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Climate Change thread

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2 hours ago, harvey19 said:

I recall the smog when going to school with a scarf wrapped around your mouth and black specs sometimes found on washing hung out on the line. I think one of the reasons for lack of resistance was that it was easier to turn on a gas or electric fire than taking out the ashes and lighting a fire on a freezing cold morning.

Yes I remember it well. Ice on the inside of windows too. The air was pretty disgusting and we knew it. 

I think the reason for the lack of resistance was that the need for cleaner air was obvious to all. And the air quality was much improved as a result.


Also few people had cars back then (and the air was still filthy without them,) and public transport was cheap and plentiful. The most people had to give up was a coal fire which was seen as old fashioned and dirty. Much better to have one of those nice gas or electric fires that came on with the flick of a switch, rather than the lengthy rigmarole of getting a coal fire started.

And soon after that cenrtral heating came in which gave us warm cosy homes all over. These things were seen as a major step forwards; big improvements in modern living.


 Not the inconvenient step backwards we see today. 

Edited by Anna B
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15 hours ago, Anna B said:

I know some people who were abroad in some of the hot spots.

While we were being told it was akin to Armageddon and the end of the world, they said it was hot but 'glorious' and the locals were saying it was like that most summers'unless they were having a bad /wet one which left visitors disappointed. 





I'm usually down in the Caribbean "Hurricane Season" this time of year. Thing is down there the locals don't have a hurricane season complete with predictions, tracking and TV talking head pearl clutchers, thanks to no widespread telly watching, or newspapers.


When I enquire about the weather, it's just "windy and wet", as it always has been in their rainy season. which they rely on for their crops.


Of course, bad weather is always a threat, and sensible folks take the usual steps to deal with it. They are well tuned in to their local weather so there's no mass hysteria among the population. Like the palm trees that thrive on the beach, they just bend a little, until it passes.


I can assure you that they, and I, are not making any plans to become "massive climate change refugees" into the U.S. or Europe, anytime soon!  :)


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13 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

So you haven't watched TV News then throughout the entirety of the summer and seen the record fires and floods,  all over the planet.

Next time you go jet setting, take a trip to Maui. 

None so blind as those who will not see.

None so blind as those who's view of the world they live in comes from the telly!  :)


Also good travel advice to avoid California, built on the San Andreas Fault, Italy areas under the shadow of volcanoes,  beaches (tsunamis), buildings on Tornado Alley, flood plain lands, barrier Islands, and sand spits, the edge of cliffs, and in the middle of forest and scrub that burns off every year.


And maybe London, at looting, rioting on summer nights  :)


It's a jungle out there!  :)


11 hours ago, Anna B said:

No I can't, you'll have to look it up for yourself. Yes, sadly people have died and I'm sorry about that. But people die in cold weather too, everything from slipping on ice, to hypothermia. And with the price of fuel I imagine this winter is going to have quite a few of those cases, not to mention flu and illnesses brought on by the low temperatures.

Mother nature can be a killer, and always has been. 

Mother nature is the greatest killer.


Killed off 99.9% of all species that ever existed!


No matter how much you hug a tree!  :)


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2 minutes ago, trastrick said:

None so blind as those who's view of the world they live in comes from the telly!  :)


Also good travel advice to avoid California, built on the San Andreas Fault, Italy areas under the shadow of volcanoes,  beaches (tsunamis), buildings on Tornado Alley, flood plain lands, barrier Islands, and sand spits, the edge of cliffs, and in the middle of forest and scrub that burns off every year.


And maybe London, at looting, rioting on summer nights  :)


It's a jungle out there!  :)


Just stay in Sheffield 


You'll be safe from natural disasters


I had coffee just a few miles from an active volcano this morning


It was beautiful 

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17 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Some folks claim they have seen God, and they are so smug and dismissive of all other views,

Likewise this popular talking head claims to SEE the big bang, rather than some TV static that is interpreted as the remnant of a big bang!  That Jehovah's Witnesses smarmy smirk is a dead giveaway to me.

Real scientists are a trifle more humble!

But far less in demand by, what in the UK, they call "presenters".

The big bang is a theory, like god.

Nobody has seen either! And in my opinion, never will.

Believe what you will!

   Your error strewn posts involving science continue.

