could have his Covid objection in his signature permanently.

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

He's writing like that because I said I wouldn't answer his post unless he removed references to Covid  because the thread was about Climate Change

Rather than delete that bit,  he scored a line through it so that it was still there.    -    he's determined to have a Covid reference in each of his posts.

That [censored] thing is genuinely amusing though.


Hey, @Chekhov, why don't you use the spoiler function?


Typing text between the spoiler tags like this:


[spoiler]Covid is the biggest scam of all time!!![/spoiler]


Will give you this:


Covid is the biggest scam of all time!!!

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10 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

He [Blair] should be in front of a war crimes court anyway.

I agreed with what we did in Iraq. I don't really care about the WMD, we have to remember that Saddam was actually encouraging everyone to believe he had WMD in order to intimidate his neighbours and his own population. No, I care about the human rights and democracy of the people of Iraq. My attitude to Iraq actually reflects that of the recently deceased Ann Clwyd, a Labour left winger BTW.

I remember Farzad Bazoft executed by Saddam in 1990, I think a few people should read up on his story.....



Many people will not say this, though they are certainly implying it, "those excitable Arabs don't deserve democracy".....

Edited by Chekhov
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4 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I agreed with what we did in Iraq. I don't really care about the WMD (Saddam was encouraging everyone to believe he had them in order to intimidate his neighbours and his own population) I care about the human rights and democracy of the people of Iraq. My attitude to Iraq actually reflects that of the recently deceased Ann Clwyd, a Labour left winger BTW.

I remember Farzad Bazoft, I think a few people should read up on his story.....



Many people will not say this, though they are certainly implying it, "those excitable Arabs don't deserve democracy".....

You are perfectly entitled to your view of Blair's attack on Iraq although as always, you are wanting to play fast and loose with the rules.  We do know that you don't really believe in rules.

Under the modern rules of warfare,  if  a nation attacks the civilian population of another nation, that is considered a war crime. That is exactly what Blair did when we joined in bombing Baghdad

Despite this,  you claim to care about the civilian population of Iraq.   Interesting that different statements you make always conflict with others you have made. That's because you treat rules as bendable when it suits. 


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2 hours ago, Hecate said:

Why are you writing like this? 


Has the mod told you to lay off the OT covid rubbish on unrelated threads?

1 - It is not rubbish, most of what I say is provably correct.


2 - When I bring it up it IS relevant, bit like mentioning WWII in threads, it was a massive event with long term ramifications and lessons.


3 - No, SF does not tend to be subject to draconian censorship anymore. It's more taking the mick out of people like Organgrinder, and reminding people how some individuals (almost all suppressionists) want us all to forget about what happened during Covid.....

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2 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

1 - It is not rubbish, most of what I say is provably correct.


2 - When I bring it up it IS relevant, bit like mentioning WWII in threads, it was a massive event with long term ramifications and lessons.


3 - No, SF does not tend to be subject to draconian censorship anymore. It's more taking the mick out of people like Organgrinder, and reminding people how some individuals (almost all suppressionists) want us all to forget about what happened during Covid.....

What has Covid to do with Climate change ?????????????

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14 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You are perfectly entitled to your view of Blair's attack on Iraq although as always, you are wanting to play fast and loose with the rules.  We do know that you don't really believe in rules.

Under the modern rules of warfare,  if  a nation attacks the civilian population of another nation, that is considered a war crime. That is exactly what Blair did when we joined in bombing Baghdad

Despite this,  you claim to care about the civilian population of Iraq.   Interesting that different statements you make always conflict with others you have made. That's because you treat rules as bendable when it suits. 


Any civilian deaths, in fact any deaths (apart from psychos like Saddam and Ali Hassan al-Majid) are regrettable, but you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.


>>you don't really believe in rules.<<


I don't believe in following all rules blindly, no I do not.

You, apparently, do.

What would you have been doing in Germany in the late 1930s ? Or indeed in Iraq whilst Saddam was in power ?


10 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

What has Covid to do with Climate change ?????????????

One example was replying to someone implying "experts" with their "computer models" can be relied on for accuracy.

But in actual fact I think there are strong parallels between the Covid suppression strategy and the Nett Zero mantra.

Edited by Chekhov
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46 minutes ago, Hecate said:

That [censored] thing is genuinely amusing though.


Hey, @Chekhov, why don't you use the spoiler function?


Typing text between the spoiler tags like this:



[spoiler]Covid is the biggest scam of all time!!![/spoiler]



Will give you this:



  Reveal spoiler

Covid is the biggest scam of all time!!!


I don't think Covid was the biggest scam of all time. It was, however, the biggest over reaction of all time. (censored)

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4 hours ago, cressida said:

He could have his Covid objection in his signature permanently.

I do, sort of :


For all Health & Safety edicts we should ask : exactly how much safer will this make us ? 

And what are we sacrificing to achieve that ?

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