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Climate Change thread

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3 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:


 You make the claim "Just a couple of photos of spiral galaxies, and photos from the James Web(sic) telescope were enough to bin the "Big Bang" consensus, and humble the scientists into the realization that now they don't even know what 95% of the universe consists of."


Prof Brian Cox claims that the effefts of the Big Bang can be seen today, that is 'proof'.



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Last summer their were a couple of wildfires and the eco nutjobs said that's because of a climate change emergency


This summer has been a wash out with hardly any sun.... apparently


They've all gone quiet


Just shows that they pick and choose the science and events to suit their narrative 

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I know some people who were abroad in some of the hot spots.

While we were being told it was akin to Armageddon and the end of the world, they said it was hot but 'glorious' and the locals were saying it was like that most summers'unless they were having a bad /wet one which left visitors disappointed. 





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2 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I know some people who were abroad in some of the hot spots.

While we were being told it was akin to Armageddon and the end of the world, they said it was hot but 'glorious' and the locals were saying it was like that most summers'unless they were having a bad /wet one which left visitors disappointed. 





I read somewhere that Greece have said that 98% of their wild fires were man made, mainly by arsonists.

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

I'm not ignoring the interests of industry, banking and capitalism at all, it's part of the argument. My argument is that they have been left largely untouched in the scheme of things by government interference, even though they are far and away the biggest polluters.


Instead the government via the councils continue to persecute the little man in the street and the car drivers, who make an easy target because they  don't have the power to fight back. Even the power of the ballot box has been taken away from them.  


If climate change is man made, imminent and as serious as is claimed, then surely we all have to contribute to  solving it. The fact that  Industry et al is being let off with nothing more than weak 'voluntary agreements' etc is a cop out, and leads me and the persecuted man in the street to believe we  are being conned into being the sacrificial lambs and cash cows.

  Sadly you are falling for the populist right wing propaganda paid for by the combined interests of industry, banking and capitalism and now jumped on by the Tories as the only way they are going to save their seats. A favour they will  have to pay back.

   As you say we will all have to contribute in order to respond to the changing climate, mostly in the form of changing habits and the way we do things- this will impact industry, banking and capitalism, desperately spending £billions on advertising their Green credentials, on funding the Tory party and increasing their charges. 

   Choose your poison - will you continue to support the right and become poorer through their opportunistic or profiteering with no change in their polluting habits or go left and become poorer but at least some potential for change. You could of course vote Green to make no difference at all.

  • Haha 1
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2 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Last summer their were a couple of wildfires and the eco nutjobs said that's because of a climate change emergency


This summer has been a wash out with hardly any sun.... apparently


They've all gone quiet


Just shows that they pick and choose the science and events to suit their narrative 

So you haven't watched TV News then throughout the entirety of the summer and seen the record fires and floods,  all over the planet.

Next time you go jet setting, take a trip to Maui. 

None so blind as those who will not see.

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4 hours ago, Anna B said:

I know some people who were abroad in some of the hot spots.

While we were being told it was akin to Armageddon and the end of the world, they said it was hot but 'glorious' and the locals were saying it was like that most summers'unless they were having a bad /wet one which left visitors disappointed.

I understand people have died, can you Google and tell me how many?

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17 minutes ago, El Cid said:

I understand people have died, can you Google and tell me how many?

No I can't, you'll have to look it up for yourself. Yes, sadly people have died and I'm sorry about that. But people die in cold weather too, everything from slipping on ice, to hypothermia. And with the price of fuel I imagine this winter is going to have quite a few of those cases, not to mention flu and illnesses brought on by the low temperatures.

Mother nature can be a killer, and always has been. 

Edited by Anna B
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