   Is 'Big Bang' back on as a Theory after you dismissed it with the claim that "Just a couple of photos of spiral galaxies, and photos from the James Web(sic) telescope were enough to bin the "Big Bang" consensus, and humble the scientists into the realization that now they don't even know what 95% of the universe consists of."?   Remember you failed to notice that this originated over a year ago with one person -Eric Lerner a Big Bang denier, misquoting Dr Allison Kirkpatrick on  the origin of galaxies which then did the rounds of the right wing media, which you regurgitated on here. 

    You now totally fail to understand what Professor Cox means when he says the effects of the Big Bang can be seen today. Part of the electromagnetic spectrum contains types of radiation that can be converted into sound energy by humble radios. Earthbound sources normally swamp incoming 'space' radiation but still some frequencies can be detected and their sources identified, within this(1%) there are frequencies with the same Doppler shifts) that have no one source, they come from all over and in all directions and all parts of the -Universe. The Theory explains this as a point at which all electromagnetic activity started and since that event the Universe has expanded(unbelievably fast to start with) and this has consequences for the structure of the present day Universe which have been predicted and observed. 


    The 'Big Bang' Theory is the simplest and best explanation of what we observe with our senses and machines that enhance our senses but it does struggle with sub atomic particles and their behaviour-work ongoing. Your idea that 'god' is a theory does not go down well with those who have religion, 'beliefs' and 'faiths' and does not meet the criteria of testing, modelling and prediction that scientific theories require.



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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:


   Your error strewn posts involving science continue.

   Is 'Big Bang' back on as a Theory after you dismissed it with the claim that "Just a couple of photos of spiral galaxies, and photos from the James Web(sic) telescope were enough to bin the "Big Bang" consensus, and humble the scientists into the realization that now they don't even know what 95% of the universe consists of."?   Remember you failed to notice that this originated over a year ago with one person -Eric Lerner a Big Bang denier, misquoting Dr Allison Kirkpatrick on  the origin of galaxies which then did the rounds of the right wing media, which you regurgitated on here. 

    You now totally fail to understand what Professor Cox means when he says the effects of the Big Bang can be seen today. Part of the electromagnetic spectrum contains types of radiation that can be converted into sound energy by humble radios. Earthbound sources normally swamp incoming 'space' radiation but still some frequencies can be detected and their sources identified, within this(1%) there are frequencies with the same Doppler shifts) that have no one source, they come from all over and in all directions and all parts of the -Universe. The Theory explains this as a point at which all electromagnetic activity started and since that event the Universe has expanded(unbelievably fast to start with) and this has consequences for the structure of the present day Universe which have been predicted and observed. 


    The 'Big Bang' Theory is the simplest and best explanation of what we observe with our senses and machines that enhance our senses but it does struggle with sub atomic particles and their behaviour-work ongoing. Your idea that 'god' is a theory does not go down well with those who have religion, 'beliefs' and 'faiths' and does not meet the criteria of testing, modelling and prediction that scientific theories require.



My opinions are my opinions, Annie.


You are welcome to yours! Believe in your "experts" believe in your "god"..


You are solidly in the majority, so my few scribblings in SF are no threat to you, or anybody else.


Which begs the question, why are you so anxious to get me in line lockstep,. with your (current) conventional wisdom narrative?


We still have freedom of expression here, even if it rankles the lemmings and sheep and would be censors, that unfortunately represent most of society, these days!



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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

My opinions are my opinions, Annie.

You are welcome to yours! Believe in your "experts" believe in your "god"..

You are solidly in the majority, so my few scribblings in SF are no threat to you, or anybody else.

Which begs the question, why are you so anxious to get me in line lockstep,. with your (current) conventional wisdom narrative?

We still have freedom of expression here, even if it rankles the lemmings and sheep and would be censors, that unfortunately represent most of society, these days!


   It is not about opinion, it is not about politics, it is your attempts to swamp threads with your Trump versus Biden/Biden,Obama/Clinton/Clinton/Pelosi/Democrats/Fauci etc. Anything and anybody  that upsets Trump also becomes a target and necessitates copious amount of tedious copy. Perhaps you imagine that as we are further away than you from America that we need feeding with their conservative and far-right sources. Here in the UK we are far more sceptical than you think and pushing this American junk down our necks is counter productive. You are no Alistair Cooke-who did have first hand knowledge. Unfortunately you also assume that your sources are accurate and in particular when it comes to science it really is unfortunate that so much of it is selective, biased and just plain wrong and just has to be challenged.

Edited by Annie Bynnol
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